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Requested by @A727388f7 and I hope you enjoy :)

Wow, I REALLY envy you, you've got 2 ADORABLE cinnamon rolls on your back :) How wonderful for you 

You end up in the same class as them obviously and they most likely fell in love with you because of your innocent behavior and your kindness and your helping nature and your desire to make everyone smile. Soon you were treated like the class baby and class angel 

Kirishima and Denki wanted to protect your cute innocent little smile though and BOY did these 2 get HELLA PISSED when you were smiling and laughing with Bakugou. They got jealous REALLY quick and it would literally BURN them when they see you talk to someone else. What if someone takes advantage of your helping nature? You could be in danger and what if someone hurts you when they aren't around? 

Do these 2 stalk you? HELL yeah. They'll go as far as to even watching you CHANGE and breaking into your room to collect some items from you like your favorite pens and some of your books that you won't realize they're missing and stuff like that 

These bois take staking to a WHOLE NOTHER level 

They might kidnap you when someone either asks you out or when they think or feel that you're in danger of some sort. If you were injured in a battle against a villain, well... chef kiss your hero career goodbye, or ANY OTHER career you wanted for that matter since why work when you live with le manly rock boi or daddy shark and pika pika pikachu? They're MORE than willing to give you WHATEVER you want 

Both of them are literal mad hatters and are completely possessive and delusional and clingy ASF

When you deny them love and affection, they'll be moping around here and there with the expressions of a kicked puppy. They LOVE it when you're cuddling against them and how small and tiny your body is compared to theirs. This just proves that they were meant to be your protectors and they'll smother you with LOTS of love 

Will be breathing down your neck 24/7/365

Nicknames include: Pebble, Darling, Babe, Baby, Cutie, Beautiful buzzy sunshine nugget, love, princess, etc etc. Just think of all the cringe worthy names in history and there ya go 

When they kidnap you, they'll understand you're scared and lonely and so they'll hug you and hold you. When you're having one of your fits and temper tantrums, they're just going to hold you in their strong manly grip till you've calmed down or will drug you and make you pass out as much as they don't want to 

If you try escaping, Denki's going to be a mix between angry and devastated whereas Kirishima is going to be heartbroken and devastated. Were they not good enough for you? Why run away when they've been taking such good care of you and treating you like a precious flower? You were just confused, yeah, that's ALL. You were probably lost and they had to find you quick

If you're going to tell someone, no one's gonna believe you since who'd believe that Denki, the classic flirt and perv teamed up with manly man Kirishima who also is a chivalrous doofus to the world and is an admirer of Crimson Riot, and kidnapped you? People will claim you were just confused and you're memory must have been affected by some villains. Poor thing

Once you're returned safely to Denki and Kirishima, expect a LOT of yelling and tears. They're going to think they haven't been showing you enough love and will cuddle you for HOURS together. They can't isolate you, it'll BREAK their fragile little hearts!

They might force themselves upon you when you get out of hand and they desperately hope they can start a family with you without having to deal with all of your little spats, but, lovers ALWAYS have spats in a relationship, that's common. It's like a temporary storm that'll eventually subside, that's what they keep telling themselves

Overall, life isn't THAT bad while you get to live with these 2 adorable and delusional crackheads. Beware, as much as they do NOT lay their hands on you when it comes to punishments, if you drive them over the edge, you better grab your running shoes and start running away from them

When it comes to rivals, they're just going to make sure to torture them quickly and kill them since they have their precious little pebble/ beautiful buzzy sunshine nugget DESPERATELY awaiting for their knights in shining armor to relieve them from boredom

"Pebble, we TOLD you we're gonna keep you safe, the world is a really dangerous place, don't be like that~"

"My beautiful buzzy sunshine nugget, aww... come on, don't pout, me and Kiribro love you SO SO MUCH~"

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