Competing for your love~ PART 2

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Requested by @Honique2427, hope you enjoy :) I had to rack my brains for this TvT

After you were done with lunch, you and your friends headed back to the class for English which Present Mic took. You sensed that the atmosphere was really tense since the argument at lunch and you just didn't understand WHY your friends were suddenly at each other throats for no apparent reason whatsoever

You were paying attention during English class while Mic was behaving like a screaming cockatoo but you didn't notice how your friends were literally just glaring daggers at each other. Man, if looks could kill, everyone would have been dead by now

Soon, it was time for training and you quickly changed into your suit which looked like this 

Your quirk was Phoenix and you had all the abilities a phoenix had like healing a person's injuries through tears and having a fiery personality and all that but minus the getting reborn from the ashes part and you couldn't heal yourself

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Your quirk was Phoenix and you had all the abilities a phoenix had like healing a person's injuries through tears and having a fiery personality and all that but minus the getting reborn from the ashes part and you couldn't heal yourself. Your quirk was better suited for attack than defense

You went into the changing rooms and you quickly changed into your suit while Momo, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Mina and Hagakure were literally trying their level best not to peek at you and drool all over you. They complimented your suit which made you red and you said, "Thanks, you guys look pretty awesome too''

You went out and you saw the boys just staring at you in complete wonder. "Y/N, y-you look really... uhm... amazing!" stuttered Denki. "Yeah, pebble, you look really womanly!" grinned Kirishima. "Mi amor you look simply ravishing'' said Sero. "Tch... you look fine I guess" grumbled Bakugou as the class just stared at him like he grew a third eye

"WTF are YOU EXTRAS looking at huh!?" yelled Bakugou as Iida scolded Bakugou for his manners and suddenly Deku walked up to you and said, "Puppy, you look really cute'' and beamed at you. "Oh... thanks!" you grinned and he hugged you saying, "You're an awesome person, Y/N chan!" and you hugged him back, oblivious to all the poisonous stared Midoriya was getting from his classmates since he hugged you

"DAMN DEKU, I'm gonna KILL you!" Bakugou hissed when he got back. Suddenly, you felt someone's hand on your thigh and when you looked down to see who it was, you saw Mineta's hand snaking his way up towards you. Your other classmates noticed this very quickly and decided to teach that little pervert a lesson. The boys were literally FUMING with rage and fury. How DARE that piece of garbage try to touch you like that?

Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Deku, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shoji and Ojirou went with each other to the changing rooms while the other guys followed behind

"YOU PERVERTED LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH Y/N??!!! I'LL BLOW YOU TO THE MOON!" and saying so, he burned half of Mineta's clothing. Todoroki froze his limbs and Ojirou whacked him across the face with his tail and Denki said, "If I have to use my quirk and be dumb for the rest of my life, I'm fine with that as long as Y/N is all right'' and saying so, he electrocuted TF out of him and after Deku flung him here and there using his quirk on him, Sero taped him to the ceiling and the guys were pleased with their revenge. They were about to literally MURDER him had it not been for Iida who reminded them that you wouldn't have wanted something like that and besides, they could get caught, or worse, EXPELLED! (lol, get the reference?) 

Neither of the guys gave a damn if they were caught of expelled but they stopped only when they imagined the look of horror and tears streaming down your beautiful face as you found out they murdered your classmate. They didn't want you to be scared of them and so, they just stopped till bashing and beating till Mineta was grape juice

Meanwhile, the girls were busy comforting you and rubbing your back and assuring you everything will be all right and Mineta would be taken care of pretty soon. After a few seconds, the guys came out and looked pleased with themselves

"Where's Mineta?" asked Mina. "Oh, he says he isn't feeling too well to train today so he went to the dorms'' Denki grinned and winked at Mina and the other girls who got and understood the message

Soon it was time for training and everyone was hoping you'd be paired up with them. As much as they LOVED it when they were your partner, they would PURPOSEFULLY try losing the battle and try to prevent you from getting hurt and gaining any injuries. But sadly, to everyone's immense disappointment, you were partnered up with Monoma of all people from class 1B

"I swear if that copycat trash hurts Y/N, that piece of trash is really going to get it'' Bakugou growled as Kirshima and Denki were trying to calm him down from blowing up the place. "Relax, Y/N is fully capable of defending herself, I have full faith in my darling bestie'' Mina said

You 2 were training and unknown to you, your other classmates were keeping a close watch and eye between you both to see if anything happened to you. You know how they are, overprotective paranoid teenagers with mood swings 

"Hey, you're Y/N L/N right? You know.... maybe you could go out with me sometime'' said Monoma and he winked at you. Your classmates were literally just boiling with rage. How DARE that moron try stealing you away from them? "Uhh... no thanks, I'm good'' you mumbled and suddenly, Monoma used too much of his quirk on you and you ended up passing out as the last thing you heard was Bakugou and some other people yelling their heads off while Tsuyu and Uraraka and Momo were trying to wake you up

Your kind and caring classmates carried you to the Recovery Girl's office (After much bickering and bantering as to who should carry you to the Recovery Girl's office, Shoji lifted you up in his strong arms and carried you while the others followed). They decided to share you from now on since sharing is caring and they made a promise that they'd protect you no matter what 

After you woke up, you saw some of the girls having tears in their eyes, ranting on and on about how you were awake and the guys swearing to kill Monoma as they were plotting murder in thier heads. You just laughed and brushed off today's incident and later on you were allowed to leave Recovery Girl's office and soon it was time for you to go home

Your friends said that they'd catch up to you after they had some 'unfinished' business to tend to and you agreed, not suspecting any foul play in their choice of words. After you vanished from their sight, Todoroki said, "So.... are we going to get our revenge on that piece of trash Monoma or what?'' 

"You read my mind Icyhot" grinned Bakugou sadistically and Uraraka said, "Well, then lets get going. He NEEDS to pay for having the audacity of asking OUR Y/N out and then injuring her!" and they made their way to Monoma who was just about to leave but Bakugou blasted his bag and Monoma was like, "WTF you explosive pomeranian? Oh wait.. are you jealous that I asked Y/N out? Too bad you 1A losers never had the guts to ask her out''

"You know Monoma kun, sometimes it would be really good if you keep that mouth of yours shut'' smiled Deku in a really creepy and way and lets just say that the next day, Monoma was sent to the hospital with more number of broken bones than Deku when he uses his quirk

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