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She'd be the most laid back and most chill yandere you'll ever meet and that, my friends, is actually a BLESSING

Jirou might fall in love with you because of your outstanding personality. Either it might be similar to hers or it might be sweet and innocent and angelic that she finds too cute 

She's a self aware yandere. Soon after she meets and you and gets to know you more, she'll develop some crazy feelings of obsession and possessiveness towards you and she knows that her feelings are spiraling out of control and she's going delusional but she can't help admire how you laugh, talk, smile etc.

She'll write songs for you and she might be shy singing them for you and she'll get even more flustered if you praise her singing. Like, she'll go all red like someone squeezed a bunch of tomatoes in her face 

She will CERTAINLY defend you from perverts like Denki and Mineta. She thinks that they're just annoying pests coming in the way of the love of her life and when her little songbird (aka you) is in danger, what sort of hero is she going to be if she can't protect you from people like them? 

She's gonna stab 'em in all sorts of places with her ear phone jacks till they beg for mercy and promise to not ever glance at your direction EVER AGAIN. They might start avoiding you like the plague 

Soon, its going to be your friends too. She's a manipulative person and she wants to be the ONLY person you'll depend on when it comes to support, be it emotionally or physically. She'll try isolating you from your friends and they'll start avoiding you unless they want to face the wrath of her stabbing them where the sun doesn't shine 

Will occasionally give you little gifts like bracelets and necklaces and chokers and earphones. She thinks you look very cute when you wear stuff that she gives you, however she's not going to force you to change your personality. She just wants you to be yourself and honestly, that's what made her fall in love with you in the FIRST place

If you get any scars from training, she's gonna give you worried glances in the girls's locker room and her worst fears are coming true. Someone HURT YOU! They'll have HELL to pay. Even if you don't bother telling her, she'll find out anyway and go on a killing spree that'll make Toga PROUD 

She knows how RECKELSS you are when it comes to saving people. True she knows all about your personality, that you're capable and strong of defending yourself, but there's going to be one day where going to be very seriously and gravely injured and she won't be able to do anything about it. As much as she admires that part of you, she also wants you to quit aiming to be a pro hero so she can just take care of you and prevent you from getting hurt 

When she kidnaps you, she's gonna restrain you by tying you with ropes to a soft bed (Don't worry, the ropes won't be TOO uncomfortable or tight) She understand how you feel and she knows that you're gonna be scared and angry since she kidnapped you and all but you'll calm down eventually and learn to adjust to your new home or she'll MAKE you 

When it comes to punishments, as much as she wants to punish you, she just CAN'T. Even though she'll be stoic and hard at love and all , she just can't bring herself to hurt YOU, the darling, the light and love of her life. She lets you get away with ANYTHING, and yes, I MEAN ANYTHING, except for your freedom 

She might not be the most patient yandere on the block and if your drive her over the edge and finally make her snap, oh boy... you better start praying since no one else is gonna do it for you 

When it comes to aftercare after punishments, she'll treat you like a god/goddess that needs to be worshipped. She'll make you comfy, play some soft music, or make you listen to some smooth relaxing jazz (Lol, I really LOVE relaxing jazz. I prefer saxophone since it's just smooth asf) and give you your favorite food 

She won't get jealous when you talk to other people. However she WILL get jealous if you focus your attention on someone else and ignore her and she'll be a fuming volcano inside, plotting how many ways she can murder and kill that person for taking your attention away for so long 

She will let you go out. She knows how lonely you might get and so after she gets you a puppy/kitten or favorite animal of your choice, she will let you go out. Just to the backyard of course, since she's STILL wary and sus of you and you need to earn her trust if you ACTUALLY want to step out of the house. Just behave like a good girl/boy and she'll trust you in NO TIME, but if you break her trust, she'll be angry and devastated. Why did you try escaping? She's giving you everything you've wanted! You didn't even have to work for it and she's doing ALL this for YOU! It'll be very hard and time consuming to gain back her trust since she'll be suspicious for a LOOOOONG time 

If you're good, there is a possibility that she MIGHT (NOTICE!!!: I said MIGHT) consider taking you out to a park or something, not before she makes you promise that you'll stick by her side like fondue glue no matter WHAT. She doesn't want people taking you away from her and she's worried that she might lose you 

Overall, on a scale of 1-10, I'd rate her a 1 since she ain't so bad. Life actually might be interesting with her, I mean... cool playlists and punk styled things and cool goth like clothes.... It might actually be fun :) Lol, just jokin'

''My little songbird, don't be so sad... I'm doing this all for you. Even though you don't want to see my face right now, just know that I'll always love you and you will too. Even if I have to FORCE you~"

Hope y'all enjoyed this nonsense I wrote and this is requested by @Honique2427, once again, thanks for your request :) Its been wonderful doing all of your requests and I'm STILL open for more :) 

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