Chapter 30

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2 days have passed and I don't know how Luca is doing. I haven't been out of this room at all. A maid would bring me food occasionally but I haven't had much appetite. I need answers from Luca about why he brought me here and who he truly is but I don't know where he is.

I sit up on the bed and put my head in my hands. Suddenly there's a knock on the door and I jump up. I swear I'm going to give that Emmet guy a piece of my mind for making me wait 2 days. I open the door and Emmett is standing there with his arms crossed. "Sorry. Luca wasn't doing good the first two days. He said not to let you see him until he's fully recovered." Emmet says.

"So he's better?" I ask and Emmet smiles. "Yeah, they got the bullet out. Now his wound just needs to heal" I return a smile to Emmet. I'm glad he's okay especially since I still have a lot of questions for him.

"Follow me ill take him to you," he says and I step out of the room. We head down the flight of stairs and pass about 10 rooms. Finally he opens a black sliding door that says Doctor. We walk in and Luca is sitting up write on the bed. I quickly walk over to him and sit in the chair next to his bed and he looks at me.

He bites his lip then smirks at me. "Hey Del."

"Hey" I reply as tears fill my eyes. "You scared me Luca." I whisper and he wraps his fingers through my hair. "I know kitten and I'm sorry I made you worry."

"Just make sure you tell me right away when you wake up," I say and he nods.

"So about that conversation in the car." he smirks and I blush and look away. "I-I only said that because you were hurt." he chuckles and whispers in my ear. "Are you sure about that kitten. I was going to tell you how I feel today." he winks and my eyes immediately snap back to him.

I'm pretty sure he's going to reject me since that girl seemed to be close to him the other day. "Can you give us some privacy." He asks Emmet and Emmet leaves.

As soon as Emmet is gone I'm being pulled onto Lucas's lap. My leg is draped over his body and I bite my lip. "You look good today kitten." He looks down at the clothes I decided to wear today. I wore one of his blue shirts and a pair of short shorts that were in the closet. "Well, I always look good in your clothes." I wink and he smiles at me. "Might have to give you all of them." he pokes fun at me.

It goes quiet after a while and all we can do is stare into each others eyes. Now's my chance to ask questions. "So in the car. Um, T-That kiss." I shudder and he looks away from me. "I meant what I said."

He turns his head back to me. "I'm falling for you Del." I've been so lost in my thoughts these past few days that I haven't realized how happy Luca made me sometimes. I grab him into a hug. "You better fucking mean it Luca. Next time you break my heart I'm not going to go easy on you." I smile

He let's me go then grips onto my chin with his thumb. "Im sorry if I hurt you kitten. I just didn't want to give into these feelings." he rests his head on my shoulder. "I am now but this relationship might not be all happy."

"What do you mean?" I ask and he sighs. "I-Im." I furrow my eyebrows and wait for him to speak. "I'm the next in line gang leader of this gang." he says and I gasp. He's a freaking gang leader. This is a big secret to keep from me. How the hell am I supposed to be with a gang leader? I already experienced enough because of one.

I really like Luca but I'm not going to put my life at risk. I skake my head and rest it in my hands. "How am I supposed to be with you Luca. I know what gang members are capable of." I say and he frowns "We don't kill people."

How can gang members not kill people? "Luca I-"

"I'll give you time to think. Just know my feeling for you are here and I'll be waiting." he peck my lips and the door suddenly opens. The girl from earlier walks in and she looks shocked by our position. "Luca You-"

Luca pecks my lips one more time before letting me go. "Sorry Doc couldn't help myself my girlfriend wanted to see me." I stand upright and start blushing. I really do like the sound of that.

I walk out of the infirmary to Emmet still waiting. "Sorry I took so long," I say and he smiles a handsome smile at me. "So you and my brother." he winks and I squeeze my eyes shut. "N-no we aren't together or anything like that." I say and Emmets smile gets brighter "It will happen sooner or later. My brother may seem bad but once you really get to know him he's not that bad." he says and I nod my head. I know Luca isn't bad but how am I supposed to accept the dangers of being with a future gang leader.

The way he is with Caiden I would have never guessed. I wonder when I'll be able to see that little Munchkin again. "I know he isn't bad that's why I'm going to give him a proper answer..."

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