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Requested by @aria_shutup and hope you enjoy it :)

Hawks fell in love with you after he rescued you from a villain attack by the LOV and after a few days, while Dabi was out shopping for groceries for the LOV, you bumped into him and apologized to him in your cute little voice and helped him pick up his things. When your soft tiny little hands brushed against his rough ones, he couldn't help but think how cute and pretty you'd look under him 

Meanwhile, Hawks was busy getting distracted ALL the time at the thought of you. He needed to find out MORE about you. You weren't like the other people, falling all over him, nor did you succumb to his flirty attitude after he became friends with you 

So, now instead of having ONE yandere at the back of you, you have 2! Congratulations!

Hawks would DELIBERATELY be in your area, patrolling the streets, trying to make sure the place was safe for you and then he comes across that scumbag Dabi who was stalking you. After he confronts him about it and after a HELLA long and nasty fight, both of them agree to SHARE you since after all, sharing IS caring

They will stalk you OBSESSIVELY, no doubt about that and these guys are the LITERAL definition of perverts. Wouldn't be surprised if the creeps watched you shower. They have NO regard for personal space WHATSOEVER and have no shame in admitting it openly. They will certainly break into your house and watch you sleep and maybe collect little souvenirs for themselves

When it comes to the kidnapping, they'll talk it through. It literally makes their blood BOIL in anger when you pay attention to other undeserving scumbags. You're THEIRS! You belong to THEM and anyone else who comes in between both of you won't LIVE to see another SECOND. Dabi wants to directly take you but Hawks has a more detailed and less painful plan in his mind. He prefers to slip something 'accidentally' in your food and kidnap you in your sleep

When you wake up, you'll be busy kicking and screaming and Dabi just wants you to shut TF up, but Hawks is the more sensitive one and he'll calm you down saying how they fell in love with you and they're doing all this for you and they just want you to love them

It's a literal fight between these guys for dominance when it comes to you. None of them are going to be a sub in the relationship, so congrats... you're the sub

Dabi likes treating you like some sort of glorified pet, a little plaything, his little helpless darling who's too vulnerable and weak to do ANYTHING without him whereas Hawks views you as his little darling songbird, his lover and he's going to treat you with a pinch of more respect than Dabi

Bit of advice, don't EVER try to double cross or try to escape from them or it's gonna be literal HELL for you. They might make you all sorts of things you don't feel comfortable with, may hit you and Hawks might use his feathers against you and there will be ALOT of manipulation etc. etc

Aftercare with these people isn't too bad. They'll cuddle with you, both of them on either side of you and they'll kiss you and pat you gently saying all this was for you to learn your lesson and not be a brat anymore

They'll occasionally give you gifts if you're good with them

Will treat you like their princess/ prince in a period of time AFTER they learn to trust you

"Aww... is little mouse scared of big bad Dabi~?"

"Dabi, I think it's time to prove to our little songbird  and little chickadee how much we love them~"

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