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1. He is possessive and delusional ASF with a CAPITAL D

2. His crazy obsession starts when he firsts meets you. He wouldn't give a DAMN if you were a hero, or a villain or a civilian. After he lays his eyes on you, he starts to stalk you since he's convincing himself that he's ''keeping you safe'' and he's doing this just to protect you

3. He thinks you're a goddess/god and loves absolutely EVERYTHING about you. Don't be surprised if this whackadoodle has a FREAKING SHRINE dedicated for you (Wow, I don't know if it's just me, but I have a really WEIRD obsession for yanderes lately)

4. He slowly starts bumping into you accidentally, after stalking you for days and finding out where all you like to go. ''Oh hey, you like going to this cafe too? Same here! Maybe we can go grab a drink or something~''

5. He'd ask you questions that he already knows the answers to, but would still pretend to be shell shocked like a fish out of water when you tell him whatever he wants to know

6. Pretty soon, you both become good friends and you start to enjoy hanging out with him, but this was just phase 1 of his nutty plan. But soon, you started to feel like someone was watching you every now and then and you would get this uneasy feeling about it, but you would brush it off saying it was nothing and convinced yourself that everything was fine

7. Since you always hang out with him, you also see his skinny might figure as well, but you don't judge him about it. Sure, you were surprised but you were also laid back and chill and that was what All might liked even MORE about you and made him love you more

8. His obsession and concern for you will grow within a couple of months. What if you're not safe while he's doing his hero work? What if someone tries to kidnap you and hurt you? So, he'd do the logical thing EVERY hero would do. He'd become YOUR hero and swoop down and ''save'' you from whatever danger your in. How? By, kidnapping you and taking you to a penthouse or a large mansion or something. Don't worry, he won't chain you

9. If you try escaping from him, he won't do anything THAT drastic since he can't BEAR hurting his darling angel, so he'll emotionally manipulate you and feed you lies so that you can now rely only on HIM and no one else

10. He won't use your fears against you but if you drive him over the edge, he WILL do it as punishment. You can never escape him and expect him to be covered in blood after a long day's of hardwork of murdering his potential enemies and rivals who will take you away from him. No one will EVER suspect that All Might is going on killing sprees, because the idea and the thought of the Symbol of Peace killing people because of one person? PUH-LEEZE. And he'll make sure that EVERYTHING is hidden from the press and the media 

11. You rarely ever get you ''me time'' since he's ALWAYS doting on you, cuddling you, spoiling the HELL out of you and basically clinging onto you 24/7 out of all the 365 days

''My angel, I will keep you safe no matter what~''

MY HERO ACADEMIA ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now