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Requested by @Maxter_Mind

Bakugou is MOST DEFINITELY an alpha and you cannot convince me otherwise

Bakugou is the alpha of his pack called the Red Devils and he is a really hot tempered alpha but a strong and cares for his pack even though he acts like one god damn Tsundere. Will lowkey NOT hesitate to kill someone and tear them to bits if they disrespect his pack or the people he loves 

Now, since Katsuki is an alpha, he has all these duties fallen on that hotheaded head of his and so, he doesn't really believe in love and all that other nonsense and he didn't believe in the 'so called' bond till he met you 

He saw you in the forest one day, just sitting there reading a book and when he saw you, his inner wolf howled in joy like someone was giving him a treat and he found it a little embarrassing but he was ecstatic since he finally found his soulmate. YOU. You were now HIS and ONLY HIS and he would NEVER EVER let go of you at all. He doesn't care or give a damn what species you are, human, vampire, wolf, fairy, elf, kitten, rabbit whatever. He wanted you and he will take you 

He isn't THAT much of a crazy psycho to directly take you after setting his eyes on you. He'll stalk you for sometime and learn all your habits and your routines. And he will literally feel like mauling and biting whoever you talk to. Didn't you know you were HIS? Oh wait... you didn't, but no matter, he'll mark you eventually. After carefully stalking you, he will take you away by force if you don't cooperate with him

He is determined to make you his wife, his alpha queen, his darling. Just HIS

If you are a human you'll obviously be scared ASF and so, he'll transform into a regular guy with a really fluffy tail and fluffy wolf ears and a really hot temper

If you fight against him, may the universe and Karma be kind to you since he will do WHATEVER it takes to make you his, even if he has to FORCE you into it. There will eventually be a time where you'll have to accept defeat and finally end up caving into him 

Despite his rough personality, he will NOT touch you and mark you inappropriately without your consent. He might leave few hickeys here and there every now and then since he wants everyone to know you're his but he literally drowns in his respect women juice when it comes to you 

The likelihood of escaping him are REALLY small, small like a grain of salt but you might be able to do so if his pack his under attack and if, by then you haven't fallen hard for him due to Stockholm Syndrome. If you DO manage to escape, make sure you get FAR FAR away from the country because he will do WHATEVER it takes to find you and during that he will not think twice of burning literally EVERYTHING in sight before he finds you 

He will punish you by maybe putting a collar around you or something or doing 'stuff' with you but aftercare with him is cuddles with him wrapping his strong arms around you, you nuzzling against his manly chest and while he wraps his tail around you and you'll be occupied by petting his tail and ears (Oh gods.... why TF am I blushing while writing this? I think I need therapy TvT). He loves to spoil your body and make you food or give you some relaxing massages, baths and sweet words 

While he's busy publicly executing his enemies in front of his pack, he'll place you on his lap so you can bury your chest in his face when you're scared 

He will be ITCHING to make you pregnant with his little pups and if you ever miss your family, he'll make you pregnant with his pups and there's no WAY you'll be able to leave the house since you're bound to him now for LIFE. You're stuffed and stuck with no way out 

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