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Normally I'd say he's a baby boi, a baby shark but not when he looks like THAT (Please see pic above to know what I'm talking about)

He's wacky and cray-cray (not to mention kinda has a rock for a brain and is possessive ASF) and tries EVERYTHING to make you smile and be happy. He'd be sad when you're sad and cries when you do. It honestly breaks his heart to see you cry since he'll remember his depressing past and he'll try his best to put a smile on your face again 

On a scale from 1-10, I'd rate him a 0.5 since there is no WAY daddy shark would hurt his precious pebble, but if you drive him over the edge, he might 'accidentally' use his quirk on you and let his waterworks loose by crying and sobbing all over you how sorry he is for hurting you 

He baby proofs the place when he kidnaps you and you won't even see a plastic butter knife out 

When it comes to other people though, I'd rate him a 5/10 since he's Red Riot for F sake! He's viewed to be a chivalrous doofus to the world, a Crimson Riot admirer that too and he has a reputation to maintain, just like Deku, however this boi has a dark sadistic side that you do NOT want to see AT ALL

He might hurt someone really badly but I can't really see him actually killing someone. If they get under his nerves though, well.... Sayonara to them 

He LOVES to dress you up, be it frilly gowns or lacy gowns or an oversized hoodie of his whatever. But he won't make you wear anything that you don't feel comfortable in. He wants you to comfortable around him and his presence and how is he going to make that happen if you're unhappy with what you're wearing? After all, he's a man and he NEEDS to take care of his pebble's needs

He's a restraint yandere. He loves you so much and is so infatuated with you that he NEVER wants to let you go, EVER. He's scared you might leave him so he does the first thing that pops into his head and takes you in his care *Cough, legal kidnapping, cough*

Like all bad guys, he has a partner he works with. And if you guessed that Bakugou is his right hand man, YAY YOU! You win a free cookie :3 HERE!!! (Gives free cookie to you UvU)

Kirishima wants to prove to you that he's YOUR hero, your savior. So, he'll order some villains to make you feel as uncomfortable and miserable as possible and suddenly, WHOOSH, he's gonna swoop down and save you asking if you're all right. Yes, don't be surprised if he's in contact with the LOV

He loves to spoil you SM (Please give this baby boi a hug!!!) HECK, he'll even buy you a large MANSION like from those Disney movies if it'll make you happy and smile since it's obvious that rock boi here is a SUCKER for your dazzling smile. It just makes him see stars :)

He's best described as a puppy always looing for affection from you. If you're reading a book, he'll just place you onto his lap and nuzzle in your neck. If you're playing a game, he'll cuddle you and see how good you are at it. And if you both are watching a movie, he'll hug you and not let go. Basically speaking, he's a cuddle monster. And when you refuse to show him some love and affection, he'll give you the look of a kicked puppy which may tug a few of your heartstrings and finally cave into his desires

If you try escaping or drive him over the edge, he'll just punish you with the restriction of your luxuries and YES, that ALSO includes no doing your favorite thing till you behave like a good girl and earn his trust back (Which won't take less than 5 days btw) He just can't bring himself to hurt you even though Bakugou always tells him to (That DAMN POMERANIAN!!! Imma kill him >:3)

He's a yandere who's easy to manipulate, like easy peasy lemon squeazy type of easy to manipulate. Want something? It'll be there in no time. He'll give you anything you ask for except for your freedom of course 

When you finally develop Stockholm Syndrome and admit that you finally love him, he'll be over the moon with joy and act like he conquered the world. That cheesy grin of his won't go away for days together. It'll be a win-win for everyone and you can even expect a little gift wrapped neatly for you by a loud explosive hyperactive blonde who's also equally happy for you both 

''Pebble, I love you so much, I would never dream of hurting you. Not even in my worst nightmares...~"

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