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Requested by @Honique2427, hope you enjoy :) I kinda feel bad since Mineta is often portrayed as a perverted character and he's hated on by almost everyone but I believe that he can change

Deku: This little bby boi was literally FUMING with rage and anger as he saw Mineta talking to you. He viewed Mineta as a piece of trash and Deku SO badly wanted you to just slap him away or kick him to the moon but you were too kind and sweet for that. You were innocent and naive and you didn't get that Mineta was trying to ask you out. You might have been oblivious but Izuku was not. Deku just sat there, staring at the 2 of you as he thought of multiple ways to send Mineta to the hospital for trying to ruin and corrupt your innocence

''So, Y/N, are you free tonight? Cuz if you are maybe we can have some fun in my dorm later on~'' he said and that little grape pervert was JUST about to squeeze your shoulders but Deku intervened. "Sorry Mineta Kun, Y/N chan has plans with me" he said abruptly and glared at him with such anger, he backed away at once. You asked why Midoriya interrupted your conversation and when he told you to stay away from him since he'd do bad things to you, you just smiled and said, "Okie dokie" and went away. Deku just LOVES that about you, so cute and adorable and innocent. He NEEDS to protect that at ALL costs and so, when it was time for training, he specifically asked Aizawa if he could train with Mineta. And when he did, oh boy.... let's just say Mineta had a nice trip to the hospital with MORE number of broken bones than Deku's 

Bakugou: "Mineta stop it, just leave me alone!'' you grumbled as he tried to chase after you. "Aww.. come on darling, don't be like that, you KNOW you want to be with me~'' and he wiggled his eyebrows at you in a way that made you want to barf. "Eww.. I think I'm gonna be sick" you muttered and while you were talking, both of you didn't notice an angry ash blonde staring at you both. When Mineta tried looking up at your skirt, you quickly used your quirk on him and sent him flying out of the school before Bakugou could even DO anything to that little grape. "You're not that much of a weak extra as I thought you were'' smirked Bakugou as you huffed and told him to leave you alone 

After Mineta returned to the classroom, Bakugou pulled him out and hissed, "Listen here you perverted little piece of shit. Touch Y/N or even LOOK at her again with that perverted gaze of yours, I will not hesitate to TEAR you apart from limb to limb and BURN them and BLOW your body to the moon, understood?'' Well apparently Bakugou's talk with Mineta worked because he started avoiding you like the plague

Todoroki: Mineta was hitting on you as usual and you were minding your own business and ignoring him. Unknown to BOTH of you, Shoto fixed his icy cold hard stare at you both wondering what the HELL Mineta was doing with you. Shoto thought you were a beautiful angel from the heavens, and he needed to protect you from garbage like Mineta. Till now Todoroki was calm on the outside but was fuming like an active volcano on the inside but when Mineta tried to kiss you and lucky for you, you dodged him and whacked him on his head with your textbook, that's when Todoroki went FULL on NUCLEAR mode and that means, he activated his fire side INSIDE the classroom as your other classmates including you, looked at him with surprise. Todoroki calmed down a bit when he saw your innocent and soft gaze on him and he walked towards you and said, "L/N san, do you mind if I have a word with Mineta? It's regarding something he borrowed from me a few days back'' an without waiting for an answer, he dragged him out of the classroom

"Touch my love Y/N ever again or even be 10 meters from her, I will break more number of bones in your body than Midoriya does when he uses his quirk, do you understand? And consider this a warning'' saying so, he burned half of Mineta's clothes and dragged him to the supply closet and froze him there. Legends say that he's STILL there

Sero: "Hey Y/N, I had a doubt in yesterday's homework and I was wondering if you could help me with it'' asked Mineta and since you were a generally nice, kind and caring person, you agreed to help him. While you were trying to explain a problem to him, he slowly started to sneak his hands to your thighs and while he was doing so, you stopped your explanation and asked, "Mineta kun, what the HELL do you think you're doing?'' and he just said, "Relax baby, I'll make you feel good'' and just as he was about to proceed, his hands were taped together. You looked back and saw Sero to your rescue and you flashed a quick smile at his direction to which he returned. "So, I'll be taking away this peasant from you, mi amor~'' he grinned and grabbed Mineta and jogged away 

After he out of your sight, he went to a huge trash can and taped him shut to the lid and he growled menacingly, "That's what you get for doing that to Mi amor. Since you behave like garbage, you can be IN the garbage'' and he shut the lid. It took 3 DAYS to find him and when he was found, he started apologizing profusely to you and avoided you like the Corona

Denki: Mineta was flirting with you but you didn't give a damn. "Y/N, why won't you go out with me, I'll make you feel good'' he whined and you sighed and said, "NO, NO and NO! I'd rather get kidnapped by the LOV and be forced to work for ALL FOR ONE than ever go out with a moron like you! Now, LEAVE me the HELL alone!'' "Aww.. baby don't be shy and I like 'em fiesty'' and he winked at you and that made you feel sick. Just as he was about to say something else, Denki, who was observing these happenings from a distance muttered, "I can't take anymore of this shit'' and said, "Hey Y/N, do you mind if I have a talk with Mineta here? You know... guy talk?" and without waiting to hear your response, he dragged him away from your view

Let's just say Mineta became a burnt and electrocuted grape now and what's even MORE shocking was Denki wasn't on dumb mode now

Kirishima: "Hey Y/N, wanna come over to my dorm tonight? I'll make sure you have a good time and we'll have LOTS of fun'' and he winked at you. You didn't really catch on to what he was trying to imply since you were an innocent cinnamon roll and you just thought that Mineta wanted to have a sleepover with you. "Uhm... okay?'' you shrugged and Mineta was literally OUT of his mind with excitement since you said YES and accepted his offer! But someone else was LIVID and BOILING with rage. It was the manly rock boi Kirishima who was seething. How DARE that piece of trash try to corrupt you? He realized he HAD to do something before that piece of shit manipulated your innocence and he dragged Mineta away from you and when he did, Mineta was like, "Hey, what gives?''

Kirishima usually doesn't snap but today, he just went full nuclear mode. He pushed Mineta to a wall in a secluded spot and growled, "Look at Y/N like that EVER again, I will KILL you, you piece of trash'' and he used his quirk on him and turned Mineta into a squished grape (Is it bad I laughed wile imagining this?). "That's only 1/4th of what I'm going to do you if you EVER even LOOK at her again''. It took Mineta 3 days to recover and from then on, he didn't talk to you, not even if his life depended on it

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