Ch 48: Ifrit (Part 1)

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(Was that an Infected?)

Lin Yie is not sure. Although he knows Lungmen treats the Infected better than Chernobog does, albeit only relatively, isn't it too much for them to let an Infected run wild on the streets?

(But that person seems well concealed. Hopefully, they won't be discovered and be safe.)

Lin Yie walks into a coffee shop.

He finds a seat next to the windows with good sun exposure and waves at a waitress who is wearing white stockings. When the waitress comes over, he puts a stack of money on the table.

"A cup of red tea with a sugar cube, please."

Lin Yie says in a polite tone like a noble... he wished.

If you want to know why he asked for this combo, the answer is simple: it is super cheap.

As mentioned before, sugar is a rare commodity in this world. Everything related to sugar is a luxury in his eyes. 

Very few people can afford them. Lin Yie didn't have any sugar back in Chernobog, but he did eat a lot of dog food. Although he felt uncomfortable at the beginning, he grew accustomed to the taste until he tried Jessica's crackers.

And those crackers made him realize he is human and he needs sugar in his life, not a dog that can be dealt with dog food.

Although sugar is not cheap, still, no matter what kind of coffee shop it is, red tea with sugar should be the cheapest combo.

Of course, it is not invented by Lin Yie. It is the most common method people in this world uses to taste sugar. 

After all, the desserts are too expensive for average people. Therefore, most people when faced with a menu of dazzling sweets would just say, "Can I just have red tea, please?"

If possible, "Add a sugar cube."

It may be funny, but it is quite sad, to be honest.

When the waitress leaves with the menu that wasn't even looked at, Lin Yie sighs. He doesn't have much left in his wallet. He misses the old days when he could just try sweet food whenever he wanted. He misses the icicles he used to buy in front of his elementary school. Speaking of living standards, this world is way worse than the one he came from.

But now that he is here, he just needs to do his best to adapt. He has an open mind, although he feels sorry for his parents and the cats back at his original home. Still, he is given another life. Only the people who have tried death can understand how precious your life is.

The red tea is here. Lin Yie drops the sugar cube into the cup and stirs the tea with a spoon. As he looks outside, at the streets and the crowds, he can't help but think what would happen if he didn't die and instead lived through college. Would he live a similar life?

Too bad, he will never know that.

Lin Yie takes a sip of the tea.

The bitterness and the sugar's sweetness intertwine haphazardly around his tongue.

Lin Yie closes his eyes and enjoys the sensation, but suddenly, he realizes something...

(F*ck! If I knew, I wouldn't have put the sugar inside. It's so disgusting! Why would I order this!!)

Lin Yie really regrets his decision. He ruined not only the tea but also the sugar cube. Just when he hesitates to order a blueberry-flavoured sandwich to indulge himself, he hears a girl's voice.

"When did I want to dine and dash?! I only forgot to bring money!"

Lin Yie sees a girl in a grey robe with blond hair split into two ponytails. She has a healthy tan and two black horns like Nightingale's. Right now, she is standing on her toes in front of the counter and arguing with a server.

 Right now, she is standing on her toes in front of the counter and arguing with a server

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(Is she a devil too?)

Lin Yie feels that he can see devils everywhere after leaving Chernobog. Or perhaps, devils roam this world?

"Paying for your meal is custom..."

"I know that." The girl says, "I really just don't have enough money. Just let me go back and get it for you."

The server shakes his head, "How do we know you will come back?"

"Ha?" She gives him an incredulous look, "It doesn't even cost that much. Do you think I, Lord Ifrit, can't afford this much?"

"Every customer that wants to eat free food says that." The server looks indifferent, "And we can't trust you based on your words alone. Plus, the Infected never keep their words."


Lin Yie examines her body and spots some crystals on her legs.

The server's words attracted not only Lin Yie's attention but also the other customers'. They are all looking at Ifrit now.

"Infected?! Why is there an Infected?" A fat, bald man throws his spoon away and spits on the floor as if his cutlery and food have the virus.

"What the fuck is wrong with your shop?! Why did you let an Infected inside?!" A dog-like woman screams.

"Kick her out!" Another voice.

The girl probably didn't know a simple matter would make her the most hated person in the room. She clenches her fist tightly.

"Pay now and get out." The server says coldly, "If we knew you were Infected, we wouldn't have let you enter. This shop doesn't serve the Infected."

Lin Yie facepalms.

He saw this kind of incident every day in Chernobog, and he thought Lungmen would be different. Maybe he overthought things.

(I should leave before things get out of control.)

Lin Yie finishes his tea and prepares to leave, but before he steps out, he sees the symbol on her clothes.

Wait... Is that Rhodes Island?


"If you can't pay, I will have to call the police." The server takes the phone, but someone stops him.

It is from Lin Yie.

"Let me pay for her meal." Lin Yie smiles.

Ifrit looks at Lin Yie with doubt.

"We came from the same place." Lin Yie takes out his wallet, "Give me the bill."

Ifrit says, "I don't know you."

Lin Yie shows her his ID, "I am the new psychologist."

Before Ifrit can speak, the server is back with her bill, "Are you really paying her bill? I think you should just walk away."

"Why should I? Someone told me, I am responsible for them all."

Lin Yie smiles confidently as he takes the bill, but when he sees the price, his smile disappears.


Lin Yie takes a deep breath and gives the bill back.

"Sorry. After some careful consideration, I realized I am just an intern, and I don't even know this kid, so I am not paying for her. Goodbye."

....Truly, Lin Yie is a kind person... form himself. 

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