Chapter 23

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Luca put Caiden to bed and told me to wait for him in the kitchen so that's what I did. It took him 5 minutes before coming back with a smirk on his face.

"Now for the best part of the night," he says grabbing my hand. He leads me to a door that I hadn't realized was there. "When did this get here?" I ask as he opens the door.

It was a nicely lit balcony. It had decorated lights on the rails and hanging from the sealing. There was a table full of fruits and deserts and a walkway made of pink roses and sparkles. "Oh my gosh." I squeal.

"Fruit and cake." I say smiling at him. "Well it's our last night here. I had to make it special." he chuckles.

I bite my lip as I pick up a piece of watermelon off the table. "Open your mouth!"

"Ahh." He opens his mouth and I stick the watermelon inside.

"Mph tanccs buth I rapher half you in my mouth." he says before pulling me into a kiss.

I smile into the kiss before breaking away putting a grape into my mouth. "Id rather have food in my mouth." I tease.

We both sit down and start digging into the delicious cake. He got chocolate and my two favorite flavors Vanilla and strawberry. "These are delicious," I say happily "Of course they are, I picked them out."

"Shouldn't we be sharing these sweets with Caiden," I say playing with his fingers. "No. He doesn't like cake." he puts some frosting on my nose. "What kid doesn't like frosting?" I giggle as his licks it off. "My kid" he smiles. "So you love having a kid," I ask

"Yeah. He makes me happier and the world brighter. When he's around I can just smile for no reason." he says

"He's a handful but I wouldn't change having him for the world." he smiles.

"Oh gosh, Luca! You sound like my mother." I tease and he blushes before rolling his eyes at me. "Don't compare me to a 50-year-old woman." he says "Shes not 50 yet." I giggle standing up and making my way over to him. I sit on his lap and cup his face in my hands. "I find it sexy that you love your child so much." I say "Oh you do. Then do you find it sexy that I want a lot more." He says sucking on my neck. "You're a little old for that" I moan "I have 30 more years before I'm old, plus you don't seem to mind kitten."

"I mean I can't complain when you're a beast in bed." I whisper "A beast huh." he says lifting me up bridal style. "How about sex God?" he asks walking through the sliding doors. "That's another word for you." I giggle.

He opens his room door and walks in. He lays me down on the bed and then makes his way back to the door and closes it. "Sleep time." he winks as he climbs into the bed. I pull the blanket back and get under it. He does the same and we both get comfortable in each others arms. "Night." I whisper before dozing off.


We are both on the plane right now. After we dropped Caiden back off at his moms house we headed straight for the airport. We were a little early for our flight so we decided to stop at a donut shop to get some donuts. Now that we are on the plane I am resting my head on Lucas shoulder trying to fall asleep. Sadly I got a lot of sleep last night. Maybe I should have let Luca wear me out.

Luca was playing with my fingers most of the time before he fell asleep right next to me. I'm starting to love when he sleeps next to me. He makes me feel warm and wanted. I wonder what it's going to be like in the future. I imagine myself being 28 years old and married. The man I want to marry's face is blurry but if it's Luca it might be interesting.

The way he is in bed I might get pregnant 8 times. That thought quickly leaves my mind. I'm not going to have kids with him what the hell am I thinking. We are only having casual sex. Amazing casual sex.


I walked straight into the door greeted by my mother who engulfed me into a hug. I couldn't breath until she let me go. Then she smiled at Luca as she let both of us into the house. "Oh I've missed you sweetie." She says excitedly "I missed you too mom." I say as Luca walks past me to his room. Oh I want to go up there so bad and let him fuck me. In the car ride home he wouldn't stop teasing me. He swirled his thumbs around my upper thigh and rub my clit through my soaking wet panties.

He also wouldn't stop kissing my neck in the process. I thought I was going to have an orgasm but he stopped. I hate how he always stops. "How was the trip?" My mother asks "It was fun. Luca took me to see a lot of places and the city was lovely." I say

"Hopefully he takes you there a lot more." She smiles. "I don't think he would." I say with a weary smile "It was hard for me to convince him the first time." I add

"You never know." She winks. Now I was so confused. It was as if she was implying that I would be spending a lot more time with him. I mean I guess I would but not in a romantic way. "Are you just happy that you can get a break from me." I laugh. "No I just think you're in really good hands," she adds. "Why do you trust him so much, mom?" I ask

"His mother was my best friend until she died." she says sadly. I really want to know more about his mother and why she's somehow connected to my mother. I want to know more about and the best way to do that is to get my mom to open up to me. "Plus you have a glow to you since you met him." she smirks "But sweetie if you're sexually active make sure you use protection," she says with a raised eyebrow.

"Mom! I'm-Im not." I blush unable to finish the sentence. The last thing I want is for my mother to find out Luca and I have been going at it "Oh. Okay well sorry for jumping to conclusions." she says smiling again "Want to go on a run mom?" I ask in an attempt to change the subject. "Yeah and then we can have a movie night," she adds.

"Alright, I'm going to go change," I say rolling my suitcase inside.

"Take your time." she smiles

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