Chapter 42

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No, no, no, no, no, no. Please baby hang in there. "Why weren't you paying attention. She's kidnapped because you all didn't do your fucking jobs." I show than a picture of my sweet girl all beaten up. She's probably barely breathing.

"Look at this shit." I throw my phone at the wall and slam my fist into the desk. "Go find her now." I growl "I don't care how fucking long it takes. If my girl is dead-" I glare at them. "I'm killing all you stupid fucks." they all salute me then make their way out. Best in the fucking world yeah right.

I only have two days to go save my girl. If I take longer her face might be bashed in. I slam the wall just at the thought. This is my fault. I should have been with my girl. I yell so loud before tears fall down my eyes. I let this happen. I clutch my heart.

I let them punch her beautiful face. My brother walks in and hugs me. "You need a plan, Luca," my brother tells me the obvious. "I can't make a fucking plan if I don't know where she is." I growl.

"I have an idea but after that make a plan."

2 days later!


I cry out as she grabs my hair and throws me. I need to get out of here but how. They know me out everytime they leave. What if I pretend to pass out. I present to pass out. "Yeah she's out. I can't wait till the bastard gets here so I can kill him. "

"I don't want to watch you have your way with her eww." She walks out of the room leaving it cracked a little. I wait until I hear her walking far away before getting up. My head is throbbing but I wipe the blood off my eyes and leave. I slip out of the door and carefully walk down the long hallway. It seems that I'm in a warehouse. I hide behind something when I see that girl continuing to talk on the phone.

I find something to him her with and creep up behind her. "Okay bye." Once she hangs up I hit her in the head. She falls to the floor with blood spilling from her head.

D-did I just kill someone. I want to cry but I can't. I need to focus on getting out. I continue sneaking around just in case there are more people. I finally see some light come from the outside when I'm suddenly grabbed.

They put their hand over my mouth but I bite it trying to kick my way out of their grasp. "Baby it's me." He rests his head into the nape of my neck. I turn to look at him with tears in my eyes.

It's Luca. I turn around in his arms and hug him tight. My face is in so much pain so it hurts. He lets me go and holds my hand. "I'm getting you out of here." I have a lot of people surrounding this building so no need to worry.

He leads me towards the exit as we both crouch. Before we make it out we hear a gun shot. It didn't hit neither one of us. It came from outside the building.

Suddenly the girl I hit in the head appears from one of the hallways holding a gun and we hear more shots outside. Luca points his gun at her. "Shit what's going on out there?" Luca asks.

"How many guys does he have?"

"Dammit he was prepared." Luca loads up his gun. "Don't take one more step or I will shoot." She laughs like she's crazy. "You don't remember me Luca. Your father did kill my parents after all. You deserve to die." Luca raises his eyebrow. "My father hasn't killed anyone in years." I stiff up beside him. "Yeah. One year ago he killed my parents while I was on a camping trip. I had a normal life and he took that away from me." She holds up the gun and Luca puts his hand on the trigger.

I cry into his chest as I look away. "That wasn't my father." He says calmly. "Yes it was, Daniel told me." She shoots at us but misses. Luca shots at her and he doesn't miss. Right in the chest and the leg. She falls on the ground and Luca keeps my eyes covered.

"I'm sorry I put you through this baby." He opens the door and we sneak outside. His soldiers are shooting at Daniel and his members.

I almost scream as Daniel takes a shot at Luca. Luckily Luca shot at the right time and hit Daniel in his stomach. Luca gets me to safety then runs back to finish Daniel and everyone else off. I sit in the front seat crying before passing out.


I broke his finger as he cried out. The I shattered both of his knee caps and elbows. I made sure to take my time with his teeth and even better his toes. "Should of killed her when I had the chance." He coughs out blood. I punch him so hard so many times before Gabriel pulls me away.

"He's done for man. Get Delaney to the hospital." I nod to Gabriel. One of my members gives me a wet towel to clean the blood off. I make my way to the car and Delaney is fast asleep. Her face bloody and swollen.

I clench my fists as I start up the car and drive off.

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