Ch 138: A New Task

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The document in her hand is the one he submitted. The only difference is her signature at the bottom.

"It should have been Kal'tsit sensei's signature," Amiya smiles.

"I understand. Thank you."
Lin Yie puts the report in his drawer.

Amiya then tells him that Ptilopsis will continue to focus on the tasks from the medical department and that Ms. Skadi won't stay in Rhodes Island very often.

"It's fine," Lin Yie says, "There's not much to do anyway."

"Uh... I'm still your boss, right? Is it appropriate for you to be so blunt?"

"Oops," Lin Yie scratches his head in embarrassment, "Actually, I work very hard, 25 hours a day."

Amiya chuckles.

Lin Yie shrugs, "But I really don't have much to do... If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me why you and Ms. Kal'tsit are rarely in Rhodes Island?"

"I don't mind," Amiya nods, "It's just work."


"Um. Rhodes Island is still in its development phase. We need a lot of resources and connections to expand," Amiya says, "For example, Kal'tsit sensei and I have been trying to purchase construction materials from Ursus to renovate Rhodes Island."

Lin Yie pauses, "Renovate?"

"Yes. We want to make Rhodes Island resemble more of a warship than an island," Amiya says, "That's why we have to use high-quality materials and remove the extras. We want Rhodes Island to be mobile enough to avoid Catastrophes."

"Ah, I see."

"But it's not easy to negotiate with Ursus, especially for the Infected," Amiya sighs, "They keep raising the prices. Kal'tsit sensei has been really upset because of that, but there is really no other choice, so we have to negotiate more."

Lin Yie feels that their job is not as easy as he thought.

"That's why we have to count on you guys when we are not here."

"I'm just a psychologist."

"Not just any psychologist. You are also the floor manager appointed by me," Amiya smiles. Before she leaves, she adds, "By the way, someone wanted me to ask you if you are interested in going out for an errand."

Lin Yie pauses, "What errand?"

"Um... we need to cooperate with some large pharmaceutical company."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"It has something to do with you," Amiya tilts her head, "Anyway, I should let their representative explain to you."

This kind of suspense really irritates Lin Yie, but there's nothing he can do to Rhodes Island's leader.

Fortunately, the "representative" arrives soon after.

"Dr. Lin," Ptilopsis's ears shake slightly as she says, "Ms. Silence asked me to bring you a message-"

"Why don't you look at the time first?" Lin Yie cuts her off.

Ptilopsis looks up.

"Look at the clock. Tell me what time it is."

"5:27 PM."

Lin Yie's mouth twitches in annoyance.

Ptilopsis thinks for a moment. Then, she seems to realize something, "Ptilopsis understands now. It's time to clock off. See you tomorrow, Dr. Lin."

But before she can step out, Lin Yie grips her shoulder tightly.

Ptilopsis says, "Ptilopsis detected large fluctuations of your emotional state. Do you need Operator Ptilopsis to tell you a joke?"

Lin Yie heaves as he tries to get his anger under control.

In the end, he sighs, "No need. Just come to work on time tomorrow. Even if you can't, at least come before work ends."

"Don't worry," Ptilopsis says, "Operator Ptilopsis always shows up to work on time, and her attendance records in the database are flawless."

"Do you mind if I ask who maintains those records?"

"Rhodes Island's database has always been maintained by Operator Ptilopsis."

Lin Yie is speechless.

He asks, "So what did you want to tell me? Don't tell me you forgot."

Ptilopsis turns her head around without moving her body, "Ms. Silence asked me to bring you a message."

"What is it?"

"She hopes you can go with her on an errand."

Lin Yie pauses, "Errand? What errand? Is that what Amiya just told me?"

"It seems Ms. Amiya already informed you," Ptilopsis nods, "Ms. Silence hopes you can go with her to Lungmen."

"Lungmen?" Lin Yie asks, "Why me? I don't know how to negotiate."

"Ms. Silence doesn't require your nonexistent business skills. She only needs your caretaking service," Ptilopsis says, "Because she's bringing Ifrit along."

Lin Yie nods.

Now that's something I can get behind.

But when he thinks more about it, all he has done so far is taking care of people, like a nanny.

Lin Yie asks, "Does Ifrit always follow Silence?"


"Even when Silence works?"


"But why does she want me to go this time?"

"Because the other party is a bit special."

"How special?"

"They are from Rhine Lab."


Draft by Demosama

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