Ch 173: Dual Wielding For A Doctor?

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Lin Ye stared at his phone in disbelief, "What did you say you're doing?"

Skadi replies in a calm voice, "Killing people."

"Ah. I see. You're joking, right?"

Skadi placidly says, "No, I never joke about anything."


Hearing another scream in the background, Lin Ye's hair stands on end. He stutters, "Ar-are you really?" Lin Ye gulps, "Why would you answer my call when you are killing people?!"

"Well, what's wrong with that?"

Her tone was calm. If it weren't for the screams, Lin Ye would still think she's joking around.

"I really am killing enemies."

Lin Ye rubs his temples, not really sure what to say in this situation.

"If you're worried that I can't concentrate on my task, that's not necessary..."

"That's not the point!"


Lin Ye hangs up the phone and stares at the ceiling in a daze.

He wasn't naive enough to think the world was filled with good people, and he knew Rhodes Island undertook operations that involved killing people, but this was the first time he heard of someone killing others while answering a phone call.

Does she even take her enemies seriously?

Forget it.

Anyway, it didn't seem to be a good time for her to chat with him, and it'd be terrible if she got hurt for answering his phone call.

He rolls to his side and puts his phone on the bedside table.

Time to sleep.


Just when he closes his eyes, the phone rings.

Lin Ye sighs and grabs his phone.

"I'm done," Skadi says, "though strictly speaking, my enemies weren't human."


After a moment of silence, Lin Ye says, "I wanted to ask you about the Wave Leaping Strike."

"Alright. Let's talk about it."

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

After telling her about what happened back in the theater, Lin Ye asks, "I noticed that when I used two swords at the same time, my strength seemed to have doubled with the ability. Do you know why that happened?"

"You were attacked?", Skadi asks, seemingly ignoring Lin Ye's question.

"Uh, they didn't come to kill me specifically, I just got involved because of bad luck, really. Anyway, do you know the answer to my question?"

"The phenomenon you described is normal. In theory, you can control the power of the Wave Leaping Strike.", Skadi says, "In simpler terms, the greater the pressure you face, the greater the strength you get from the Wave Leaping Strike, and likewise when you face less pressure, you won't get much out of the technique."

"Is that the same for you?"

"No, I'm not restricted in any way. I can use the Wave Leaping Strike anytime, anywhere." Skadi says nonchalantly, "I just don't use it that often."

Lin Ye pauses, "Why don't you use it?"

"I don't want to blow my enemies up. That's just unnecessary." Skadi says in a serious voice, "If possible, I will only chop their heads off. Very beings can remain standing when they lose their heads. Hmm... Maybe I just haven't found them yet."

What kind of enemies do you face?!

Skadi says, "Back on topic, you're restricted by your stamina. If you're facing one enemy, you might be able to last long enough to end the fight. However, if you want to fight multiple enemies, you'll need a stronger version of the Wave Leaping Strike."

"A stronger version?"

She explains, "Wave Leaping Strike was developed by our ancestors to fight the enemies from the abyss, but times have changed, so in order to survive in the abyss, my clan has developed new abilities that are stronger and more powerful than the Wave Leaping Strike."

Lin Ye asks, "Can you teach me those abilities?"

Skadi says, "It's not that I don't want to teach you. You just don't have the talent."


Why did you get my hopes up then?

"However, it would be sufficient, if you can kill your enemies within ten seconds. In my opinion, that's the best combat style for you."

Lin Ye pauses, "Wouldn't it be better if I copied your style instead?"

"No, we fight differently, and we use different weapons." Skadi says, "You should just fight the way as before."

"What did I do?"

Skadi, "Like what you told me, you can use two weapons and double your combat power that way."

{Rhodes Island's Psychologist}

Draft by Jaqqy10

Proofread by Demosama & PanzerComrade56

Edit by Jaqqy10

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