Ch 115: Obstacle Course

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Even though Ptilopsis has repeatedly looked down on his IQ, there is nothing Lin Yie can really do about it. Well, putting it frankly, recent events have made him question if his IQ really is that low. After all, Ptilopsis can easily come up with an idea he had never considered before and do that immediately, as if the answer is obvious.

Ptilopsis's precise deductions stunned everyone in the room.

After thinking about what Ptilopsis said for a while, Shining raises a question, "So how do we decide when to wake Liz up? Other than Lin Yie, no one here can see what's going on in a dream."

"Ptilopsis believes that it would be optimal to set a time limit," Ptilopsis says, "Case example, set the time limit to ten minutes. Once the ten-minute mark has been reached, we wake Ms. Liz up. Until then, Dr. Lin needs only to prioritize his survival, based on his testimony."

Everyone exchanges look. Their silence shows their lack of dissent with Ptilopsis's suggestion.

Obviously, no one can find fault with her idea.

Shining says, "I think it's worth a try."

Nearl nods after some consideration, "If this can minimize the damage Liz suffers, then I agree."

With their consent, it's now Lin Yie's turn to decide whether he will follow through on Ptilopsis's suggestions or not. Even though he is still a little uneasy, he has to admit that this method is worth a shot.

So, Nightingale sits on the chair, and after the sisters connect her to all the instruments, she takes the pills from Shining.

Nightingale looks at Lin Yie, "Pineapple Bun, will I see you later?"

Lin Yie asks, "Do you mean in your dream or after you wake up?"


"That, I can't promise, but you will definitely see me when you wake up."

Nightingale seems to be satisfied with his answer.

Hibiscus asks Ptilopsis "How long do you think the first attempt should last?"

Ptilopsis tilts her head and says, "Ptilopsis estimated that thirty minutes would be sufficient. With the designation of Miss Liz's protection as the priority task, the first experiment must be long enough for Dr. Lin to gather a sufficient amount of data, and short enough to minimize the risk of death."

Lin Yie hesitantly says, remembering his two previous attempts, "That should.... be enough. Even though it's not enough to let me explore the entire tunnel network, thirty minutes should be more than enough to cover the dungeon. It's not that large an area, but I don't think Ptilopsis would be satisfied."

Shining says, "Let's set the time limit to 30 minutes then."

Nearl glances at Nightingale, "Is Liz asleep yet?"

Nightingale doesn't say anything in response. Lin Yie walks to Nightingale and glances at the clock. After memorizing the time, he takes Nightingale's hand.


This is the third time he's been here, and he's still not too thrilled about it. Like the previous two trips. He doesn't have anything from the real world other than his clothes. However, he already has a plan this time.

How ironic.

Lin Yie immediately rushes to the prison cells and begins looking for able, strong Sarkaz male prisoners.

Based on Ptilopsis's speculation, most of the female prisoners should be medics like Liz. That means he can unlock their cells and manufacture chaos that would delay the prison guards when he flees with Liz.

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