Chapter 155: A Rich Lady's Invitation

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Lin Ye finally arrived at the cigarette shop.

At this moment, he can't help but feel gratified after everything that happened.

But when he thought about it carefully, the "hardship" he went through was... his fault. He was the one who had provoked that monster.

Anyway, that's all in the past now. After buying the cigarettes for ACE, he can go back and sleep.

From now on, I'll never go out alone! Screw shopping. Screw the outdoor life. In the end, where otakus belong in the warm bed at home.

Just before he could enter the shop, Lin Ye suddenly hears a familiar voice behind him.

"Bastard, I definitely can't forgive her... She targets me everyday, slandering me, and making faces behind my back as if I wouldn't know. What did I do to offend her? I just want to take over the LPD."

Lin Ye slowly turns around, cautiously adopting a blank expression.

"Nice to see you again, Superintendent Swire."

Swire momentarily paused mid-sentence, before turning to him, "What are you doing here?"

".... Buying cigarettes.", he carefully replied, trying to keep his tone as flat as possible.

Swire notices the shop behind him, giving it a look-over, "This place is very mediocre. I can show you a much better one. Speaking of which, do you smoke?"

Lin Ye shook his head, "No, I don't. I'm buying for a friend."

"Oh? What kind of friend?"

"Uh, just the normal kind.", Lin Ye answered, "He told me to buy from this store."

"Ah, I see." Swire nodded, before suddenly asking, "Did you just have dinner with Ch'en?"

The change of topic was so abrupt that it takes a while for Lin Ye to reply, "Yes..."

"The stall across the street?"

"Yeah... How did you know?"

"It's cheap.", Swire shrugs, "She's way too stingy, and the pork there doesn't even taste that good."

"Really? I don't think that place it's that bad.", Lin Ye says, "I like the buns."

Swire takes a glance around and says, "The crazy dragon is not here. You don't need to butter her up, you know?"

"I'm not lying. I really think that place's food is good."

"Then it must be because you haven't been to a good restaurant yet.", Swire scoffs, "Where are you from? I mean before joining Rhodes Island."


"Chernobog? That explains it. You need to go to a high-end restaurant to see the difference."

Normally, when someone says something like that, they'd sound like some rich, arrogant brat, but somehow, the way Swire said it made it sound completely natural. It's like she stated a simple fact of life, that is, that high-end restaurants were superior to dirt-cheap local stalls.

"I see you won't be convinced with words.", Swire shakes her head.


"A great man once said, true knowledge comes from experience.", Swire suddenly perked up, and she started going through her handbag, "What happened today was an accident. I don't blame you. After all, your intentions were good, and it just so happened that you fought the wrong person. But it's my fault that you had to wait this long to buy cigarettes."

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