Chapter 34

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I wake up sore and see Luca putting on his clothes. I was definitely not in the mood to get up. "Are you leaving?" I mumble "Yeah I have to take care of some things." he replied. "It doesn't have to do with mafia stuff right." he doesn't answer me and I sit up concern laced across my face. "Luca."

"I'm sorry Del but I have to find Daniel and make sure you're safe."

I picture him in the cafe when he got shot and shiver. "Hey. I'm not going to get shot again." he reassured me. "You don't know that." I clench the cover to my chest. I felt the bed dip and he kisses my forehead. "Trust me Del I'm prepared for Daniel this time." I grab his arm and kiss him on the cheek. "How long will you be gone?" I ask. "Maybe two hours. Feel free to go back to sleep." he smiles. I nod and at that he gets up and walks out of the room. I lay my head back on the pillow but can't bring myself to fall back to sleep. I shift and turn for the rest of the early morning.

When Luca got back 3 hours later he immediately got in the shower. I wanted to get in there with him but I hadn't gotten much sleep since he left. Now that he was back and safe I could snooze. After a while he laid back in the bed next to me with a sigh. "Whats wrong," I mumble and snake my arm around his waist. "Well, Daniels fucking careful ill give him that."

"You couldn't catch him." I frown "No. I was tailing him but then a car that looks identical with the same license plate showed up." he lowers his head. "After all he's done to you I just really want to catch him." he runs a hand through his hair. "I don't need revenge. I want him locked up for what he did but I'm not going to let my anger control the way I want him hurt so bad." I know it's wrong and I don't want to be that kind of person. "How are you feeling...about your parents?" He asks

I look away from him as tears start to form. "I miss them" I grip onto his shirt and bury my face in it. I don't want him to see my ugly cry any longer than he has. He wraps an arm around me. "let it all out Del."

"I can still feel their blood on my hands. I still remember how they were just laying their dying. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my mom. Jeezus I left them there without even planning a funeral." I sob.

"The funeral is all taken care of." he whispers "I'm sorry you lost them."

"I-I almost lost you too Luca." I grab his shirt hard. "You were in the seat next to me dying and I couldn't think straight." I sniff "I just wanted everything to go back to normal." Luca sits me up and wipes the tears from my eyes. "Hey. I'm still alive okay. I'm sorry you had to go through that though. I promise I won't ever let anything happen to you again." I continued to sob in his chest and he held me tight.

40 something minutes later I got in the shower so I can change my clothes it's 7:40 am and I'm still very tired but Luca wants to check up on me in the nurses office.

Once I put on my clothes I walked out of the bathroom. Luca is on the phone with someone. "I have something to do this morning." he paces around the room. "Can't it wait....okay fine." he rolls his eyes and hangs up the phone.

"Sorry. I won't be able to check up on you today. My father wants me in the office." he walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead. "I'll walk you down though so Mia can check on you." I was relieved he wasn't going to find out I haven't been eating lately. I nod my head and grab my phone off of the dresser.

Then we walk out of the room. I wanted to spend a little more time with him this morning but I was glad that I got to talk to him. Once we get down to the nurses office Mia greets Luca with a smile. I didn't like how she smiled at him after not only kissing him but coming to his room thinking she was going to sleep with him.

"I'm going to be busy In the office today. Could you do a checkup on Delaney for me?" He asks "Yeah sure." She walks into another room and grabs some things. "I'll see you later. Text me when she's done." He kisses my cheek then walks away.

I feel so much closer to him now that I know a little more about his personal life. I sit down and wait for Mia or whatever her name is to come back. She comes back with some gloves on and a thermometer along with a needle. "I'm gonna run some tests but you can tell me the symptoms you've been having." She says with a unamused face. "I don't really have any symptoms but my stomach is getting rounder."

She looks up at me. "Have you taken a pregnancy test." She asks "No but I'm sure I'm not pregnant." I say nervously. "Yeah you're a little too young to be pregnant." She smirks. She's testing me and I don't like it. "I'm surprised Luca would be interested in a little girl." She sticks the need in my arm.

Even though Luca has lived and experienced life longer than me I don't think he cares about my age. "I'm not a little girl and I don't think Luca and I should be any of your business."

"You're right. It's not like I care, I've had my fun with him." She winks then disappears behind a curtain. I clench my fist angrily. Once again a reminder of how much I hate how many girls have been with him.

It takes her a while to come back through the curtain. She has a smug look on her face and a glass in her hand. "I'm gonna need you to pee in this so I can make sure my tests are correct." I sigh and take the cup with me into the bathroom.

I don't need to pee but I'm gonna be here for a while so I might as well wait....

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