Chapter 46

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I cry as I curl up into my bed. My roommate tries to cheer me up. "Why won't he answer the phone, Natalie! It's been like this for 4 months. He only calls me back once a week." I sob. "Girl he's a doctor. I'm pretty sure they work like crazy." she frowns. "What if he's cheating on me. What if he doesn't want to wait 4 years just to be with me foreal." I blow my nose.

"Unlikely if you're carrying his child. Girl, you are big." she rubs my giant baby bump. I'm only 7 months pregnant. I left 5 months ago and at first, I couldn't bear it. Then I met Natalie. She's helped me get used to being away from Luca.

"Why don't you spend a year here and then go somewhere else?" she asks "I know this is your dream school but you have a family now. She frowns. She's right. I do have a family to think about now. I don't want my kids having to fly back in forth just to see both Luca and me because I want to go to college a million miles away.

I continue talking to Natalie until we both get tired. I bite my lip once she leaves and calls Luca. It rings for a long time. Just as I'm about to press the end he answers. "Hey baby." he sounds exhausted and I'm hit with guilt. He works so hard for us. I wish he was here.

"I have my vibrator." I purr. Not really. I didn't expect him to answer. I've been trying to have phone sex with him for 5 months now. There's a long pause on the other side of the phone and I think he's fallen asleep. Then he facetime me. Shit.

I shuffle to wipe the dry tears and fix my hair. Then I grab my vibrator and answer the phone. I bite my lip as I admire his naked body and hard cock that's on display. "Mm." I lick my lips. "I wish I could taste you right now." he has dark circles under his eyes and I wish I could kiss them away.

I angle the phone between my legs. I see Lucas twice a month because of our busy schedules so my bump isn't a surprise to him.

"I wish I could fuck you. Lord only knows how much I miss you." he groans. I stick my vibrator inside and throw my head back. He grunts loud and hard while he strokes himself. I love the sound of him pleasuring himself to me. "I miss you too." I moan.

I move my vibrator in and out faster picturing Luca on top of me. Kissing me, touching me, biting my nipples, rubbing me. I pinch my nipples trying to keep my phone up.

"I'm coming Luca," I whisper. "Me too." he groans loud again. What I would kill to be loud. My roommate is right next door and I can't be too loud or she will bust in here and ruin the moment.

"Fuck." he yells once he comes. Fuck indeed I moan as I vibrate myself over the edge. We both take a minute to catch our breaths. Then I roll over and lay the phone on the side of me. "How's work?" I ask.

"Exhausting as always. They work me but it's worth it being able to save so many lives." He smiles adjusting his phone. "I'm glad you enjoy it, baby." I giggle. "How is it over there?" he asks.

"It's been great since we last talked. Natalie has been keeping me going." I smile.

"Good you have someone keeping you motivated while I'm here, but I'm sure I can keep you very motivated if I was there." he licks his lips and I laugh. "I have no doubts about that." I shift again. "Listen Luca. I know you work a lot." he nods his head.

"It's just. Sometimes I worry you might be seeing someone else. You barely call me baby." I say the tears forming in my eyes again. I see him sit up angrily with his eyebrows creased. "So what you're saying is you don't trust me." he sighs pitching the bridge of his nose. "N-no I'm not saying that." he looks into the camera looking sleepy and sad.

I bite my lip "I'm just worried. You don't have the best past." I say nervously. Why am I letting my insecurities get in between us? "I promise you that I'm not fucking cheating nor will I ever. Del, I love you, why would I ruin something good." he sighs "Is that what you think of me." he runs his hands through his hair.

"No, of course not." I say quickly "Then what Del?" he growls "Luca I-" I start "No...just stop Del. I have to go." He hangs up on me. I would have cried but he sent me a message.

Luca: I'm angry right now. I just need some time to cool off. I'm still head over heels in love with you so don't cry. I'll start calling you more I promise.

Me: I love you too Luca. I'm thinking about finishing the year here and going back. I'm just homesick for you.

Luca: We will talk tomorrow.

I sigh and wrap myself around in my blankets. Luca looked so sad when I accused him of seeing someone else. It's just that I've never been in a long distant relationship. Let alone being pregnant away from the father. I've had so many thoughts. What if I'm not good enough. What if he moves on to someone who has more experience in life

I turn around and close my eyes. I just need to sleep it off.

The next morning I make a stack of pancakes. These baby cravings are getting the best of me. The doorbell rings and I turn to Natalie. "Are you expecting someone?" I ask her. "Nope but I'm not getting up to answer that door." She says finishing her 3rd toe of nail polish. "Don't want to mess these up." I smile and put my spatula down.

I walk through the living room of our dorm and open it. My eyes go wide. "Hey!"

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