Ch 171: Only If You Learn Swordsmanship Will You Know...

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Back in Lin Ye's room, Silence starts his check-up.

"Open your mouth."


Silence shines her flashlight in Lin Ye's mouth.

A few seconds later, she turns her flashlight off and puts it back in her medkit.

Lin Ye asks, "Is there anything wrong?"

Silence nods slowly, "Yes..."

That's not what Lin Ye was expecting. He immediately asks, "What is it?"

"You should brush your teeth."


"Just kidding." Silence smiles, "Like what the guards said, you are just exhausted. Just rest for a few days."

Lin Ye turns to look at Ifrit, "You seem disappointed. Did you want me to get hurt, you damn brat?"

Ifrit shouts, "Hey, who did you call brat?!"

Lin Ye chuckles at her reaction and gently rubs her head, "Hey."


"Thank you for worrying about me."

"W-Who said I was worried. Huh?! You idiot! And wha-what do you think you're doing?!!" Ifrit blushes faintly, and despite protesting, doesn't swat his hand away.

Lin Ye laughs.

Silence smiles softly, seeing the interaction between Lin Ye and Ifrit. If possible, she would love to stay and watch this forever.

When Lin Ye and Ifrit finish bickering with each other, Silence says, "Well, now you know Dr. Lin isn't injured. You should go back to get some sleep."

"But I'm not sleepy yet," Ifrit says.

"You haven't slept yet," Silence says, "and there's something I have to discuss with Dr. Lin."

Ifrit pouts, but she eventually gives in to Silence's demand, "Okay..."

She walks toward the door, but not without stealing a glimpse at Lin Ye. When Lin Ye notices her gaze, she quickly runs away.

Lin Ye sighs softly with a faint smile.

Now that Ifrit has left, the only other people in his room were Silence and ACE.

"This wasn't your lucky day, huh.", Ace smiles, "Otherwise, you would have had a great time with the lady of the LGD. Tsk. Tsk. It's nice to be young."


"Hahahaha. Sorry. I'm sorry.", ACE stops laughing and turns serious, "It's miracle you both survived."

"Yeah..." Lin Ye sighs heavily, "Everyone else is dead."

"They said those people were terrorists," Silence says, "but the report may not come out tomorrow." She rubs her nose bridge in distress, "Our days in Lungmen might not be as easy in the future."

Lin Ye is stunned, "Wha-What do you mean?"

ACE crosses his arms, "What do you think will be the biggest impact of this incident?"

Lin Ye thinks for a moment and says with some uncertainty, "Ch'en and Swire told me that there was a famous playwright from Ursus, so that attack is bound to affect the relationship between Lungmen and Ursas. It's a diplomatic incident."

"John Walker.", Silence says lightly, "I watched some of his plays, back while I was still working at Rhine Lab. He really lived up to his reputation. However, the diplomatic issue isn't something we should worry about. What we have to worry about are things related to Rhodes Island."

"I still don't understand what you mean."

"The relationship between normal and infected people,", Ace sighs, "that is something that affects us."

Lin Ye pauses, "So you're saying that the people of Lungmen will become more hostile toward the Infected?"

ACE gravely nods.

Lin Ye lowers his head and mulls over Ace's words.

Why didn't I realize this? This is the second time Lungmen was attacked by an organization of the Infected in the span of... only a few months. The first attack was already very serious, and here comes another one, a more serious incident at that.

Another serious implication is that Mr. Wei might come to doubt his LGD. That would be a disaster for the future of Lungmen. Worse, he might...

Lin Ye looks at ACE, "Do you think Mr. Wei will suspect us?"

"No, at least, not yet.", ACE shakes his head. "But Wei Yenwu will definitely be more vigilant with the organizations of the Infected, and Rhodes Island is one of them."

Lin Ye was speechless. The joy of surviving a life-threatening encounter replaced with the distress from Rhodes Island's future prospects in Lungmen.

This is serious.

ACE says, "When you see Kal'tsit again, be sure to tell her about the Reunion Movement and tell her to come to Lungmen. We'll be needing her expertise."

Lin Ye nods.

"Don't worry too much. We're here for you.", ACE pats Lin Ye on the shoulder.

"Thank you."

Silence stands up, "Then, I should go back now. By the way, I suggest you brush your teeth more often."

Lin Ye awkwardly scratches his head, "How was the smell?"

"There wasn't that much odor... What I'm trying to say is brushing your teeth helps relax your mood. As a psychologist, you should know that better than me, right?"

Lin Ye pauses, "Oh, uh, yeah, of course I do."

"I'll take a smoke break and explain this to the others outside.", Ace says, "Alright, I'll leave you alone then. By the way, when you go out next time, remember to bring me along. Those two terrorist attacks should be enough to show that Lungmen isn't as peaceful as before. We need to be careful."

Lin Ye nods, "I understand."

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

When he's alone, Lin Ye grabs his bag from the bedside table, and takes his pistol and bullets out.

I'd thought it would come to this. Just what happened to my luck?

It's not cheap to rely on his gun for self-defense. That's why he went ahead to learn swordsmanship from Yato and Skadi. However, now is not the time to be frugal. His life is really on the line.

He puts the gun and the few clips in his clothes.

Then, he goes to the restroom to wash his face and brush his teeth... After that, he goes back to his bed and lies down.

But he can't fall asleep.

I guess I slept too much today...

After tossing around for a bit longer, Lin Yie decides to find someone to chat with. However, ACE left the room already.

So, he takes his phone out and dials Skadi's number.

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaqqy10

Proofread by Demosama & PanzerComrade56

Edit by Jaqqy10

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