Ch 17: My Humble Gift

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In the game's setting, most of the cities in this world are made to be movable to avoid Catastrophes. They are like giant castles and Chernobog is one of them. It is just that Lin Yie had never seen it move in the past two years.

However, Rhodes Island is the first city Lin Yie has seen that is moving, although its size is not big enough to be called a city. It is more like a giant battleship. When it moves, it still gives off an overwhelming feeling. As Lin Yie watches Rhodes Island move, he can't help but feel insignificant, like an ant looking up at an elephant, although ants can't really raise their heads. Or can they?

"Where is it going?" After a while, Lin Yie asks.

"Here." Rangers says, "But it is looking for a good location to park."

"A good location?"

"Just like how people pick a comfortable position when they sleep. If nothing goes wrong, we will spend a long time here, so we have to pick a good location."

"... So it needs good scenery?"

"If that's possible."

(At least they have high standard... I approve!!)

While they talk, Rhodes Island stops moving.

White steam is exhausted from pipes. Like waves, the steam swallows their van. That really scares the heck out of Lin Yie, but luckily, Rangers already closed all the windows, so the steam couldn't get in the car.

"First time seeing a moving city?" Rangers asks the pale-faced Lin Yie, 

"Are you alright?"

Lin Yie manages to force a smile and nods, "I think so. If we were outside, would the steam burn us?"

"You can try." Rangers smile, "Shining can heal you anyway."

(I'm not smart...but even I know that a bad idea... I am not that stupid.)

Still, it feels quite mysterious when the van is swallowed by the steam. Lin Yie can feel the temperature rising, but only a suicidal freak would open the windows and get a second-degree burn.

...Lin Yie hand slow goes to the window button... He quickly stops and regains control of his body.

(What the heck am I doing!!!?)

After about a minute, the steam starts to dissipate. Rangers restart the car and drive towards Rhodes Island. Lin Yie can't help but feel impressed by the technology in this world. It is so advanced. What's the point of magic (I know its called Arts but you can't say that it isn't similar to magic!!!!) then?

The journey through the steam is very mysterious and surreal. It reminds Lin Yie of Journey to the West, where Sun Wukong fights the gods in the clouds. That scene really left a deep impression on him but when he went to the capital for a trip at the age of ten, he noticed how kindergarteners fighting in the smoke was not that different from the scene where Sun Wukong fights the gods... 

It felt even more mysterious and surreal because the children gradually disappeared into the smoke and never came back.

Lin Yie is distracted by his thoughts and imaginations. He really has a short attention span.

Soon, the car stops again. Lin Yie notices that they are already in front of Rhodes Island's headquarter.

"Time to go." Rangers takes the car key and opens the door, "It's getting late, so I am going back to rest."

Lin Yie hurriedly follows him.

Even though he already knows the answer, Lin Yie stills ask Rangers, "Is Rhodes Island using steam to power the city?"

"Steam?" Rangers looks at Lin Yie weirdly, "What are you talking about?"


Rangers tap the ground with his boots, "Other than originium, what else can we use to power this beast?"

Lin Yie is speechless.

(So... In this world with all the high tech invention, the only type of fuel is originium... The rock that can give you superpower and explosive cancer... What are they thinking)!

"Alright. That's it for today. Welcome to Rhodes Island." Ranger reaches his hand out. "I am Rangers, but you already know."

Lin Yie shakes his hand. To be honest, that is his first time shaking hands with a lizard. He thought Rangers's hand would be slippery, but when he grabbed the hand, it felt more coarse and drier than his. Maybe it is the scales. "Thanks."

"I hope the next time we see each other is when you join Rhodes Island." Rangers lets of Lin Yie's hand, "Shining will help you find a place to spend the night. I live in 12B. If you need anything, you can ask me for help."

Lin Yie thanks Rangers again before Rangers leaves.

Watching Rangers disappear into the building, Lin Yie realizes this strange-looking operator has left him a favourable impression.

"So, what are we doing next?" Lin Yie looks at Shining, who hasn't spoken for a long time, "Are we going to apply?"

"Did you write one?"

"Uh, not yet."

"Then that's settled." Shining carries her sword and staff on the back and leaves, "People are off work right now, so I will help you find a place to live first."

Lin Yie follows behind.

"After being hired... I mean if I get hired," Lin Yie asks, "What should I do?"

"Just do what you are good at."

"Veterinary work?"

Shining glances at him.

"That was a joke." Lin Yie scratches his head, "You said you were going to hand a kid to me. Who is she and what does she need?"

Lin Yie noticed that when he mentioned that "kid," Shining looked a bit lonely, albeit only for a brief moment.

"You will see," Shining and Lin Yie walk into an elevator of the garage, "When the time is right, I hope you can do your best to help her."

"Of course." He smiles, "That's my first job in Rhodes Island... I mean if I can join, I will treat it seriously."

Shining nods and presses F16. Then, she stops talking.

The elevator goes up slowly. Lin Yie feels a bit nervous.

After all, his new life is about to begin.

Following Shining on floor 16, he sees a room. Shining takes out a keycard and swipes it. When the door opens, she doesn't step in.

"You can go inside and unpack. I will register you at the guard station." Shining says.

Lin Yie nods. After she is gone, he takes his luggage inside.

It's a very nice room.

There is a closet, a dining table, a sofa, a TV, some beds, and a blond furry wearing a tank top on one of the beds.

It's very nice indeed.


Lin Yie is stunned.

(Something is not right.)

Then he saw someone...

He stares at her.

And Nearl is also staring at him, coldly. After a few seconds, she takes the axe next to her bed.

"Uh...W-W-Wait! I am really sorry!!" Lin Yie stutters, 

"Uh... First time. No. It is the second time we see each other. If I offended you before, I am really sorry."

Nearl doesn't say anything. She only stares at him...

Lin Yie panics and takes something out of his pocket, "Here is my humble gift."

He shows the conditioner (for pets).

Then, he sees the flames raging in her eyes.

(Oh!!! Come on!!!)

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