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Requested by @Wolfiepup32, hope you enjoy :)

Spinner would find you really cute, innocent and adorable as HELL literally

His heart would practically MELT each and every time you wag your tail for something or when your nose and ears twitch 

He'd first meet you in battle against the LOV. He'd see you as someone with potential to do better for the society and he doesn't think that you're a fake hero. He thinks you're unique and one of a kind with a very special quirk. If Shigaraki or Dabi dare to say anything about you, he'd make it VERY clear that he'd be pissed and he wont't think twice to break someone's bones as peaceful he might look 

Okay, even though he is a chivalrous person, he might stalk you from time to time, like once in a blue moon, just to ensure that you're safe 

Might kidnap you in a month's time or so 

He will treat you like a god/ goddess even though you have a werewolf quirk. He'd never restrain you or drug you or inject you with harmful chemicals. Dude just wants you to love him 

You'll play with Toga from time to time and she loves playing 'Scratch that coat' with Dabi's coat 

He wouldn't treat you like some animal or glorified pet either. He'll treat you like his proper lover, his angel, his god/ goddess that needs to be worshipped and kept safe and protected 

He might cute your nails or claws IF they're too big and sharp, Otherwise you're good and free to go 

He'll give you whatever you want and he is a literal sucker for your puppy eyes and sad lost puppy attitude 

Spinner LOVES cuddle sessions with you and just loves patting your tail and ears so gently and softly and admiring how soft they are. He'd give you occasional belly rubs and ear scratches and play with your tail every now and then 

He'll help you during those 'full moon times' when you lose control. He'll wrap some blankets for you, give you some warm milk, try calming you down and then you'll snuggle with him and he'll pat and rub your back telling you how everything will be fine and all right 

I'm really sorry if this was trash and utter nonsense, I ran out of ideas here and it's my stupid brain's fault for not cooperating with me TnT

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