Chapter 22

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I cry out as he spanks me over and over again while pounding in and out of me. "Yes, yes, yes." I moan "Have you learned your lesson yet?" He asks. "No Luca I'm still a bad girl." I moan.

He grabs my arm and pins them above my body. "The punishment only get worse baby." He teases pounding harder. I like the sound of that. "How worse." I purr. He grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls my head back into his shoulder. "Oh, you'll find out soon," he says.

I didn't realize we were both at our limit until we came together riding out our highs. "Now how about we get ready for our date," he says kissing my neck before hopping out of the shower. I catch my breath as Luca takes off his condom and walks out of the bathroom. I grab my towel and wrap it around myself. I then leave the bathroom. Luca wasn't in the room so I just started getting ready.

I put on one of my favorite dark green strapless dresses with some gold shoes and jewelry to match. Then I put on some lip gloss and curl my hair putting it into a neat bun.

Once I'm ready I walk out of the room and it both Luca and Caiden are standing there looking like two handsome men. Luca looks breathtaking with his suit jacket on and dark jeans. His hair was jailed to the side making his dark green eyes more noticeable as he stared at me in awe. I could see the want in his eyes and I loved how it never went away.

Camden looked so cute in his little tux. He was smiling at me with a pink rose in his hands. "Thwis is fwor you Del," Caiden says handing me the flower. I bend down a little taking the flower and kissing Caiden on the forehead. "You look amazing." Luca nods. "T-Thank you," I say nervously.

He's seen all my lady parts and even done embarrassing things to me so why am I so nervous. "Are you ready to go," he asks placing his hand on the small of my back. I felt a shiver run up my spine as excitement took over me. "Yes," I say walking to the door with both of them.

I grab my purse on the way out of the penthouse.


The restaurant was very nice. There were black tables each with people eating in them and there were lights on the outside of the tables. The tables were clear and the chairs were a leather black. Chandeliers hung high over each table. Once we walked up to reception a man bowed his head to Luca before leading him to a table that was different from the rest. The table was in an oval shape in front of a booth. The booth was on both sides of the table.

"I wanna sit by Del," Caiden says holding onto my arm. "Sure Caiden," I say sliding into the booth with Caiden. Luca sits across from me on the other booth.

"This place is really nice," I say biting my lip as Luca scans over my body. "Not as nice as you." he teases and I blush looking away from him. Caiden picks up the kid menu and almost drools on it. "So Luca do you have any siblings?" I ask scanning over the menu.

He takes so long to answer that I almost thought he didn't hear me. "Yeah, actually I do." he starts "My little sister Faith is a year younger than you and my younger brother Christian is two years older than you," he adds.

I don't know why but I felt happy he was sharing things with me. Wouldn't be good not to know anything about the guy I'm states away from my parents with. "What about you?" he asks "No I'm the only child." I say nervously. "How I would kill to have been the only child growing up," he smirks

"Why? I mean being the only child is lonely." I say resting my head on my hands. "growing up with two siblings as a kid is exhausting, especially since I'm the middle child." he says.

The waiter walks up to us and takes our order. I get a little bit of shrimp and lobster and Luca gets crab legs and crawfish. Caiden orders chicken nuggets with fries. "So does your siblings have any kids?" I ask "Yeah, My brother has two. One is adopted." He smiles.

"Who knew you were so interesting." I giggle. "Not really." He nervously scratches the back of his head. "So what college do you plan to go to?" he asks.

"I'm still looking but it's between 3 different ones." I reply "What about you? What college did you go to."

"I went to Harvard University," Luca says with a smirk. "Well aren't you a smart one." I joke. "I wanted to become a doctor after my mother's death. I want to help people so I studied at Havard for it," he says.

"I might have to start calling you Doctor Simmons." I wink "That would be a lot better than you calling me Luca in bed." he smirks.

"Is that why your a bodyguard also, to help people?" I ask

He doesn't answer the question so I rack up a question from the back of my brain.

"So you and Caiden's mother?"

"Uh yeah. We dated four years ago but it's a long story." he says

"I'm listening."

"Uh, we started dating in high school. We were both in the same grade at the time and I was a new student. I instantly made a lot of friends and that's when I became super popular." he starts

"She was a cheerleader, and I was a nerdy popular kid. She came up to me one day and asked me if I could help her for one of her classes. She was extremely smart but was terrible at math."

"I told her yes. Turns out she just needed a little help and boom she had straight A's. We didn't stop talking after the study session and hit it off. We started dating and we're known as the best couple in school. A year later after we graduated we did the deeds but it was neither of us first time."

"Turns out she lost it at 13. Anyway, she got pregnant because there was a tear in the condom and I hated it. She started acting differently. She was demanding money from me so she can spend it on herself and not her child. Then she wanted me to cut all ties with my family. Eventually, I broke up with her."

"It only got worse though. If I didn't send her money she wouldn't let me see Caiden or move farther away from me. To this day she still tortures me." he says angrily.

I reach over the table and take his hand in mine. "Hey, Luca. You deserved better." I smile "Your right. Wish I would have met you. Maybe I could have sto-" he starts but quickly closes his mouth.

"Maybe you could have what?" I ask and he clears his throat. He then moves close to my ear and whispers. "Fell for you and fucked you until you learned who master Simmons is."

I move back with a gasp then I start to blush.

The waitress finally brings our food and we dig in.

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