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1. He is like the LOWKEY term for POSSESSIVENESS no doubt about that all right. If you ever so much as take even a GLANCE at someone else, they're gonna be saying sayonara to the world in less than 5 minutes. This sadistic pomeranian takes immense pleasure in burning people till the extent that their limbs become like hot and molten goo 

2. With love rivals, he is fond of torturing that person and makes sure that they actually BEG for death, no joke. That's his way of proving that there's only ONE person who is important in your life and that's him. Anyone else will be dead

3. He might act like a huge jerkwad but he's a TOTAL SUCKER when it comes to fueling up his GOD DAMN ego which is so LARGE that it has stretch marks. He will be floating in the universe with glee if you ever call him your 'hero' and 'my saviour' 

4. And once you're done feeding his abnormal large ego, this man will certainly pamper you, like ALOT. Don't even THINK of refusing his gifts or you'll have some ash to clean up and some wounds and burns on your body to clean as well 

5. Even if he kidnapped you, he will actually cuddle with you and gently rub your back and stroke your hair lovingly at times when you're REALLY hurt, like after he's done using you as his personal punching bag for taking out his anger 

6. It's best if you're just obedient to this man since he's actually really clever. And if you DO manage to escape, run as FAR as you can and PRAY that he won't come looking for you, but the chances of you getting your old life back again are like, 0.0001 percent really since he's a strong hero in training and he can use his connections around with his friends to come find you. Don't be surprised if he has a few connections with villains as well 

7. Punishment: Some of the punishments include torturing people right in front of you and him reminding you that it's YOUR fault that people are dying and he will take out his anger on you by hitting you and all that. But the afterwards he will eventually give in and feel bad and will cuddle with you and make sure you feel better

8. This dude will not admit this EVER but he actually NEEDS you to be with him. And because of his crazy obsession with you, he tends to get overly protective of you, and if someone messes with you, let's just say that they won't ever see the daylight again. If you were planning to be a pro hero when you grow up, sorry to tell you this, but..... you're going to have to let GO of that dream or Katsuki will MAKE you let go of your dream

9. He LOVES showing you how strong he can be and he wants you to depend on him and NEED him for everything in your life and all that. He might be cruel, but remember: He's doing this ALL for YOU, so just give in to him. It's better to be loved by him than get hurt and burnt by him everyday 

''Oh, you and I are going to have so much fun teddy bear~..."

MY HERO ACADEMIA ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now