Ch 136: I'm Eating This Because Of You, Not Because I Like It.

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Three days later, Lin Yie is finally released from the hospital.

After returning to his office, Lin Yie is overjoyed. For someone so hardworking, so diligent, so..., missing just one day of work is tormenting for him, let alone three days! That's why after coming back...

Alright, who are we kidding here?

But really, it wasn't fun to be bedridden and forced to undergo all sorts of testing every day, for three days straight. That's the truth.

Unfortunately, the medical staff still hasn't managed to determine what caused his "sickness." Till now, nobody has understood what caused his fever, as it baffles the doctors as much as his abilities. That's why they let him leave after three days of rigorous testing.

Lin Yie leans back in his chair and spins his pen as he recalls what happened in the past few days.

It honestly felt like a dream to him.

Even though he's fine now, he's still exhausted. His insomnia didn't go away after Liz was saved. Every night, whenever he closes his eyes, he still finds himself in that dungeon. It's not because of his ability, but his experience. He simply went there too many times, such that the horrors there had seared into his mind.


Lin Yie takes his notebook out and flips to the page about Nightingale.


After writing that down, Lin Yie breathes a sigh of relief. This is his conclusion after observing her for three days. Even Rhodes Island agrees with him, that is, after several more rounds of testing.

Yeah, she's completely fine now.

But... it also means Nightingale can't slack off anymore. "Normal" people in Rhodes Island have to work (Uh, maybe not the kind of normal he has in mind). Nightingale is no exception. After all these years, she can finally be part of the workforce.

Now, she's interning in the medical department under Shining's supervision.

Lin Yie doesn't know if this is a good thing for her, but at least, it's not bad.

Then again...

He has been spacing out in his office for nearly the whole morning, but Ptilopsis still hasn't arrived.

Is she going to skip work again?

Even he came in early despite being recently released from the hospital. This is ridiculous. But when he thinks about it, this doesn't seem that ridiculous, if Ptilopsis is the one doing it. After all, this is not her first time.

Lin Yie glances at the clock. It seems he's going to have lunch alone.

Wait, why does he feel so lonely all of a sudden?

He shakes his head, but when he is about to get up and leave, his door is opened.

Nightingale pokes her head out from the side of the door, "Pine... Lin Yie, are you going to have lunch?"

I guess I won't be eating by myself.


As they walk toward the cafeteria, Lin Yie asks Nightingale, "So, how's your internship going?"

Nightingale thinks for a moment. Then, she says, "It's fine. I feel like the things they're teaching me are quite easy."

Lin Yie smiles, "You really don't disappoint."

Nightingale lowers her head and falls into silence.

Lin Yie scratches his head, not sure what he should do next.

Technically speaking, the Liz right now, or the "new" Liz after her rebirth is a different person from her past self. Everyone has been doing their best to adjust and accommodate for her change, and Nightingale is doing the same as well, but as Ptilopsis said, this process will still take some time to finish. Therefore, there are times when Nightingale struggles with her old habits. For example...

"Pine... Lin Yie." Nightingale steals a glance at him. After seeing he doesn't seem to mind, she breathes a sigh of relief and says, "Sister Shining said she will bring me outside later."

"Outside? Where?"

Nightingale says, "Sister Shining and Sister Nearl will bring me to do their mission together."

"That's great news. You have to do your best."

"Um." Then, she quickly looks away.

Is she shy? That's new.

Or perhaps, he should say, the Liz he met in the past would never be shy?

"The cafeteria should be selling pineapple buns at lunchtime now," Lin Yie points at the menu hanging over the counter, "Do you want one?"

Nightingale glances at the steamy buns, a tinge of nostalgia flashing past her eyes, which is quickly suppressed. She shakes her head, "No, there's no need for that. I'm not a kid anymore."

"Pfft," Lin Yie chuckles, "That makes me feel really happy."


"You finally grew up."

Nightingale looks away and pouts. Then, she walks up to the chef and says, "I want a steamed potato." After getting her food, she really walks away with just a potato.

Lin Yie shakes his head helplessly. This is too funny.

When Nightingale is a fair distance away, he buys two pineapple buns before chasing after her.

Nightingale picked the seats near the windows.

After putting her tray down, Nightingale starts slicing her potato into smaller pieces before taking small bites in a prim and proper manner.

When Lin Yie sits down across from her, she pretends that she hasn't noticed him.

"I heard kids like desserts," Lin Yie says, "Liz, do you like desserts."

"I'm not a kid anymore."

"Then, do you like desserts?"

"I said, I'm not a kid anymore."

"Oh, then you don't like desserts?"

Lin Yie struggles not to laugh out loud. Her reaction reminds him of the times when he had to coax her into taking her medicine.

He picks his fork up and slowly cuts into a pineapple bun. The moment the crispy top of the pineapple bun breaks, Liz glances toward the bun subconsciously, before she quickly turns her head to the side, but Lin Yie hadn't failed to notice it.

"Tsk," Lin Yie says, "What's the big deal here? Kids and adults enjoy desserts all the same."


Lin Yie picks a pineapple bun up and holds it in front of her mouth, "Wanna give it a try?"

Before she can turn him down again, Lin Yie mutters, "I always thought Liz is nice and mature. Are you going to keep my holding the bun like this?" He moves the bun slightly, "Give me a chance please?"

Nightingale hesitates for a moment, but in the end, she takes a bite, a big one at that.

"You left me no choice," Nightingale mutters, "I'm eating this because of you, not because I like it."

"Yes. Yes. Yes..." LIn Yie nods, although he's shaking his head helplessly in his mind.


Draft by Demosama

Proofread by PanzerComrade56

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