Chapter 9

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"So why did you suddenly start talking to me.?" I asked the question that was on my mind for a while now. He leans his head on his hand and looks at me with a cute look. "I've actually been interested in you for a while. I decided since we only have three months left of school I didn't want to graduate without talking to you," he says and those words make my heart twist and turn with joy.

"R-really," I say shyly. "Yeah, your the most beautiful girl in the school after all." he blushes. This guy that I've liked for so many years if confessing his feelings for me so why. Why the hell does my mind keep picturing Luca holding me. Luca kissing me. Luca, Luca, Luca. He's all I can think about when the person I should be thinking about is Daniel.

"Thank you." I blush putting my fourth donut in my mouth. "Hey, can I be excused for a second?" I asked "Yeah go ahead." she smirks with his head leaned into his hand still.

I walk into the bathroom and immediately take out my phone. Luca was still calling me along with 15 missed calls. I answered and didn't say anything. "Where the hell are you." he yells "I'm at a cafe with Daniel," I said in a low voice. "what the fuck Delaney. I told your parents I would watch over you and here you are sneaking off with that fucking guy.." he said angrily.

"I'm sorry okay. I haven't been out in a while and just wanted some time out." I say softly "I know Delaney but fuck it's not safe right now. I can't say too much but I'm here to protect you for a reason and if you keep fucking sneaking off without telling me where you are I can't guarantee anything bad won't happen." he says all in one breath. "I'm sorry please don't be mad," I say trying to call him down. "The only one that will be mad is my fucking father." he sighs.

"I'm coming to pick you up so text me the address." he says "It's fine Daniel can take me," I said biting my lip. "Damit Delaney did you not hear what I fucking said?" He yells again but I hang up.

I walk back out to a smiling Daniel with some takeout boxes. "My mom had an emergency at home so I'll be dropping you off early." He smirks "Okay I had a great time so that's fine." I say nervously.

I pack up my stuff and at that, we both leave the restaurant.

At home

Daniel had walked me up to my door and we were standing there awkwardly. "Well, this is me." I giggled "Yeah well then I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He says but doesn't move. I bite my lip while looking at his. Is he thinking the same thing as me? Goodnight kiss. He starts to lean forward and I take that as the opportunity to move forwards also. When his lips were only mere inches away from mine the door suddenly swung open. We both moved away quickly with a blush on our face. I looked over at an angry Luca. His arms were crossed and all he had on was some shorts.

Damn his 8 pack was amazing. I couldn't help checking out his body. When I saw how sweaty he was I almost got turned on. "You have a lot of fucking explaining to do," he says angrily and I avoid his angry gaze.

"Is this your father?" Daniel joked and I looked at him like he was crazy. "Please my daughter would look a thousand times better than her." He pointed in a mocking tone. "Hey! I look good." I said annoyed. "Sure you do," he says pulling me inside and slamming the door in Daniels's face. "Why do you have to be so rude?" I snapped.

I could have sworn I saw his eyes go 70 shades darker as he pinned me to the wall. "Personally I don't give a fuck about what happens to you but your family and my father does. I'm getting paid a lot so therefore I will do my job the right way. So stop getting in the way and doing whatever the fuck you want to little kitten." he snapped.

I was so angry. He didn't care what happened to me. He's been playing me all along and I fell for it. I couldn't get him off of my mind while the whole time he wasn't thinking about me in the slightest. I held back the tears threatening to come out. Why the hell did I have to fight back my tears for him? I bit my lip and his eyes suddenly jerk towards them.

I was playing with them. Its what I do when I'm nervous or so angry. I move them around my teeth and his eyes didn't leave them. "Fuck, why do you do this to me?" he cursed quietly "Do what," I asked but soon knew when I felt his hardness poking me.

He didn't care what happened to me but yet he gets turned on by these little things I do. His lips suddenly crashed into mine and I gasped at his sudden movement. His green eyes had gone darker. I was frustrated and I needed to let it all out in this kiss. I kissed him back hard but passionately. Our kiss was steamy as he flicked his tongue against mine. I wrapped my hand in his hair tugging him down more. I hear him moan as my hands continue to work their way through his hair.

"Luca." I gasped as he had gripped onto my thighs with a strong force. Oh yeah, that felt good. We continued kissing as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and his hard now poking my clit. This was terrifying. My parents could walk through this door at any moment and see us but that didn't stop us.

He thrusts into me and I felt heaven. "L-Lu" was all I managed to muster "Kitten." he huffed. The only thing holding us back was his pants and my shorts.

He continued though both of us moaning in return. "Luca ahh." I moaned feeling my climax cumming. "Little kitten pull my hair," he instructed and that's what I did. I tugged at his hair so hard we both climaxed together. He was twitching in between my legs and I had my head rested in the nape of his neck. "Fuck," he said pulling out his vibrating phone. I saw the word Blonde before he answered still holding me in the same position.

"Hello," he answered annoyed. I guess he was still in a bad mood. I rested my head on his shoulder with my eyes closed. "Yeah you can come later tonight," he says with a flirty tone. I sit back up and look at him with a questioning look. "Okay, I'll send the address bye," he says hanging up.

He leans back into my lips tugging at them with his teeth. "This shouldn't have happened," he said and I felt my heart drop as he let me go. "Your right. This intimate moment was a mistake." I said angrily with my arms in the air. "Delaney," he says with a pained look on his face. "I know! I was just another one of your fuck buddies who you throw in the trash one you've had your fun." I yelled walking away from him.

Once I got to my room I slid down the door with tears in my eyes. Why do I have to cry over that asshole? I touch my swollen lips. "I can't get the feeling out of my head. The way he kissed me. Grinded between my legs. His length was big even though his pants to almost be inside me. Did he dry fuck me because its a part of his job or because I was easy prey? I run over to my bed and hide under the covers. Could Daniel make me feel this way? I should return his feelings and start dating him...

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