Chapter 15

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Our flight finally landed and I decided I was going to ask Luca about the condom once we got to our hotel. "I booked a hotel with 2 rooms so you won't be uncomfortable," he says rolling both of our suitcases. Once we get to the entrance of the airport Luca starts looking around.

"Are you looking for someone?" I ask "Yeah." he says turning towards me. "Since you wanted to come make sure you have as much fun as you want to." he smiles. "I will." I smiled back.

"Papa." A little boy who looked to be about 4 called out to Luca. "Come here Caiden," Luca says as the boy runs up to him. The boy had looked just like Luca except he had blonde hair. "Papa I missed you." the boy says. Wait am I missing something? So Luca had a kid all along and I had no idea.

I clear my throat and the boy looks at me. "Wow pretty. Is this my future wife dad." the little boy said and I giggled at him. I bend down and rubbed his curly blonde hair. "Sorry but your too young to have a wife young man." I smiled "Aww man." He pouted.

"Caiden where is your mother?" Luca asks. Caiden points to a beautiful blonde lady ordering food. "Right there," he said in a cute little baby voice. Luca turned towards me and smirked. "Caiden stays with Delaney okay." he says "Owkay." Caiden says holding my hand.

"Are you my papa's wife?" he asks and I blush "No Caiden I'm his friend." I smiled "Fwiend? Papa has a really pwetty friend." he smiles and I giggle at him.

Luca walks back over to me with what seems like Caiden's mother. Gosh, she was so beautiful no wonder they had a child together. They looked like the perfect couple compared to me and Luca. Maybe that's why he only wanted me once. I wasn't that special girl to him.

"Hello, who might you be." Caiden's mother asks "I'm Delaney Luca's friend." I say shaking her extended hand. "Friend?" Luca asks with an unreadable expression. Why did he ask me that? What was I supposed to say?

"Our relationship is complicated," Luca says with his arms crossed. "Well it's nice to meet you Delaney." she smiles. "Are you coming to my place again?" she asks. Again! When he comes here he really stays with his ex. Fuck I have some competition.

"Nah it's fine. We are staying in the penthouse." Luca says walking away. I could see a little hint of anger on her face as she did. "I hope yall use protection," she says walking away with her son. I follow after Luca deciding now would be the best time to tell him about the condom.


Luca said this was going to be a two-roomed hotel but this is larger than a hotel. This is a freaking penthouse. It was so hard to believe Luca had a large penthouse like this. If he was rich then why is he working for my parents?

I roll my suitcase into the penthouse. "Why do you work for my parents if you're rich?" I ask "Who said I'm rich?" he answers with a question. I sigh "Nevermind."

"Umn listen Luca did we use a condom last week?" I ask and he turns towards me with a worried face. "No why? Have you been feeling sick? Fuck are you pregnant!"

"No-No I don't think so." I nervously rub my arm. He rushed into the bathroom coming out with a pregnancy test and a plan B pill. "I need you to take this and see if your pregnant," he says

That's right he already has a child. Why would he want another one with me. I go into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I need to make sure I don't get pregnant. I'm too young and having a baby with this man would cause so much trouble.

I wait a while for the test to come out. It was negative. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. I wanted to have a family someday. Today just wasn't that day. Hell, I don't even have a boyfriend.

I walk out of the bathroom and I spot Luca pacing around. He looked so nervous. It's his fault for not putting on a condom. Although I should have made sure instead of getting lost in his touch. "It came out negative," I say grabbing my suitcase.

He sighs before coming up to my ear. "I'm going to have to get you on birth control," he whispers before taking his suitcase into a room. I'm guessing the other room is mine since he went into that one. I go into the room and start unpacking. It took me about 3 hours just to get unpacked.

By the time I was done it was 8 pm. I didn't know what Luca had planned for this family trip but I was excited. I decided to try on the lingerie that Ciara had packed. I wanted to see what I looked like in them and if I should just get rid of them. After all my Ex won't be needing to see these anymore.

Maybe I might meet someone while I'm here. Suddenly my door opened and there stood Luca. He had a smirk on his face as he checked my body out from top to bottom. Gosh the way his eyes were on me made my body tingle for his touch. "Well I just came here to ask you what you wanted for dinner, but it seems we might just have to skip to dessert."

He walks over to me only having to take 4 long strides before grabbing my hips. "I-I was just trying it on," I say putting my hands over my chest to hide the exposed skin. This lingerie was not helpful in covering me up. I look up into his eyes wanting him to let me go. I didn't want to keep getting into bed with him. I might start wanting something more while he only wants sex.

"Damn you look so sexy. I just want to throw you on the bed and eat you right here," he whispers in my ear. I bit my lip as I thought about him doing dirty things to me. How nice it would feel to have him inside me again. He suddenly lets me go. "Dinner will be done in forty minutes." he turns and walks back towards the door leaving me completely turned on.

I sighed pulling out a pair of clothes. "Curse you Ciara for making me even think about putting this on," I say pulling on my clothes. I get my phone out of my bag and turn it on. I had a missed call from my mother. I dialed her number while wrapping up my hair in a bun. "Hello." I hear her breath through the phone.

"Sorry I missed your call, I was still on the plane." I finished my bun and then walked out of the room with my phone. "It's fine honey. I was just calling to see if you had settled down," she explained. "Yeah, Luca rented out this large penthouse," I said excitedly. I've never been out of my city let alone my state. It was nice to see new york through the top of a large building like this one.

I heard a knock on the door. "Can you get that for me," Luca calls from the kitchen

"Sure," I answered, "So how is it finally getting out of the city." she asks "It's nice but since we just got here we haven't really gotten the chance to do much," I say opening the door. "I see." my mother says.

I look up at the blonde girl from earlier. She was holding Caiden's hand as he was playing with a toy airplane with the other. She had a large bag full of things, Caidens things. "I'll call you back," I said waiting for my mother's reply before hanging up.

I took a deep breath before smiling at them both. This was very unexpected.

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