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Normally I'd say Tamaki is a bby boi that needs to be protected. Like, COME ON, he's literally a shy Sasuke with elf ears and a really shy and adorable cinnamon roll but when the picture looks like THAT, I'd say he's a nutjob

He's an OBSESSIVE stalker, always wanting to know WHAT TF you were doing each and every single second of the day. He'll always follow you around to make sure you're safe. Since Tamaki can sort of blend in the background with his shy personality, it's easy for him to stalk you. But, deep down that shy and stuttering personality of his, he's completely delusional and clingy not to mention HIGHLY manipulative too 

He'd be like Deku, trying to make notes about both of your futures together and something gets in the way of both of your perfect futures, he'll just have to get RID of the problem. After all, a hero is supposed to make the world a better place so he and you can have a bright and happy future together, isn't that WONDERFUL?

Collects EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING he gets his hands on and YES, unfortunately, that even includes clothes since we all know it's the CINNAMON rolls who are the SINNAMON rolls UvU 

He thinks you're some prince/ princess out of a fairy tale or some god/ goddess that he needs to worship. He'll gladly die for you since he's so obsessed and lovestruck with you 

He knows his behavior is wrong and disgusting. He knows deep down he's just a creepy stalker and is not worthy of being a hero but whenever he sees you and your dazzling smile, he just loses control of himself and is back to his old shy and stuttering self. It's disgraceful for him to even BE NEAR your graceful and angelic presence 

But he's like a really DESPERATE yandere. Even if you loved him back, he'd still wonder how can someone so strong and confident and so outgoing like you ever fall in love with someone so shy and introverted like him. But he'll be overjoyed since you were actually sincere on this. That is, IF you confessed your feelings to him and accepted him. if you didn't confess, he's stalk you and then kidnap you irrespective if you liked him back or not. He's going to make you love him eventually anyways and he has ALL the time in the world when it come to you 

Will get HIGHLY paranoid when you talk to someone else and this sneaky little boi here will DELIBERATELY use his insecurities and fear of crowds and what all he's scared of against you. Basically speaking, he's gonna guilt trip you. He's even going to CRY on cue if needed

When you 2 finally start dating, he'll grow even MORE paranoid by the second and whenever you go out, he'll be sobbing and clinging all over you like some human version of a koala and beg you not to go. It'll work on you for SURE since WHO can resist his cute little pleading face? I sure as HELL can't :( And just because he uses it once and after he made sure it'll work on you, he'll make sure to use his acting skills on you again

If he isn't with you, his self esteem will literally reach the FREAKING CORE of this planet, no joke

He likes hugging and cuddling with you and whenever he does so, his ears and face will become red from doing that

Though he looks like a shy bean, he is a MERCILESS person when it comes to dealing with rivals. Have you SEEN how SCARY this boi looks if he's angry? He'll hunt them down if he has to and torture the hell out of them till they'll be begging him for death. People might think he's sadistic but he just doesn't show any mercy when it comes to you

He tries not to do this but he'll ONLY torture people if he finally snaps which happens very rarely, like once in a blue moon or something. And he'd never kidnap you for some silly reason. After meticulous planning, he'd kidnap you if he finds out you're in some potential danger or you're moving away from him in which case, poor boy is going to be devastated and heartbroken, but not for long since now, he can look at you whenever he wants

When he kidnaps you, he's scared that he'll behave in an insane manner with you and hence won't hesitate to give you whatever you want to be happy. Except for your freedom of course. He'll still like to cuddle with you but he won't do anything without your permission either. Though he's really clingy, he won't touch you in an inappropriate manner. When you start crying if you're scared of him, expect even MORE tears from him and he'll be sobbing and bend on his knee and ask you to forgive him and say sorry like a 100 times

Can't EVER bring himself to hurt you. When you act up or if you try escaping, he'll think you haven't been loved enough and so, he'll just cuddle and hug you and rock you till you fall asleep

Is the MOST patient yandere on the planet. He knows how you feel and he'll gladly take every kick and punch of yours. He's a masochist ;)

Will NEVER use his quirk on you even while you're screaming bloody murder

He certainly has a really dark and evil side but he's never going to let you see that since he doesn't want you to fear him. All he just wants from you is to LOVE him, is that TOO much to ask?

Bby boi needs LOTS and LOTS of cuddles and kisses 

"B-Bunny, a-am I not good enough? That HAS to be it r-right? I-it's o-okay, I'll- I"ll change for you. I-I'll be MORE stronger and- and confident so you- you'll love me m-more.....~"

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