Ch 121: Skadi Is Really Dangerous!

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Lin Yie found Ansel's reaction to being quite adorable, but Ansel didn't have time to mind Lin Yie's grinning face.

"Skadi, you meant that Skadi?!"

Lin Yie nods, "Do I still need to repeat that?"

"Are you crazy or just dumb?" Ansel stares at Lin Yie incredulously, "Wait, she's already back? Did you meet her today?"

"Yeah, I did."

"And she agreed?"

Recalling that soft hand that gently squeezed his palm without any of that threatening strength, Lin Yie nods again, "That's right."

Ansel doesn't know what to say, too shocked to respond.Lin Yie tries to reassure him, "To be honest, I don't think she's as scary as you guys said. I think she's actually quite gentle."

"Gentle?" Ansel looks at Lin Yie as if he's gone insane,

"Did you just call her gentle?"Lin Yie scratches his head awkwardly, remembering that huge hole in the bathroom wall, he promptly revises his words,

"Maybe not that gentle, but I still think she's a good person."

"That's crazy, man. That's crazy. You are crazy," Ansel mutters,

"You just called one of those people from the abyss 'good'. How long have you known her anyway? And you already made up your mind?"

"We had a chat."

"That's it? You think that's enough to understand her?" Ansel questions Lin Yie again.

Lin Yie thinks for a moment before answering, "I can't promise I really understand her, but at least she was sincere. That alone makes me think she's not a bad person."

"Sincere?" Ansel snickers, "Do you know what sincerity is?"

Of course, I know what sincerity is. What I saw was the real sincerity with no impurity whatsoever.

Lin Yie frowns slightly. If he hadn't been so scared, he would have taken a much closer look at her.

Ansel interrupts Lin Yie's train of thought, "Why is your nose bleeding?"

He takes a bottle from his drawer and throws it to Lin Yie, "This should help."

"Thanks," Lin Yie pops a pill into his mouth and says, "Honestly, why are you people so against Skadi?"

Ansel whispers, "Not just Skadi."

Seeing Lin Yie pause, Ansel sighs, "I've already warned you so many times. The fourth floor's residents are really dangerous. That's why I told you to stay away from them. Why didn't you listen?"

He sounds like a father disappointed by his rebellious son.

"What can I do?" Lin Yie says, "I work there, and I am the psychologist, not to mention I'm also that floor's manager. On top of all these, it was Amiya who assigned me there. No matter how you think about it, I will inevitably interact with those people. Anyway, I really don't think Skadi is as scary as you think. By the way, who are the other people living on the fourth floor? Tell me so I can prepare myself."

Ansel stares at Lin Yie in silence. After a while, he gives up, "It's not that I don't want to tell you. I really don't know that much about them either. All I know is that we're not from the same world."

"Not the same world?"

"They came from the bottom of the ocean, we live on land, meaning our world is completely different from theirs."

"Ah, I see," Lin Yie nods.

Ansel sounds helpless, "Because we grew up in different environments, our way of thinking differs from theirs. I've told you before that Rhodes Island has many small factions within it, and that these factions have different beliefs. Even though we've been able to work with most of the other factions, we haven't been able to do that with those people. They have their own principles and world view, that we cannot accept."Lin Yie can't help but feel he's back in high school, taking that politics class again.

"I guess it's too complicated for me to explain in words," Ansel says, "I will just say this, people from the sea are very dangerous, and that Skadi is discriminated against, precisely because of her past history."

"What history?"

"Every operator who ever worked with her..." Ansel whispers, "... has had an unfortunate accident."


"I'm not lying," Ansel says, "Skadi has more experience in fighting than Yato."

"Really?" Lin Yie starts doubtfully, "She doesn't look...", but upon seeing how Ansel was looking at him, Lin Yie shuts up. He sighs, "Please continue."

"You were right to think that way. Their race doesn't seem to be born for fighting," Ansel says, "So she probably started fighting when she was a kid."

"Really? Is she stronger than Yato then?"

"You really should be comparing her with Shining," Ansel says.

Lin Yie can't help but open his mouth wide in shock.

"She has both power and experience," Ansel whispers, "Even if she can't become one of the core players in Rhodes Island, she's not far from being one, but the reason she can't become one is that she's too dangerous. Enemy or friend, her sword doesn't discriminate..."

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