Ch 24: Another Devil

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If he remembers correctly, this should be his first date in both lives, and it is at night.

It is not like there was not a girl who liked him but his health was too poor so he couldn't leave at night.

As time passed, he distanced himself from his classmates and friends. When they went out to party, he would feed his cats at home. Until he died, he had never experienced romance in his life.

But this time, he has a date and she is a beautiful girl if you ignore those horns.

Shining is already there when he arrives, but when he approaches her, he sees a bag of food in her hands. It looks full, but he doesn't know its contents.

"I hope I am not late," Lin Yie asks.

Shining nods, "No, you are not."

Lin Yie smiles, "You didn't ask me to have dinner with you, right?"

"No, Doctor." Shining shakes her head, "I am bringing you to your patient."

This is the first time Shining calls him a doctor, so Lin Yie is quite surprised but he quickly arrives at the conclusion, "Is the patient... Nightingale?"

"Yes. Follow me." Shining leads the way.

Lin Yie hurriedly follows her and asks, "But didn't Nearl allow me to approach her?"

"You are already Rhodes Island's psychologist."

"Does the intern count?"

"Then, Nightingale is your chance to be promoted." Shining glances at him, "As long as you can prove yourself."

"... Is Nightingale my only chance to be promoted here?"

"Of course not." Shining shakes her head, "There are many people who need your help in Rhodes Island, but Nightingale needs you the most. Maybe I am just being selfish, but I don't want to see her suffer anymore."

Lin Yie wants to ask her what happens if his ability doesn't work on Nightingale but he was a vet for two years. If a doctor loses confidence first, how desperate will his patient get? Of course, he can't just write a blank check, so he has to see for himself first.

"Who's Nightingale to you?"

"She's my kinswoman."

"Your kin? Like Nearl?"

Shining looks at Lin Yie with a weird look that seems to ask why he would ask that, "Of course not. I am a Sarkaz. She is not."


"Hmm. Like devils."

Lin Yie is shocked, "Devils?"

"Yes... Although it is not common sense, there should be a lot of people who know this." Shining looks at him, "But from the way you reacted, you probably didn't know."

Lin Yie smiles bitterly, "It is my first time hearing about that. I guess I am still ignorant."

(That's weird. Is a devil working as a nanny? That's unheard of. Shouldn't devils look really beefy and tough with black wings and evil speech like "From now on, we will  be the ones that rule the world. Bow before us, mongrel!!! Mu. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha!!!!!")

(*Cough* Alright. That's just ridiculous, but nannies and devils don't go together. In other games, aren't nannies typically angels?)

"Then, are there angels?"

"Yes. They are called Sankta."

"Does Rhodes Island have people from that race?"

"If as partners counts, then there is Exusiai." Shining says, "I mentioned her before. Do you remember?"

"A bit."

"You will see her someday."


Lin Yie memorizes the name again, while filling in the blank for her face: a gentle angel with a halo and a pair of wings. Smiling benevolently as she hears all of his problems and gives kind advice to him.

(Although her real appearance might differ, her personality shouldn't be different. Angels are always gentle and kind in stories and games. If devils are nannies in this world, then angels are the real deal. Ah. A real angel. I really want to see her.)

Lin Yie is imagining things again.

Shining brings him to a remote room on the second floor. When they are at the door, he sees a scanner. Intuitively, he takes out his ID, but Shining stops him.

"Your privilege is not enough to enter." Shining takes her own ID out and scans it. Lin Yie nods and move away for her to scan the card.


The door opens. Although the scanner only briefly displayed her information, Lin Yie managed to take a peek.

Her privilege level is 6.

6 times of his...

Interns really have no rights here. 

(I need to be promoted as soon as possible if I want to get more information in here. Maybe I can have more understanding on why I am here if I do get it.) Lin Yie thinks.

They walk inside the room.

"Can you talk to me now?" Lin Yie asks, "About Nightingale. What's going on with her? What are her symptoms?"

"She is infected and mentally unstable."

"Hmm, and nothing else?"

"Nothing else."

Lin Yie pauses, "So. That's it?"

"Yes. That's it."

"But.... how is she different from the other Infected?" He doesn't understand, "Aren't most Infected like that?"

"There are differences. Her infection is more serious and her mind is more unstable than the normal ones." Shining says, 

"And, she doesn't have her memory of the past anymore. She doesn't even know who she is."

"That serious?" Lin Yie asks, "Were you not able to help her? I mean before I came here."

"Do you know who has the best medical skills in Rhodes Island?"

"... Is it you?"

"No. It is Nightingale."

Lin Yie is more surprised now, "Nightingale? She is a doctor here?"

"Yes. She is probably the best here but unfortunately, she can't help herself right now." Shining looks depressed, "

A doctor who can't cure herself."

Lin Yie can feel the conversation getting heavier, "You said she's your kin. That means she is also a devil... I mean Sar.. Sa... Sark...."

"Sarkaz. If you can't remember, just call us devils, although I don't understand why you are avoiding that word." Shining returns to her indifferent face.

(... Another devil.)

Rather than Shining's kin, Lin Yie subconsciously substitutes in the traditional image of devils. You know. The reincarnation of all the evil in the world type of devil.

When Shining pushes open a door, Lin Yie can see the girl inside. He can't help but open his mouth wide.

(That... That's a devil?)

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