A Yandere Denki oneshot~

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Requested by @Kamiko_1234

You were a huge fan of My hero academia (Like me, lol) and after you returned home from school, you flopped down on your bed and opened your laptop to go on a BNHA binge watching marathon 

You sighed and took a glance at your posters of Denki since he was your favorite character and you wished that he was real and you could be teleported in the world of BNHA as well 

Thinking wistfully, you began watching your show and soon, it was time for you to sleep and you closed your eyes and went to sleep but what you didn't know was that there was a shooting star that night and that would make your wish come true, just not in the way you expected 

Pretty soon, you felt a gentle breeze and there was a dim light flashing from somewhere and within seconds, you were teleported somewhere in your sleep 

In the meantime, Denki, who btw is the UA Traitor in MY au, was planning on the next villain attack and at the same time, thinking about his soulmate. He really believed that people's soulmates could hear them sing and feel some special connection between them and he was really hoping that he'd get to see his soulmate one day. He knew your name, he just didn't know HOW you looked but, he promised himself that he'd do whatever it takes to find you and make you his and he'd never let you go (Well duracell Denki, you're in luck)

He went to his dorm, only to find YOU sleeping on HIS bed and he was shocked as hell. I mean, it wasn't everyday some sleeping beauty like you fell asleep on HIS bed. True, he didn't know you but he literally fell for you then and there and he had to admit, you were really cute 

He climbed on the bed and cuddled up to you and you snuggled into him, making him blush. You thought that you were cuddling into one of your body pillows of Denki but what you didn't know was you were cuddling against the REAL Denki. He put his arm around you and gently kissed your forehead and patted your head softly and he fell asleep soon 

The next morning you woke up and after you finished stretching like a puma which, btw was your daily routine (Lol I do that every single day when I wake up), you saw Denki sleeping next to you and your face was so red, you became a blushing and stuttering mess and you began wondering how you were THIS fortunate to sleep next to your anime husbando Denki 

While you were busy freaking the freak out and internally screaming and panicking, Denki had sensed you were awake and he woke up and he stared into your eyes and he thought, "god damn...her eyes are really beautiful'' and he spoke, "Well, good morning sunshine nugget, hope you had a good sleep'' and he winked at you, only to make you heart flutter to outer space 

"I-I-I, Y-yeah, I did, t-thanks'' you muttered red faced while he just chuckled and said, "Why aren't YOU a cutie, what's your name?" and you replied, 'Oh, I'm Y/N L/N'' and to which he just stared at you and said, "YES, I FINALLY FOUND MY SOULMATE!!!" and he hugged you which made you confused even MORE

"Uhm-I, I don't get what's going on'' you said and laughed nervously. Denki just pulled you closer to him and said, "oh my beautiful buzzy sunshine nugget, I've been waiting for you for quite a while. Now that I've got you, I'm NEVER letting you go'' and he nuzzled his face into your chest while you were still confused as to how the heck you were teleported to Denki's dorm room but you were happy since you finally met your favorite character. "We have SO much do together and maybe plan a little surprise for our 1a friends. I can't WAIT to mark you as mine once and for all'' he gave a sadistic smirk and he gave you a little hickey on your neck and you gasped feeling the pleasure he was giving you 

You thought you died and went to heaven but nope, that was Denki in the flesh and HE was the one giving you a hickey. You had no idea you just walked into the jaws of the lion's mouth since your favorite character would make your life REALLY...... interesting for you and no to mention there would be ALOT of changes as well.......

I'm SO SORRY if this was garbage since I had no idea WHAT to write for that sort of scenario TvT

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