Ch 14: A Troubling Future

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"Tail? What tail?" Lin Yie tries to look confused,

"I don't remember anything like that. Who's your friend anyways? Sorry, I passed out too early, so..."

Lin Yie can't lie anymore.

Because Shining keeps staring at him with her dark eyes, which seem to say, "Lie. Keep going. I want to see how long you can keep this up."

He may need to work on his acting skill.

Lin Yie lowers his head and apologizes, "I didn't do it intentionally. I wasn't aware."

"Does that mean you remember now?"

"... Yes, I think I grabbed something. Something fluffy" Lin Yie says,

"It should have been a tail but I almost lost consciousness. I only grabbed by reflex. Just by reflex . Believe me. "

Shining nods, "I understand."

Lin Yie is relieved, "I am glad you do."

(That's good)

"But she doesn't."

(That's not)

Lin Yie chokes, "Did I hurt her?"

"That, I don't know." She shakes her head, "When I saved you, you still had a few strands of hair in your hand."


Shining sighs, "Nearl really cares about her image. Even I didn't get to touch her tail..."

"Please stop. You're making me feel even worse." Lin Yie facepalms.

"It was my fault, so if I want to join Rhodes Island, I have to let her forgive me? Alright, where is she now? I will apologize."

Shining shakes her head, "Nearl already returned to Rhodes Island. She is infected, so she doesn't want to stay here, but she is not responsible for recruitment, and neither am I. Recruitment is always approved by the Doctor and Amiya, so you don't have to go apologies now. Plus, she is not the kind of person who stops you from joining because of what you did, but I think she doesn't want to see you for a few days."

Lin Yie doesn't know if he should feel embarrassed or happy. As a vet, he knows how important and how special tails are for animals. Even though Nearl is not an animal, still... Anyway, let's not think too much about that.

"So the friend you wanted me to help is her?" Lin Yie recalls what Shining said to him.

She nods, but she looks a bit lonely and worried,

"Yes. She is one of those who are deeply affected by oripathy, but her body is fine. It is her mind that is affected and it's getting more serious. Unfortunately, that's Rhodes Island's weakness, or rather, the world's. We can use medication to suppress physical symptoms, but not the mind. And Nearl... She has changed a lot and become easier and easier to be irritated."


"Really. You should touch the back of your head."

Lin Yie is shocked. Intuitively, he touches the back of his head, but he feels nothing, so he is baffled, "It feels normal. There's nothing there."

"There was." Shining says, "But I fixed it."

Lin Yie feels nervous, "What was there?"

"Nearl's weapon of choice is an axe."

His chest tightens.

"But she only used her hand. You only got a bump from it. "

He feels relieved.

"But who can promise she won't use her axe next time?"

Lin Yie feels his chest tighten again. He glares at Shining, "Can't you say everything at once? Stop giving heart attack after heart attack."

"Don't worry." Shining says, "Nearl doesn't aim her axe at her teammates. When she loses control, she will self-terminate instead."

"What do you mean?"

"Chopping her own head off."

Lin Yie feels that this conversation has suddenly become a lot darker real fast.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Of course, that's why I invited you to join Rhodes Island." Shining looks into his eyes and carefully says, "I hope you can use your ability on Nearl."

The conversation is getting weird.

"... I don't know what I can do."

"Just hug her before she goes insane."

"Wouldn't she just chop my head off?"

"Are you afraid?" Shining asks, "Didn't you do that for me?"

Lin Yie gives that some thought and chuckles, "Yeah, you are right. As long as she doesn't think I am harassing her."

"You are a doctor." Shining stands up and carries her staff and sword on her back, "When you finally join Rhodes Island, you will face more Infected with the same problems like Nearl's, if not more serious. And the same can be said for the uninfected. That's why I hope your talent works on them because they have been tormented for far too long."

Lin Yie takes a deep breath and nods solemnly, "If my ability works, I will do my best."

Shining nods, but she keeps looking at him.

Lin Yie is confused, "What's wrong?"

"Aren't you going to leave?"

"Ah? But I am still a patient."

"I already healed you." Shining says, "Bringing you here was just a formality. If you really want to rest, you can rest at home. By the way, this room is the best ward in the hospital. It is not cheap."

"Really?" Lin Yie sighs, "Rhodes Island is really rich."

"No. You are paying out of your own pocket." Shining puts on her hood and hides her elvish ears before turning around to leave. Her black robe flutters as she walks, which looks really stylish, "I only brought enough for food. For travellers, each journey is a pilgrimage."

Lin Yie blanks out before jumping out of bed.

"F***!" He puts on his shoes and yells, "Why did you leave me here if I was fine? Wait! This gonna leave real big damage in my finance!!! Shining!!"

What comes next is going through the procedures for discharge. One night here costs one third of Lin Yie's savings for the past two years. When he swipes his card, he can almost feel his heart bleeding.

(My money...) he sobs quietly in his heart...

"Go pack up. Then we will head for Rhodes Island." Shining says.

"Alright." Lin Yie sighs, "I have to resign from the pet hospital first. My boss treated me very nicely. I can't just leave like that. By the way, how much does Rhodes Island pay its employees?"

"I don't know. As a traveller, I don't care much about money.'

Lin Yie can't help but look at Shining worryingly, but the latter stares back with her expressionless face.

That makes him feel worried about his future. He didn't feel really safe right now.

But the game is about to start, right? So what the worse that could happen.

(... I just jinxed myself didn't  I...)

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