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As we all know, Katsuki Bakugou, aka the deformed looking hedgehog with angry pomeranian problems is a VERY AGGRESSIVE and POSSESSIVE ASF Yandere, not to mention slightly delusional too 

Daddy shark on the other hand, is a very doting yandere and wants to provide the BEST of the BEST for their darling and absolutely LOVES to smother their darling with affection and all that other shit. He is also a very OVERPROTECTIVE one might I add

Having Kirishima around is actually helpful for you since whenever Katsuki gets moody (like, WHEN IS he NOT moody? Lol, I make sound like some moody teenager with anger issues. Oh wait...*insert surprised pikachu face here*) , he tends to take his anger out on his favorite toy, aka you, but lucky for you, Kirishima intervenes and makes him stop acting like a spoiled and bratty child. Kirishima knows how to handle the situation and might even make it easy for you to handle. The way he behaves, you almost forget that he's a yandere,  (NOTICE!! I said, ALMOST) until you try asking for ''certain things'' and you try escaping in which case, OH BOY, I PRAY for you, you're basically toast

It's quite obvious that boom boom boi and rock boi are the dominant ones in the relationship meaning, you're the sub! Congrats and have fun ;)

If they catch you escaping, well... good luck with dealing with their punishments since they can be pretty brutal.... They might say some mean things to you which will also be followed by a few slaps here and there and basically, doing whatever they want with you

But aftercare with them is like 5 star treatment. If you fall into a state of depression and overwhelming sadness that has the look of a puppy getting kicked, they won't be able to stand it since they love you to death and they care for you okay? You're THEIRS and they can't let their darling precious angel enter such a horrible state now, can they?

Aftercare is typically done by you getting squished like a tomato in between them where they'll whisper soothing and sweet things into your ears and try calming you the FREAK down and stroke your hair and give you head pats and massages and especially LOADS of hugs and everyone favourite things: CUDDLES!!!!! (YEP, I SAID IT UwU) They might even let you watch a movie of your choice if you're feeling really down as hell

You'll love the aftercare these strong bois have in store for ya pal. After an escape punishment, Bakugou will still be pissed at you and leave you there but Kirishima will take care of you. He'll make excuses for Bakugou and comfort you. Bakugou will have calmed down by then and he isn't the type to show affection and all that most of the times anyways, so expect to be spoiled to DEATH the next day by him giving you breakfast in bed and he won't exactly apologize but actions speak louder than words, don't they?

They will not hesitate to kill ANYONE who comes in their way. PERIODT. They aren't picky anyways about who to kill. Remember that man who was giving you the wrong look? Eyeballs gouged out. Bones? broken into pieces. Limbs? Ripped apart and torn to shreds. Hotel? Trivago (Lol, I did it again, so proud of myself :) )

If Bakugou snaps, it'll be like some mad dog has finally bitten him, but don't say that to him if you want to go deaf for a whole day. Anywho, if he snaps, good luck dealing with the uncontrollable pomeranian and I offer you my best wishes to you and Kirishima. He won't snap out of it easily and it usually involves him losing control of his emotions where he will hit you and Kirishima. Of course Kirishima WILL protect you and not let you get hit. What sort of man would he be if he lets you get hurt?

Bakugou will eventually realize what he's doing and finally go back to normal and will end up actually apologizing for once in his life and things might go back to normal (Well, as normal as they have been when you've been kidnapped)

If Kirishima is the one to snap, Bakugou won't stop it for a bit. He will calm you down if things start getting too much. If he feels that Kirishima is going too far, he'll just give him a whack on the head that'll ''wake'' him up and all that. Kirishima will go back and forth between spoiling you two and calling himself despicable for two weeks until you and Bakugou do something. If both of them snap... well... you get yo runnin' shoes and hide the HECK away from them and you start getting depressed 

When they get to know about your mental health state, don't be surprised if you wake up in the morning surrounded with over 50+ oversized hoodies and your favorite things. The root of their affection comes from one word. Cuddles. They will cuddle all day and not want to move unless one of you gets hungry. They will give you kisses and shit too but cuddles are their forte

Once you develop Stockholm Syndrome, damn do these two spoil you. They let you get whatever cute outfit you want but they limit if it's more of a household outfit vs going out outfit. Their extremely dominant side comes out because you're timid or rebellious nature has died at this point

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