Ch 11: The Madman Driven Mad by the Other Madmen is More Like a Lunatic

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That was his first murder in both his previous and current lives, and he killed two at once.

He doesn't feel any nausea or see his hands tremble like what many articles he had read before say. He doesn't feel the world is different or anything at all. Nothing has changed for him but he can feel his blood boiling. He's like those Infected who lost control of themselves. All he can shows is his anger.

What he is thinking right now is, why did those bastards beat him? That man was spoiled as a kid.

Besides his parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, cousins, the fattie living next door, and his classmate with a ponytail, no one has ever beaten him like this.

They even want to kill him! For f*** sake!!

He already died once. He doesn't want to die again.

That's why he pretended to be weak to divert that yellow-haired man's attention before ending that bastard.

For his second victim, well, it was an accident, to be honest.

After killing the yellow-haired man, Lin Yie was already somewhat calmed down. He knew he only had three bullets and after that shot, he had two left so he had to plan carefully.

Unfortunately, his heart may be calm but his body was still trembling in excitement.

Originally, he just wanted to threaten the other Infected to get Elan back, but when he pointed the gun at her captor his finger slipped.

That's how Lin Yie killed the second Infected, and he would probably not be able to forget how that guy looked in the final moment. Horrify.

Right now, there's no time for him to ponder what just happened because when he fired the second shot, everyone was shocked.

After all, it all happened so quickly, and they couldn't read Lin Yie's mind, but they did see what he did.

The vet, who was lying on the ground begging for life, just killed two of the Infected who abused him.

And one of them was killed after surrendering.

Is he really a doctor? Who is the Infected here?

Only a crazier man can suppress the crazies. Fight fire with fire and all that.

Lin Yie thinks quickly and spits out the classic quote.

"Don't ask me where two and three are." He holds Elan close with one hand and points his gun at the Infected with another,

"Real men only need to know 'One' to live in this world."

Of course, Chernobog's Infected don't know where that quote is from. Only Lin Yie knows.

Is was from the main thug of the book Silver Soul.

He can suppress a group of hooligans, despite looking like a dispirited middle-aged man. He gives off the feeling that who doesn't obey him dies, and whenever he shoots after counting just one on the count of three, he gives some false reasoning, such as, "Who the f*** knows numbers. Real men only need to know one to live." In Lin Yie's opinion, that's the biggest thug he knows in Silver Soul.

Right now, Lin Yie needs to become that thug to bring Elan out of this hell to her heaven, her family.

"I will count to three." He points his gun at them, "Move out of my way."

The Infected look at one another. Not sure what to do. So he starts counting.

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