Chapter 25

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Her mother is standing there with an amused smirk and her father looks like he's ready to punch my face. I quickly pull out of her and she wraps a towel around her body. "What the hell is this." Her father yells and I can see Del looking away from him. "It isn't what it looks like," I say not bothering to cover up my manly parts. "The hell its not! You had your filth inside of my daughter who you are supposed to protect not fuck."

I was angry now. He has some nerve yelling about who I can and can't fuck. "It's not filth old man and if you have a problem with me fucking people in this house then I'll just leave," I growl and he points to the door. "Yes Leave!"

Del's mother slaps her father. "Do you want Del to die just because you're angry at Luca?" she says

"Die?" Del asks and we all look at her.

I then walk away heading for my room to pack.


I follow after Luca and grab him. He suddenly pins me to the wall with an unreadable expression. "Why can't I stay away from you?" he asks kissing a trail up my neck. "Because I'm irresistible." I tease and he looks up at me. "We should end this" he says pointing between me and him. I bite my lip as tears start to form. I'm on the verge of crying because of this ass and yet I still don't wasn't this casual sex thing to end. "I don't want." I start grabbing his hand and holding it in mine.

"This thing between us to end." I breathe keeping my tears from falling. "Del it was just casual sex nothing more. Don't get ahead of yourself." at that he walks away leaving the tears to fall down my eyes. My heart was broken because I let myself fall for him when all he thought of me as was casual sex!


2 days later

I was getting ready for school when Ciara called me. Turns out she went to stay with her grandmother because she didn't want to be a burden to my parents. Even though they didn't mind they let her go.

"So how was your trip?" she asks

"It was okay I guess." I already miss Caidens little face and all his dinosaur clothes.

"You don't sound happy?" she says reading me like a book. She's always been able to tell when I wasn't feeling like I normally do.

"My parents caught me and Luca having sex yesterday."

"Oh my God! How?"

"We were going at it all all night that it was the morning by the time we finished." I blush

"Oh my gosh! What did they say?" she asks

"My mother seemed as if she didn't care but my father was furious." I say quietly as I brush my hair in the mirror.

"So basically they forbid you guys from sleeping together?" she asks


"I don't understand C. We had great sex and he just ends it saying I was only casual for him." a tear falls down my eyes.

"What the fuck. That's a real asshole move."

"I know." Even though deep down inside something is telling me that he wants more but won't take the first step.

"You should get his ass back where it hurts." She does an evil laugh and I'm half tempted to listen. "What do you have planned in that silly head of your now." I huff

"Well he doesn't like when you hang around Daniel so how about you invite him over and kiss Daniel in front of him. If he seriously doesn't like you then it won't be a problem." She says

I have to admit it was a good plan and I really wanted to go through with it but the last time I kissed Daniel he was so angry. "I can try but I doubt he would get mad this time."

I put on my backpack and tell Ciara that I will see her later.

I walk out of the house and Luca is waiting in the car. I was nervous but I'm not going to talk to him. I get in the car and I can't ignore how hot he looks right now. He is wearing a loose shirt and a pair of black ripped pants. His hair is a mess but I love his messy hair.

The 5 minute ride was awkward until I suddenly had the urge to throw up. "Luca stop the car." I say and he pulls over to the side of the road. "What's wrong?" He asks and I jump out of the car and throw up in the grass. Luca gets out and pulls my hair out of my face so non of it gets on my hair.

Once I'm don't he looks at me with a questionable look. "Are you okay?" He asks and I wipe my mouth off. "Yeah. I guess it was car sickness." I say making my way back to the car. "You sure?" He opens his door and gets in along with me. "Mhm."

We leave it at that and he starts driving again.


I get out of the car and make my way to an angry Ciara. She is glaring at Luca but he pays no mind. "That fucker I should give him one good punch." She growls "Calm down Ciara you can do that later." I giggle

Daniel makes his way over to me and I smile at him. "Who needs Luca when you have Daniel." She winks and I giggle.

She leaves just as Daniel gets to me. I see Luca out of the corner of my eye looking angry as Daniel wraps his arm around me.

He gets in his car and speeds off. Not like I care when Daniel has treated me way better than Luca.

We make our way into the school and I invite him over for tomorrow night. My mother is making a big family dinner tomorrow because it's the anniversary of when her and my father first met.

They are so in love that it makes me warm inside. I want a love like that one day in my life and maybe Luca isn't the one that can make that happen. Daniel was in my thoughts for the rest of the day.

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