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Requested by Cherry_On_Top246 and I hope you enjoy 

He is a VERY VERY affectionate vampire, no doubt about that 

However tall or short you are and whatever your personality is, he will see you as an innocent little kitten that needs to be protected 

He will try controlling his temptations for blood when he's around you since he doesn't want you thinking that he's some sort of crazy psychotic blood sucking parasite like a certain stabby queen I know 

Think of all the cringe worthy names in history and that's what rock boi here will call you every single day 

Yes, he WILL kidnap you eventually but he'll make sure to take very good care of you and make you his lover. He will NEVER EVER raise his hands or shout at you. Dude might be a vampire but has a soft heart 

Will certainly never let anyone else touch you since he is protective as well as possessive 

Boi will literally litter your neck and cover it with hickeys and love bites since he wants the world to know that you belong ONLY to HIM and no one else. Loves giving you hickeys in places that you can't see in public if you know what I mean ;) (Oh gods... I need holy water someone help! Oh, and an icepack too since my face is on fire AGAIN!!!!)

Now, he might look like a cinnamon roll to you but he is literal death himself if anyone tries taking you away from him. He will NOT spare them alive and he will have a nice and tasty snack from them 

ON the nights of the blood moon, as much as he tries controlling his urges for your blood he just can't help it since your blood is so sweet and so.... intoxicating (Anyone else getting any Diabolik Lovers' vibes here?)

Dude is obviously a dom so congrats being the sub 

He will protect you with every ounce in life and he cares for you, like alot. His heart feels like it's being stabbed with a blade if he sees you cry and hence, he will do the thing he does best when someone cries. If you guessed its hugs, then YAY! You win a free cookie, here! *Gives cookie*

Boi LOVES it when you snuggle up against him and cuddle with him. He LIVES for the cuddle sessions with you 

If he sees that anyone else is trying to get close to you, he'll warn them a couple of times or so, and then give them a major life threatening injury. What? He only wants to protect you and make you feel safe, he's concerned about you, that's all. And if that person is a major prick and still won't listen then gods.... they better start praying to all the gods in every mythology since no one's gonna help them and Kirishima might have a decent lunch for the day 

Feels like killing himself when you yell or throw things at him but will remind himself that it's just a lover's spat and will get over very soon 

Will certainly make you immortal like him 

Boi will treat you like the king/ queen you are :)

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