Ch 166: Death By Fire Extinguisher

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Swire was right.

Two terrorists were standing right next to the corpse of a security guard in the hallway that led to the backstage, blood still dripping down their blades.

But just as Swire and Lin Ye stare at them, so do the killers towards the two newcomers.

When the terrorists begin approaching them, Lin Ye takes a deep breath and steps forward, shielding Swire with his body.

"What're you doing?", Swire stares at Lin Ye in shock.

"What do you think?"

"Are you seriously going to fight them? Oh, please, you're just a medic. Don't be a fool." She says, "Let me do it."

Lin Ye raises an eyebrow.

Despite her brave words, Swire could barely stand straight on her own. Her face, pale from blood loss.

If she really had the strength, she wouldn't have waited until now

He shakes his head inwardly.

Even though he lacked a weapon, he still had his wave leaping strike. Well, he hadn't tried it without a weapon yet, but he was left with no choice.

"Just leave it to me." Lin Ye pats his chest confidently, "I may be a doctor, but I know how to fight. Watch me."

He stares ahead at the two approaching targets.

Even though he's probably the weakest doctor in Rhodes Island, if it's just one versus two, he might stand a chance. After all, Yato had been training him for two months, not to mention having fought countless times in Nightingale's dream.

But... this was reality. If he dies here, it's really over.

Lin Ye gulps.

He keeps repeating to himself to stay calm. Those two men were just terrorists. They were nothing when compared to Sarkaz warriors. If he can use wave leaping strike, he can do it.

I can do it!

The two terrorists suddenly rush toward him.

Come on!

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Skadi, help me!

Lin Ye shouts for help in his heart. He tried to find that familiar scent of the sea, but he can't feel anything.

Suddenly, someone violently yanks him back.


He knows that it was Swire, and as expected, Swire was running toward the two men with a big red "canister."


She swings the canister at the head of one of the terrorists.

The two men had been aiming for Lin Ye, so Swire's sudden intervention managed to catch them off guard. They had never expected Swire to be able to fight with those wounds, let alone in such an aggressive manner.

The terrorist who Swire was aiming at tries to block the canister, but Swire proves to be surprisingly fast.


Not a word came out of the terrorist's mouth before his brain was smashed to bits.

Everyone is shocked.

But Swire doesn't stop there.

With the momentum from the previous swing, she bashes the other terrorist's head.

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