Ch 19: My Roommate is A Rabbit

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1:03 AM

Originally, he thought his new life was about to begin, and soon he would say goodbye to those boring days but never did he think he would actually be right, albeit not about the ending part.

 Although it was very nice to see a blond furry with a perfect figure at night, the murderous glare she gave him and her axe that was ready to chop his head off were not wonderful at all.

Does life have to be full of ups and downs? Or it just only me?


Lin Yie stands in front of 15C and sighs. He hopes his next roommate is normal. Otherwise, his heart won't be able to take it anymore.

In his previous life, he died because of heart problems. If he dies again and for the same reason god forsake, that will really suck for him.

He knocks on the door, "Hello. Is anyone inside?"

Soon, he hears an androgynous voice, "Come in. The door is not locked."

Lin Yie pushes the door open and walks inside.

"Hi. Shining told me to come here." Lin Yie says.

This dorm is much smaller than Shining and Nearl's. It is only slightly larger than the double-bed rooms in hotels. The decorations are also simplistic, and the main colour theme is silver grey. The design is not bad in Lin Yie's opinions. 

He sighs in relief. It seems that his new roommate has a similar taste.

He carries his luggage inside. There are two beds, and the original owner is on one of the beds reading. When he notices Lin Yie, he looks up.

Lin Yie can feel his blood pressure rising again.

Lin Yie can feel his blood pressure rising again

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It is a bunny girl!

A pink bunny girl!!!

A pink bunny girl wearing shorts and revealing a lot of skin!!!

Lin Yie blanks out.

Damn! How come he left a girl's dorm only to arrive at another girl's dorm?! Is this a test?!!

But does this bunny girl use an axe too? Will she chop him into pieces when he sleeps? Or will she blast me with a gun!!!

Lin Yie takes a step back subconsciously.

Thanks to Nearl, Lin Yie is traumatized. He fears all good-looking furries now. They seem to be the scariest in this world.

"I am really, really sorry." Lin Yie turns around immediately, "I think I came to the wrong dorm! I will see myself out."

"Ha?" The bunny girl tilts her head, "What are you talking about? Didn't Sister Shining ask you to find me?"

If Lin Yie turns around, he would see how the bunny girl tilts her head with her ears hanging down. Those soft ears that rest on her shoulders sway softly when she tilts her head.

(Don't look!!!)

"I made a mistake. Shining wants me to go to 15C."

"But this is 15C."

The bunny girl frowns, "Isn't this a male dorm?"

"... Huh?!"

"Did you misunderstand something?" The bunny girl closes her book and says softly, "I am Ansel. It was Shining who asked you to find me, right?"

Lin Yie is confused. After a while, he comes to an incredible conclusion.

"Uh..." He turns around slowly, and his mouth twitches slightly, "Are you a boy?"

Ansel crosses his legs and says with some dissatisfaction, "Of course I am. Couldn't you see it?"


(Who the f*** would know that?! You have better looks than Nearl and more feminine than Nearl... Oh, sorry. Nearl doesn't look feminine...She a beast...But that not the point!! He said he is a man?! That is bull***. So that means I am not looking at a bunny girl, but a rabbit man!!!?)

Lin Yie feels like his heart is riding a roller coaster. If he still has his heart disease, he would have died and paid his respect to God by now.

Ansel puts his book down and walks towards Lin Yie.

He is shorter than Lin Yie, about 1.6 meters tall, which is the perfect height for a girl.

"Ansel. Member of Rhodes Island's reserve group A4." Ansel reaches his hand out, "And intern of the medical group."

Lin Yie puts down his luggage and shakes Ansel's hand.

Ansel's hand is soft like a girl's hand. It is also clean, and the fingers are slender.

(Are they testing me?)

Lin Yie can't help but ask, "Are you really a boy?"

Ansel says lightly, "Do you want me to take my pants off for you to check?"

"No. There is no need for that." Lin Yie feels embarrassed, "Sorry. I am Lin Yie, and I am from Chernobog. I was a... vet."

Ansel nods.

"I heard about you from Nearl."

"... I guess her opinions about me were not that good." Lin Yie scratches his head.

Ansel shakes his head, "No, she said you are very brave."

Lin Yie is surprised, "Really? I thought she really hates my guts."

"That's not contradictory. Sister Nearl said you are very brave, but you are also really annoying."


"But I don't think you are a bad person." Ansel goes back to his bed and picks up his book again.

"I will be your roommate till you take your entry test, but after you pass your test, we might still be roommates, assuming we don't hate each other by then."

Lin Yie has nothing to say. He unpacks his luggage with Ansel's reminder.

"You can sleep on that bed." Ansel points at the spare bed, "By the way, do you have any bad habits when you sleep?"

"You mean..."

"Like sleep talking, snoring, grinding your teeth, etc."

Lin Yie shakes his head, "No, I don't have any."

"Good." Ansel nods before turning the light off, "I will sleep first then. Good night."

Lin Yie sits on his bed.

(What the heck. I haven't even taken a shower or brushed my teeth yet.)

But he couldn't ask Ansel to turn on the light, so he just lies on the bed like that.

(What a surreal day. Hopefully, this is not a dream.)

Lin Yie closes his eyes.

But he can't sleep.

Because he can hear the sound of teeth grinding from the other bed.

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