Yandere reactions to you coming home injured

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You had some hero work to do and you had to take care of some villains. You got yourself injured pretty bad and you have no idea what's in store after you come home. Jump RIGHT in to see how your yanderes would react to you getting injured

Bakugou: Blood poured from your lip and dribbled down your chin and you felt like you had broken a dew ribs. You pushed open the front door, almost ready to faint inside when you suddenly heard an angry voice thundering at you from the kitchen

''Y/N, where the HELL have you been?'' yelled Bakugou angrily. You didn't bother answering him at first since you kind of felt dizzy and you had to sit on the sofa to regain a bit of your consciousness, but you thought that a little nap wouldn't hurt either

Katsuki looked how badly you were beat up, body littered in bruises, blood gushing from different parts of your body as you struggled to keep your eyes open, you looked like you were dead on your feet

His teeth grinded as he struggled to caress your cheek as tenderly as possible. Hot, fiery rage lit up the pit of his stomach, almost travelling to his hands before he stopped himself from exploding just next to your face

He was beyond PISSED, he was LIVID and FURIOUS at YOU for getting into this mess at the man who thought he could live after doing such a thing. And angry at himself for never trusting his gut and locking you away for good to keep you safe and protect you

"I'll kill whoever did this to you! I swear, even if it takes me my life''

Becomes REALLY clingy to you after this incident and soon kidnaps you (no surprises there)

Shoto: He could only watch horrified and looking shell shocked, like a fish out of water as you stumbled in with a black eye and limped with an almost fractured leg

Went INSANE with worry as soon as he saw you in this state

After five minutes of him checking every inch of your body for more damage, he finally leaves and returns with a cup of steaming something

He looks like Satan spawn as he asks you, ''Who. did . THIS!?''

''No worries, the pros have already arrested him'' you replied calmly slightly wincing at the pain

This precious bby makes sure to massage you and makes you feel comfy and safe. He tries to make your pain go away

"Okay. Fine. I'll let it go. But please be more careful next time."

That night, he glares at the ceiling, unable to sleep thinking about that no good scumbag who hurt the love of his life (aka YOU)

With his amount of money and fame, he quickly made a small visit to the place where the villain was detained. He bribed the people there and threatened them not to say anything as he murdered the villain who hurt you and threw his remains over a bridge into a gushing river. When he finally returned home, you didn't even stir once as he showered off the scumbag's touch and returned to his place in your arms with dripping hair

"Shh, go back to sleep, YN." And you did, ever so safe with Todoroki at your side Because with him, nobody would dare to hurt you again

Deku: The second you walk through the door, Deku's at your side, ushering you into the bathroom. With a washcloth, he wipes the dirt from your face and neck, stopping every few seconds to stare at the finger-shaped bruises on the skin

"I should have been there, YN." His teeth grit in frustration and his hands ball up into fists. "I should have kept you safe."

Starts mumbling how useless he is and how its all his fault for not protecting you and what a failure of a hero he is (aww... poor baby)

You assure him that it isn't HIS fault and tell him everything will be all right. "You're wrong, YN. I should have been there. It's my responsibility to keep you safe."

After he finishes treating your wounds, he makes your favorite food and he cuddles you to sleep, slowly stroking your hair as he whispers praises in your ear for being so brave, but part of him inclined him to kidnap you so you won't have to get hurt like this ever again

Soon, like Todoroki, he quickly got rid of that villain who hurt you so badly and started making preparations of your new lives together as he watched you sleep in bliss, humming peacefully.....

Let me know what to write next since I'm running out of ideas here and imma say this loud and clear, REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN!!!!!

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