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Mirio is a mix of a possessive and obsessive and not to mention delusional too

He longs for EVERYTHING in the WORLD that you belong to HIM and him ALONE, but at the same time, he just wants to lock you away somewhere so no one can steal you away and he can protect you at all times

You probably met Mirio when you both were at the UA together. You'd always hang out with Nejire, Tamaki and him and pretty soon, you'd become a part of their group. Nejire often teased him about his crush for you and he'd get slightly embarrassed and smile sheepishly while rubbing his neck but... deep down, he really was infatuated and crazy for you

He is very bright and very loud. This man is a huge FREAKING ball of sunshine 

He made his goal in life to win your heart with just his smile and affection

He'll most DEFINITELY use his quirk on you to stalk you. He knows it's not very 'hero like' but he just can't help himself. What if you get hurt? What if a villain attacks you? What if someone kidnaps you? He HAS to be there for your safety, after all... he's only trying to protect you from all the bad things in this world 

He'll be in the wall by your bed, while your cooking and humming, in your bathroom mirror and all the oddest and creepiest of places you'd LEAST expect him to be. I suspect he watches you shower and geez... his quirk sounds creepy right now T-T

He won't kidnap you unless he thinks you're in danger or you're incapable of taking care of yourself. Or unless he really YEARNS for your touch and goes absolutely FERAL and INSANE till he gets you by his side

He is NEVER the type to just sit back and be chill. He ain't a chill and laid back yandere despite his looks

He'll feel really bad for kidnapping you and when you're screaming at him, it'll just make him want to cry but, he just views it of you being fussy. Don't worry, he's going to shower you with lots and lots of LOVE you won't be able to FREAKING BREATHE. This man is a cuddle monster and hug bug. He'll overlook your little spats since lovers always have things like these and a little bit of his attention towards you can cure all that

Things will NEVER end well for you when he wants to do something WITH you. If he wants to take a shower with you, you just have to comply. Mirio is under the delusion that you're just too shy and nervous... don't worry he feel in love with you because of who you are. You're a GOD/ GODDESS in is eyes no matter what 

Oh boy... punishments when you try to escape are going to be extreme. He'll either hug you and cuddle the HELL out of you since he thinks you're angry because he was ignoring you.... OR, he might just 'accidentally' break a bone of yours. Depending on his mood. Maybe NEXT time you'll think a hundred times before you try running away from him. If there even WILL be a next time

He'll softly smile at you and sometimes, that just scares the shit outta you. It'll bring you nothing more than nightmares despite how friendly and warm and sunny his smile is. That smile of his always haunts you no matter hoe dazzling and enchanting he appears to look

Will be LOTS of emotional manipulation in this wacky relationship. But he will  never hit you or slap you so, you're good

Like I said, big guy is BIG on cuddles, and guess what? You're his teddy bear to cuddle with 

He takes anyone trying to steal you away from him as a SERIOUS THREAT. A VERY serious one, to be precise. There'll be verbal threats, physical threats, all of the ones I've listed here and even MORE (If there ARE more ways to threaten people to stay away from their beloved)

Can get away with murder like taking candy from a baby

If the rival would try telling someone about his true intentions and colors, who would believe that the great hero and ball of sunshine Lemillion was THREATENING people? 

Consequences for tattling would be oh so severe

Will let you meet up with ONLY Nejire, Tamaki and Eri. That's IT. No talking to anyone else or they're gonna be having a permanent vacation. In a hospital 

Isn't too big on the idea of torture, but it won't hurt to try something new once in a while, now can it?

"Relax sunshine, I'm just here to protect you. I won't hurt you, I'm doing all this for you. Why don't we cuddle for sometime, it'll make you feel better, yeah?"

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