Ch 47: Eavesdropping

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(What is the message?! )

Lin Yie wants to know.

Kal'tsit's expression changes slightly after reading the message more closely. It seems to be very important but Kal'tsit doesn't tell the operators. She puts her phone back and asks everyone else to leave the room.

But before Nightingale leaves as well, Kal'tsit asks her to stay.

Lin Yie thought Nightingale wouldn't agree, but to his surprise, she did after some hesitation.

This makes Lin Yie feel he just lost his job.

When Rangers sees Lin Yie looking a bit saddened, he thinks Lin Yie is worrying about Nightingale, so he pats Lin Yie's shoulder, 

"Relax. Dr Kal'tsit has taken care of Nightingale for a very long time, which is probably why Nightingale acknowledged her."

He did not correct him. Lin Yie just nods quietly. 

"What do you want to do next?" Rangers asks, "We are going to rest with the time Dr Kal'tsit won for us. Are you coming?"

Lin Yie thinks for a moment before shaking his head, "I am not tired right now. I think I will walk around first. To get the layout here."

"That's fine." Rangers nods, "Lungmen is a good place, and you are not infected so your safe here. Since you don't have to take care of Nightingale, enjoy your time here then. If anything happens, just call us."

After that, Rangers leaves with his squad. He is now alone.

Lin Yie is the only one remaining in the corridor. It makes him feel uncomfortable, even though he was alone most of the time in Chernobog.

He feels bored but he also doesn't know what he should do. After riding the elevator down, he sees that the guards that were stationed outside are gone, probably with their Sir Chen. Speaking of Chen, Lin Yie is quite curious about her horns. He had never seen that type of horns or the race they belong to.

(Maybe I should ask her? If she won't mind, of course)

But Lin Yie rejects that immediately. It is better to avoid suicidal behaviours if he wants to live.

Before he leaves the building, he hears two men talk in a low voice.

"Rhodes Island hasn't accepted the mission? Sir Chen seems displeased."

"No, they did, but that Kal'tsit asked her to delay the mission for a day to get some rest for their operators."

Lin Yie looks towards where the conversation is taking place and sees two guards who haven't left. They are facing away from him.

Lin Yie hesitates for a moment, but he decides to sneak towards them. He's interested in what are they talking about.

"So we still have to watch over that woman, right?'

"If nothing changes, that should be the case. Sir Chen may be dissatisfied, but she did agree to the request." One of the two guards says, 

"So we can only give that woman to Rhodes Island tomorrow."


Lin Yie frowns.

(Are they talking about Rhodes Island's mission? But didn't they say it is about escorting cargo? When did the mission change? The cargo is a woman? That...)

The two guards continue on their topic.

"Did you ever see her in person?"

"Once, from a far distance, so I didn't  get to see her face clearly enough ."

"I saw her from a close distance, but I left quickly."

"Oh? How is she?"

"I don't know how to describe her. She seems to be an ordinary person. No, a regular infected."

"If she is just an Infected, why did Ursus pay us so much to escort her there?"


Lin Yie hears a keyword.

Ursus is a country. 

Technically, Lin Yie is from Ursus because Chernobog is part of Ursus. However, he doesn't know much about Ursus. After all, Chernobog is like the countryside of Ursus, so he knows next to nothing about the capital or its royalty. Still, he got some information from gossips.

That is, Ursus is undoubtedly the country that hates the Infected the most, and they treat Infected the worst among all of the countries that exist here. Compared to the centre of Ursus, a border city like Chernobog treats the Infected way better.


Translator's Notes

Lin Yie uses the phrase "天高皇帝远" to describe Chernobog's geographical significance in Ursus. It basically means Chernobog is too far away from the centre of the country to feel the influence of the ruler.


Lin Yie had never thought the cargo that Rhodes Island is supposed to escort is for Ursus, and the cargo is a female Infected.

(What kind of Infected would warrant the attention the size of a country?)

Lin Yie is curious.

However, the guards noticed his presence.

"Hey, you!" One of the guards yells, "What are you doing there?"

Since they have caught him, Lin Yie can't continue eavesdropping. 

He quickly takes his ID out and shows it to them.

"Just passing by." Lin Yie says, "I am Rhodes Island's psychologist. I am just walking around. Hope that isn't a problem?"

The guards ease up a bit after confirming his identity is true but they know Lin Yie heard what they said but they can't do anything about it. 

After a few words, they leave the building.

Lin Yie thinks about whether he should tell Kal'tsit on what he just heard, but he suddenly has a strange feeling.

Like he is being watched.

He turns around to try to catch the culprit.

(Seems there is no one....)

He thought he was mistaken, but he sees a tiny person across from the street with a hood over their head.

Lin Yie sees some blue crystals forming on their wrists.

(An infected)

"Hey! You there!" Lin Yie shouts, but that person turns around and disappears into the crowd.

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