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So, this is requested by @Honique 2427 and I hope you'll like it even though I KNOW it's gonna be trash TvT

You were in class 1a and you met Mei at the sports festival. Now, Mei might be calm and collected and sane, but when she saw you.... she went insane with love, something she NEVER bothered till she saw how PERFECT and innocent and adorable you were. It's your typical 'love at first sight' scenario

You didn't make the first move. SHE did. She was so excited being around you, she started squealing how cute you were every five minutes. You were a bit shy and asked her to quite down and she agreed though secretly, she wanted to show the world that you both were soulmates and were meant to be together. She wanted to show everyone that you were hers, ALONE

She's the type of yandere who's clingy, delusional and POSSESSIVE ASF! Not to mention creepy too

She'll just stalk you if you've injured yourself that day or something like that. What!? She, just wants you to be safe, that's all. But other than that, she'll insert some of her gadgets around your room and around your house just for her to know that you're safe

She just LOVES spoiling you and showering you with lots and lots of love and affection. Like I said, her clinginess is TOO MUCH, there won't be single second of the day when she won't be hovering around you like your shadow

If anyone tries bullying you? Oh, what a shocker: A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!!!

She won't kill anyone if they flirt with you though... she'll just let her 'babies' do the job FOR HER (aka, her many gadgets). She might tamper with some of her inventions and hand it over to the guy who flirted with you asking them to hold it for a sec... and BOOM! They'll get a few broken bones and injuries and NONE of them are gonna be from her side. At the very least, if they STILL continue to do so, she might 'accidentally' make one of the gadgets malfunction and kill them and make it look like an accident that no one has the answer for 

Very sneaky and secretive when it comes to killing people. She isn't the most patient yandere on the block so if anyone tries their nonsense with you... well, let's see how good they'll look with a burned and scorched face for the rest of their life

She won't invade your privacy like watching you shower and all that. She isn't THAT much of a creep. She'll give you space at least for that

Now for the million dollar question: Will she kidnap you? 

A 10000000000% YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, let's face it. She thinks you're a gift to HER from the heavens above and she WORSHIPS you like some god/goddess. She wants to be in your presence for the rest of her life (And yours too). So, when it comes to kidnapping you, she'll try her best not to use drugs on you. She'll just invent something that'll release a gas that'll knock you out and don't be surprised when you wake up in a room that'll look like this

 She'll just invent something that'll release a gas that'll knock you out and don't be surprised when you wake up in a room that'll look like this

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If you refuse eating anything she gives you, she's obviously gonna start worrying her head off. Of course, machines were much easier than humans but she's willing to let you adjust. When you kept on refusing ALL your meals, she started getting really worried. Do you want something else? Are you allergic to the food? Are you sick? She'll try giving you your favorite food and even THEN you still won't eat it. Instead of losing her temper, she'll become really gentle and soft with you like a mother trying to feed her child. She'd grow really soft and patient with you. Mei would hold your hand, sit you down and ask what's wrong. And when you FINALLY start to eat something, be it a cracker or even a caramel, she'll act like she won the lottery for a million bucks (lol, delusional yanderes. Always living in their own fantasies XD)

She's the 'I'm gentle with you but Satan to others' type of yandere

Sometime during her gentle care of you, you'd realize that she actually cares about you and the reason you think so is because she never yelled at you or guilt tripped you or even raised her hand at you. True she released some waterworks when you were trying to adjust to your new lifestyle, but.... deep down she is still a person who has endless and infinite patience with you no matter how many times you act up or kick around or scream

Mei is NOT a sadistic yandere. She absolutely HATES seeing you get hurt and that's why she baby proofed the entire place and YES, even the FREAKING WASHROOM since she worried that you'll slip and fall and crack your skull open or something 

She will never punish you either. She doesn't believe in locking you up or starving you for days together. She thinks her love and affection isn't enough for you and while you're having a fit, she'll just hug you and let you calm down and not let go of you which usually results in you breaking down in tears while she comforts you and pampers you 

She won't kill someone unless ABSOLUTELY necessary

Overall, she isn't some psychopath and she'll treat you well. Just don't touch one of her gadgets or inventions or she'll make you wear SLIPPERS around the house 24/7

''My little firecracker, my goddess, I hope you know how DEEPLY i care about you.... Now open up and say, Ahhhh~"

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