Chapter 18

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I took a deep breath as my ex Stephen was standing here in front of me. I hadn't thought about running into him at all times here and now. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was over him but it was nerve-racking seeing him after all these months.

"Why are you here with a baby and a guy?" Stephen asked angrily. I opened my mouth to talk before Luca pulled me into him. I immediately melted into his warm and protective touch. "She's my girlfriend" Luca lied and I bit my lip. If only I was really his girlfriend. I wouldn't give him a break.

I smiled up at him. "Yuck," Caiden said and I giggled at him. Stephen had a frown on his face. He wasn't the least bit happy. "Can I talk to you?" Stephen asks. I look at him confused "Sure." I say and Luca's grip tightens on me. I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll be a second," I say biting my lip.

"Okay," he says letting me go. Luca picked up Caiden and started saying something I couldn't hear to him. I follow Stephen away from Luca and Caiden. He suddenly just stopped as soon as we were far enough away. "I've been thinking about you for so long. Now your with another guy." He sadly puts his hands on his face.

"Stephen! We were over when you left for New York without telling me." I yelled angrily. "I left without saying anything because I broke my phone love." He said grabbing my hand. "No. We are over okay." I say moving back from him. "Is it because of him?" he asks angrily.

"Yes! He's my boyfriend. You're my ex." I crossed my arms as he looked sad again. "Please Delaney. I love you." He said. I wasn't really with Luca but I didn't want to jump into a long-distance relationship with my ex. "I'm sorry," I say walking away.

I bite my lip as Luca comes back into my site. He still had Caiden in his hands but this time with a whole bunch of candy. He smiles that sexy smile at me as I walk towards him. "Ready to go?" he asks "Yep." I smiled as we started walking.


The store was hella big. They had not only swimsuits but a whole lot of clothes. Men's clothes, female clothes, kid clothes. A whole boutique was full of clothes inside of this large hotel. I turned to find Luca holding a sexy swimsuit. "How about this one," he smirked. "I'm not wearing that Luca." I giggled.

"Not even for me." he pouted "No." I laughed picking up a one-piece swimsuit. "I'll wear this for you." That sounded a little dirty coming out of my mouth. He smirks getting closer to me. "You will look sexy in any swimsuit you wear kitten," he whispered in my ear

"Mm," I moaned as his lips brush against my ear. "Daddy can I sit over there," Caiden asked. We both turn our heads towards him. "Go ahead buddy." he smiles.

Caiden runs over to the seat. "Go try on some and I'll tell you which ones look sexy," he says kissing my cheek. I Grab a bunch of swimsuits and go into the dressing room excitedly.

*Luca POV*

All the swimsuits she tried on were cute but they weren't the one. They all drove me crazy but none of them drew out a spark. None of them made her sparkle like the beauty she is. She opened the curtain revealing a swimsuit that showed off every curve on her body. It wasn't too revealing or too covered up. It was just right.

She stood there nervously looking into my eyes for my opinion. I bit my lip as I looked her up and down. There was a spark. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Gosh, she was beautiful in everything but this swimsuit took my breath away. Imagine what a dress is going to do to me. "How do I look?" She asks with hopeful eyes.

"You look....Fuck....You look so amazing." I inch towards her with two long strides and she doesn't move. She just bites her lips knowing that it makes me go crazy. I grabbed her by the waist pulling her into my chest. "I should rip that swimsuit off you right now and Fuck you in the dressing room," I smirked as her whole face went red. "Your lucky Caiden's here," I whispered and she shivered at the thought.

"You wish I would let you do something like that in public." she winked before walking back into the dressing room. I had a strong urge to follow her but decided against it. Instead, I went up to the receptionist and bought all the swimsuits she tried on. I have to be careful with my money though. I can't let her know that I'm rich. Well, technically my father's rich and I work for my money.

I added two action figures for my son's collection of them. Every time I come out here to see him I buy him about 20 of them. I was hesitant to let Del into my personal life but after her life becomes dangerous she's going to have to put her trust in me. Letting her know about my son isn't going to be as big as when she finds out who I really am.

She walks up to me with her clothes back on. "Let's go," I call out to Caiden and he runs over to us. "Why do you have all those bags for one swimsuit," she asks wearily. "I bought all of them." I winked at her as Caiden pulled on my shirt ushering me to go.

I started walking out of the store with Caiden as Del studied me from behind. I didn't look her in the eyes to avoid her questions. I can't tell her anything about me nor her parents until something bad happens. I quietly sigh as we walk back towards my penthouse.

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