Chapter 47

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Luca and Caiden walk into my dorm. "Your stomach is so big Del." he bounces excitedly. I haven't seen Caiden since I left and I've missed him so much. "Yep, this is your baby brother and sister inside," I say. Luca and I have been waiting to get the gender. The doctor was going to tell us but I wanted to wait. I want Caiden to be with us in the hospital when I find out the gender.

This is a perfect time. I smile at Luca and as he can read my mind he whispers. "I set us up an appointment for tomorrow."

I give him the biggest hug my stomach will allow. Then I let him go and turn back to Caiden. "How would you like to see your sibling tomorrow." Caiden looks at me with wide eyes. "Can I really?" he smiles "Yes of course. You're a part of my family so we can do a lot of things together." I give him a hug and he giggles.

"Well hello there." Natalie waves as she walks into the living room. Caiden hides behind my leg. "She's pretty like you Del." he whispers. Natalie and I both giggle. "Natalie, this is Luca and Caiden. Caiden, Luca this is Natalie, my new roommate, and friend."

"I didn't know you had kids already." she winks at me and I blush. "Luca is my boyfriend and Caiden is his son." I smile awkwardly. "Oh sorry." She smiles.

"Caiden want to go get some cupcakes from the kitchen," she asks he thinks for a second before his body betrays him. He jumps up and runs into the kitchen. "You two catch up. I'll keep him distracted." Natalie smiles before disappearing. Gosh, I love her.

I turn back to Luca who is biting his lip. "Don't you have to work baby? Why are you here." He scoops me up into his arm.

"I want to spend time with you. I don't like that you don't trust me and I want to prove just how much I love you." He kisses my cheek. "You shouldn't have to take off work for me. I mean I decided to go to school light-years away from you. These hormones are just making me act like a jealous asshole." I look at him guiltily. "I know but I should still see you more than just a month. I need to start treating you better."

"You treat me perfectly Luca." I giggle. "Well, I'll treat you even better on these 3 days." His hand slides up my arm. "Now let's get in the kitchen with your friend before Caiden wastes the cupcakes on the floor.

I giggle and hold a side of him in my arms. We walk into the kitchen where Natalie is playing a game of uni with Caiden.

We both sit joining them for a quick game.

The next day.

Luca and Caiden stayed in a hotel because there wasn't enough room for them in my small dorm. I'm nervously waiting outside for Luca to pick me up for the doctor's appointment. After a couple of minutes, he finally pulls up. I let out a sigh of relief. I'm so excited I don't think I can wait anymore.

He stops the car and I get in waving to Caiden in the back. "Hi Del." he smiles. "Hey, buddy." I smile back. Luca kisses me on the cheek and holds my hand. "You ready?" he asks "Yep." he puts the car in drive and drives off.

I take a couple of deep breaths trying to calm my nerves. Luca squeezes my hand reassuring me. I wish my parents were here to see the baby with us. They will never have the chance to meet them. All because of some revenge Daniel was trying to get.

"What's wrong?" Luca asks "My parents won't be here with us." my eyes glaze over. "They will be, you just won't be able to see them." he kisses my hand. "They will always be watching over you." I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Holding back the tears.

1 hour later

This waiting room is so full. There are so many pregnant women waiting to be checked out. We might have come at a bad time. After a while, the doctor finally comes out and calls for Luca and me. I take Caidens hand and lead him into the doctor's office.

The doctor tells me to lay on the hospital bed. "You're seven months ma'am. Shouldn't you have asked for the gender a long time ago?" The doctor asks "My boyfriend and I wanted it to be a surprise." I smile.

She takes her tools and pulls my shirt from my stomach. Caiden gapes at my super big stomach. "This is your little brother or sister in here." I smile at him. "What are you going to name them?" he asks.

"You will find out on their birthdays." Luca ruffles his hair and I giggle. A few minutes later I can see our baby on the monitor. It looks like two babies. I look at Luca wide-eyed but his eyes are glued to the screen.

He clears his throat. "Baby I think we are having twins." he finally looks at me wide-eyed. "T-twins." I mean Luca mentioned twins a long while ago but I didn't think I was going to have two babies inside of me.

"Yep, that's right ma'am. You are having a healthy baby boy and girl." Tears spring from my eyes. I start crying. "What's wrong Del." Caiden looks worried but Luca just plants a kiss on my cheek and I smile.

Caiden hugs me. "I'm just happy baby. You will be having 2 siblings" I giggle.

"TWO SIBLING" he jumps up excitedly. "I'm going to have a little brother and sister to play with." he does a little victory dance, Luca and I laugh.

The doctor wipes up the few and puts her tools to the side. "I'll print this out for you guys. You can take a moment to talk. The doctor smiles at me and leaves the room.

"Twins," I say breathlessly. "We might need a bigger house." he chuckles.

Well, let's just say twins will make things interesting.

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