Ch 16: Welcome to Rhodes Island

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It is almost eerie to sit next to the driver.

Lin Yie can't help but sneak a look at the driver every few minutes. It was dark when Lin Yie first saw the van, so he mistook the driver for a horse.

A horse that can drive. That thought made him complain nonstop internally, but when he got into the van, he realized the driver is not a horse, but a white lizard.

 That thought made him complain nonstop internally, but when he got into the van, he realized the driver is not a horse, but a white lizard

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(Good. Good. Not a horse, but a lizard.)

He tries to comfort himself..... but soon he is swearing internally again.

(Wait!!! Don't "Good" me here!!! Lizards don't seem to drive as well as horses, right?!! At least horses are "travellers" of some sort!!! Why even is a lizard holding the steering wheel then?! Is he going to run the car into a tree or something?!! Sh*t. I just left Chernobog!!! Can't I at least arrive at Rhodes Island in one piece?!! What Am I even thinking right now!!!)

Lin Yie has mixed feelings. Perhaps, he is just imagining things.

Even though over 90% of the population in the world are demihumans, from what he saw in Chernobog, they should look quite similar to pure humans with a few extra body parts or something, such as Shining who is sitting behind him. Other than her horns and elvish ears, she is not that different from a female of the pure human race. On the other hand, the driver here has the head of a hor... lizard.

That's a first for Lin Yie. So please forgive him for being weird out.

But he tries not to act surprised. After all, he is about to join Rhodes Island. He can't act like someone who has never seen the world.

Despite his effort, his pretence doesn't fool the driver.

"Shining," He says slowly, "Your friend here seems is very interested in me."

Lin Yie's face freezes.

(I was caught!!!)

Shining glances at Lin Yie before turning back to sightseeing, "He is curious about everything."

"Who is him really?" Ranger asked bewilderedly.

"Someone who wants to join Rhodes Island."

"Really?" Rangers takes a good look at Lin Yie.

"A pure human. Interesting. Ace will probably want to talk with you. Let me introduce myself. I am Rangers, currently the sniper of this squad."

"Oh, h-hi." Lin Yie stutters, "I am Lin Yie. I... uh... I am a vet from Chernobog."

"A vet?" Rangers asked. He seems to be interested in him.

"Yes, I am...." Whenever he tries to introduce his profession, it always feels weird.

"Interesting. Rhodes Island doesn't have a vet yet. Are you formally hired?"

Shining answers him before Lin Yie could say anything, "Not yet. I only vouched to him. I am bringing him there for a test."

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