A Drawing, A Yandere Tamaki Amajiki x reader oneshot~ Fantasy AU

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You were a really kind, sweet caring person and had a helping nature. You liked to live in your village for a while but when you saw how bad the people of your village were becoming, you didn't want to spend your time there anymore and you rushed out before you could spend a second longer 

Now, the people of your village weren't THAT keen on letting you go since they felt that once someone comes in, there's no way out and they started to think you were some sort of traitor of your 'clan' and so, like overgrown morons and troglodytes, they started to chase you with pitchforks and sticks 

Luckily, you were an elf or whatever you want to imagine yourself as but not a werewolf since werewolves don't have magic. You had some magic with you to escape from them. You quickly outran them and reached into the forest and while you were huffing and puffing trying to catch your breath, you decided that you would live in the forest from now on

You quickly made a cute little cottage for yourself with your elf magic (Lol, I have no idea why I have such a fondness for elves) and your cottage looked like this:

You quickly made a cute little cottage for yourself with your elf magic (Lol, I have no idea why I have such a fondness for elves) and your cottage looked like this:

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(God damn now I feel like living in a cottage for the rest of mah life TvT)

Luckily, you made your required stuff by your elf magic and pretty soon, you started living a really nice and peaceful life though you HAD to admit, you were getting lonely

You liked reading books and listening to music and drawing pictures when you're bored but there's only SO MUCH of boredom a person can take. You didn't have anyone else with you not even a pet and soon after some time, your life started to get a bit boring and you started wishing for a friend pretty soon

One day, you were drawing something on your sketchbook when you started to imagine your perfect and ideal friend's look and soo, you started to draw him 

One day, you were drawing something on your sketchbook when you started to imagine your perfect and ideal friend's look and soo, you started to draw him 

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"wow, I had no idea I was good at drawing'' you muttered feeling happy and proud and you went to make yourself some dinner. You made your favorite dinner and went to bed, putting your drawing next to you on your bed side table, hoping at least one day, you'd finally be able to find a friend. Oh sweet innocent little thing, of COURSE you'd find a friend for yourself, but you don't know and won't know HOW DRASTICALLY your life would change from the next day 

Then, the unexpected happened. Your drawing actually CAME to LIFE and he watched you sleep really peacefully. He thought you were really cute and fell in love with you on first sight. He was pained to know that you lived alone and you must have been feeling lonely, but don't worry, he's there for you from now on

He waited till daybreak and he was excited to introduce himself to you. Soon, you woke up and you found the guy from your drawing, standing in front of you, in flesh and bone, staring at you while you gasped, "GAH!" and woke up

"Wh-w-what the- h-how!?" you were SO confused and didn't really understand what the heck was going on right now. "U-u-hm... h-hi, I-I'm sorry i-if I di-disturbed you'' your friend stuttered and your heart did a cartwheel and you squealed "OMG, YOU'RE SO CUTEEE!!!" and pinched his cheeks while he became red like a tomato and was looking like he was about to die a happy man since YOU touched HIM

"So... what's your name?" you asked him. "I-I don't k-know...'' he muttered and looked at the ground, still red faced while you tapped your chin deep in thought and said, "I know, how about I name you Tamaki? Sounds really cute for someone so adorable like you'' and he blushed furiously. Wow reader, you SURE have a talent of making guys blush, I'm proud of you ;)

You spent some time together and he didn't want to seem to leave you which was fine by you since you were bored and lonely as hell because of living alone and it was a good thing he liked doing whatever it is you're doing but truth is, he wanted to see how cute and adorable you looked while you were focused on something

When he asked you why you lived alone, your heart sank a little and you pouted and frowned while Tamaki was worried that he's said something wrong and he started apologizing like crazy. "no, it's all right'' you comfortingly reassured him and you began to narrate how the people of your village chased you out and when Tamaki heard how they were trying to kill you, he was enraged and livid with fury. He had known you for a few weeks now but he was starting to get really obsessive of you and he viewed you like some angel or goddess from heaven. He realized that he HAD to get revenge for what those pieces of trash did to his beautiful angel and for once, he didn't look shy nor did he stutter. Instead he asked you in a steely calm voice, "And WHERE is this village?" 

"Just keep walking till you see an orchid of orange trees and it'll be there. Why?" you asked curiously. "Oh, no reason. C-can we bake now together?" he asked you timidly while you agreed. He was doing his best to distract you and he hugged you to make you feel better and when he did, his heartbeat finally spiraled out of the universe. Feeling your body pressed against his was just so..... addicting and heavenly and divine. It's like he finally died and went to heaven 

So, while you were busy sleeping in the night, your new friend set out to murder and kill those people who tried to harm you and made sure that you'd never hear from them ever again and he came back at around few hours before dawn and he freshened up after his little 'job' and he stroke your cheek lovingly and softly whispered, "I'll ALWAYS keep you safe and make sure you're happy with me, my little bunny. The outside world is far too dangerous for an angel like you~" saying so, he lightly kissed your forehead and little did you know, your new best friend had murdered your village inhabitants and he's crazily infatuated with you 

In Tamaki's defense, he thinks his doings are right and after all, he vowed to keep you safe and protect you. He just has your best interests at heart and as for those murders he committed, well... what you don't know won't hurt right? And it's best for you NOT to find out about his acts since after all, he IS your best friend and he knows EVERYTHING to keep and will do ANYTHING to make you stay at home with him forever and ever. You were now HIS~........

Lol, sorry if this was kinda ridiculous TvT

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