Ch 93: Choice

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Lin Yie thinks for a moment before speaking again, "You want me to use my ability on Nightingale?"


"But I still don't understand what it's capable of," Lin Yie says, "Even Kal'tsit doesn't know."

"You can still try."

Lin Yie smiles bitterly, "Then what do you want me to do? Do you think it will cure Liz's sickness?"

"I don't know." Shining shakes her head, "I just don't want to see her keep struggling with her past. She already left that place."

"I understand,' Lin Yie says, "I felt really bad when I saw her dream. I want to help her, but I'm not sure if my ability will just hurt her more. After all, it did cause her a lot of mental stress."

"There's always a price to power."

"But it shouldn't be her who pays the price," Lin Yie says, "Her mental state is finally stabilized. We don't have to hurry."

Shining falls silent.

After a while, Shining breaks the silence, "Do you know her past?"

Lin Yie doesn't know how to answer her.

"What you saw was only a piece of her reality. To her, it was but an ordinary day in her childhood," Shining says, "Ten years ago, Sarkaz's had a civil war between two factions. They used everything that was available to win. Even Liz who has an innate affinity with Originium Arts was used as a tool. That's when her nightmare began."

Lin Yie holds his breath and focuses on what she says.

"It wasn't just Liz. In order to win the war, many, too many Sarkaz children were involved and killed. Very few lived to see another day. Liz is one of them. However, when I found her, I couldn't tell if she was really alive."

"What do you mean?"

"How old was she when you found her in her dream?"

"I couldn't tell you. She was too thin," Lin Yie says, "I'm not sure if Sarkaz's age like us, but in my opinion, she seemed to be a little bit older than ten."

"When I found her, she was already an adult," Shining says, "She spent her childhood in that hell."

Lin Yie falls silent.

"When I found her, her body, her mind, were like a burning candle near its end, so I brought her here to keep her alive, and that was all I accomplished. However, I never thought that flame was still burning, eating away her life."

"... You mean she would be in worse shape if nothing was done?"

Shining doesn't answer his question, "I have always regretted not acting sooner. If I was more decisive, if I could arrive one year, one month, one week, or even one day earlier, would Liz return to normal?"

Lin Yie doesn't know what to say.

"That's why, Dr. Lin," Shining looks into his eyes, "I can't wait any longer. And I don't want to live my life with regrets. If you don't have that ability, I would be willing to wait, but you do."

Shining sighs, "I believe in her because she wouldn't have survived the war otherwise, but nobody knows if she can do it again."

Lin Yie sighs, "What should I do?"

"Bring her out of her cage."

"Just like what you did?"


"But you are Sarkaz's sword saint."

"And you are Liz's doctor."

Shining gets up from her seat, "I don't want to force you. After all, nobody knows if she's getting better or worse at this point, but... I hope from the bottom of my heart you can save Liz again. This time, regardless of success or failure, is really the last chance."

After that, Shining leaves Lin Yie in the cafeteria alone.

By the time the chef brings out the food, Lin Yie has no appetite left.

He can understand how Shining feels, and he also shares her wish. He wants to save Nightingale and slaughter the bastards. But he also remembers what happened afterward.


If he keeps failing, what will that do to Nightingale? Will he be saving her or killing her slowly? Kal'tsit told him not to use the ability at the moment, but Shining doesn't want him to hesitate any longer. What should he do?

He can't think. He doesn't know. His mind is in turmoil.

When he arrives at the training room, Lin Yie doesn't say a word. He pulls out his sword and roars as he rushes towards Yato.

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