Ch 163: A Rich Lady

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Compared to Lin Ye's original world, Terra was rather lacking. Even Lungmen, a leading city in Terra, was far inferior to his original world in all aspects, especially in regards to entertainment. For example, the plays that were popular in Lungmen were less so in his original world.

Back in his previous life, people were more likely to play games and watch movies in their free time. Lin Ye was no exception.

That's why he couldn't, for the love of God, bring himself to feel excited about the play.

If Swire hadn't insisted on watching the play with him, he would have sold his ticket, but the thing is, she was coming, and she seemed to be genuinely excited, as she babbled on and on about the play, how it was going to be amazing and so on.

"I came here today for John Walker, the most famous playwright from Ursus.", Swire says, "He rarely leaves Ursus. He only came here, because Lungmen paid a lot of money to invite him over here. This opportunity is really rare."

"Is he that popular?"

"Of course." Swire smirks, "The ticket in your pocket is for VIP. You can't even buy it with money. It's priceless."

Lin Ye takes his ticket out and stares at it closely.

"Say, if you really want to buy this ticket, how much would you pay for it? Just being hypothetical here."

Swire gives him a number.


This single piece of paper was almost worth an entire year's salary for him back in Chernobog. If he had known this in advance, he would have lied about having someone to watch the play with and taken both tickets, so that he could sell them later.

What a pity.

"Did you buy the tickets?" Lin Ye asks.

"No." Swire shakes her head, "I told you I got them from someone else. A friend of mine asked me if I wanted to watch Master Walker's play. I said yes, and then he said he happened to have two tickets."

"So I took both," she adds.

Lin Ye pauses, at a loss for words. A moment later, he asks, "Um, do you think he was actually trying to invite you to go see the play with him?"

"Really?" Swire is a little surprised, "If that's the case, why didn't he just say it?"

"Let's say he did. Would you go out with him?"

"Of course not, I don't like hanging out with strangers."

Lin Ye turns his head away from her and facepalms. He feels really sad about that unknown male character.

Is this a sign from God? Maybe he should never ask a girl out to protect his self-esteem.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

After arriving at the theater, Swire parked the car in a haphazard manner that was the most convenient for her and quickly gets out of the car.

"Is there going to be a security check?", Lin Ye glances at the theater entrance, "Isn't that a bit unnecessary?

"Unnecessary?" Swire stares at him as if she's talking to an idiot, "Master Walker is the most famous playwright in Terra. Naturally, his safety would be a really important matter."

"Really? Are those guards from the LGD then?" Lin Ye asks, seeing that the security guards at the checkpoint were all wearing riot gear.

"Nope." Swire shrugs. "Those are mostly Master Walker's bodyguards. Though, there may be some guards from the theater itself."

Lin Ye looks at Swire and saw that she was facing away from him, as if she's ashamed to say that the LGD had a lot of work, and she's slacking off here. If he remembered correctly, she should be working right now.

A senior superintendent that drives a sports car to watch a play during work hours.

That's Swire for ya.

Swire naturally has no idea that Lin Ye had already formed a rather accurate impression of herself. If she did, she would have beaten him into a pulp.

The two approach the security checkpoint, where they are stopped by the guards.

"Sir,", a security guard walks up to Lin Ye, "Weapons aren't allowed inside."


"Thank you for your cooperation." The guard takes the sword and puts it in a locker. Then, he looks at Swire, "Miss."

"I only have one bag." Swire shows him her satchel, "And it's not polite to ask a lady to show you her bag."

She flashes her LGD badge for a brief moment.

The guard pauses for a moment, before letting her through without questions.

That should have been the end of the security check, but when Swire walks through the metal scanner, the siren starts blaring.

Lin Ye rolls his eyes inwardly and waits for the security guards to come over.

One of the guards looks at Swire, "Miss, it seems you have to open your satchel."

Swire frowns.

"We need to check it." Security insists.

Swire has no choice but to hand the bag over. She purses her lips, "Be careful. My makeups are really expensive."

Lin Ye tilts his head, "Really? That's what you worry about?"

"What about it?" Swire asks, "As a senior superintendent, I have to show my best side at all times."


"Miss, there's no makeup in your bag." The security officer shows her the bag's contents, "We can't let you bring these in."

Lin Ye and Swire look over and see all sorts of "prohibited" items, that is, handcuffs and batons. Why were there two batons? A backup?

Swire was stunned, "Why are these things in my bag?"

Lin Ye looks at her incredulously, "Shouldn't these things be in a police officer's bag?"

"Yeah, but I never bring them." Swire says, "I don't use a baton to subdue someone."

Instead of returning the bag to her, the guard says, "Miss, there are too many prohibited items in your bag. We cannot let you in with the bag. However, you can leave your bag here. We will keep it safe in the meantime. You can retrieve it when you leave."

Swire nods helplessly: "Sure, but don't lose my bag. You can't afford it."

Then, Swire and Lin Ye enter the theater.

After finding their private room, Swire realizes something. "That wasn't my bag."


"It's that old hag's!" Swire grits her teeth, "That woman bought the same bag as mine just to spite me. She took my bag on purpose!"

Lin Ye was speechless.

He silently closes the door behind them and sits down next to Swire.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

The man that took the picture of Swire's car confirmed that Swire and Lin Ye were seated before dialing a number, "Beatrice Swire is inside now, and there's a man with her. He seems really ordinary. I think he's her friend."

"Beatrice Swire has no male friends, but that doesn't matter. He will die here with Beatrice Swire tonight."

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaqqy10

Proofread by Demosama & PanzerComrade56

Edit by Jaqqy10

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