Chapter 41

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I lean on the wall with the rest of the teachers as we watch the students graduate. I keep my eyes on Delaney at all times. In a crowd like this that welcomes everyone, Daniel could easily get in.

He can't try anything with all these eyes here. Plus my guards are on high alert. Delaney smiles and waves at me and I bite my lip at how good she looks in her gown.

I'm angry her parents couldn't be here because of that fucker. They had to miss out on the best moments of her life over a stupid grudge someone can't let go of. I mean his father is literally what 50 or 60.

The students come off the stage and hug all their teachers. I get a lot of awkward hugs from the crushing girls. Once Delaney comes to hug me I make sure it's long. "Your parents are proud." I whisper "Yeah. Thanks." she follows the line.

I can't wait to get her alone and pull that gown off. After I leave this job I'm finding a house closer to Caiden and starting my family with Delaney. It's going to be hard managing to be a doctor on top of having two children and a girlfriend but ill make time for them for sure.

I love Delaney and she's having my child. Even if she wasn't I'm still taking her with me.

I smile when she gives her best friend a hug. She says something to her than puts her hand over her belly. I guess she's spilling the beans. He friend yells really loud. "Why didn't you tell me." then she blushes. They whisper some more, then hug and start to cry.

I can't imagine how life for Delaney is going to change. No parents, moving in with a guy she met 2 months ago, leaving her best friend and her house.

Fuck. I need to make sure she's okay when we get home.

She looks over at me and bites her lip. I take it as a sign she wants a little present. I gesture out the door with my head then walk to the entrance.

We find an empty classroom and I let her walk into it first. I lock the door and close the blinds. I then lift her onto the desk. "Fuck baby do I want to rip this off of you," I growl against her lips.

"Mm you do," she asks breathlessly. I get on my knees and pull her gown with her dress underneath up. "Yea baby. I crave you" I pull her panties aside and stick my tongue into her wet pussy.

She arches her back and bites her lip. I hear her breath breathless. "You drive me wild Luca." she moans. "Don't I know it." I chuckle.

She slides both her hands into my head and tugs at it. She pushes me deeper. "Harder," she whispers. I start to move my mouth and my tongue hard and she arches off the table causing it to move back in forth.

I bring her to her high and she moans aloud. I let her take a moment to look me up and down before getting off the desk. She wraps her arms around my neck.

"Did I tell you how much I love when you make me cum." she smirks playfully. "Have I told you how much I love you?" I ask and she blushes.

I'm going to tell her again at a better time but I just want her to know.

"I love you too." she kisses my lips them leaves the classroom first. I follow but not too close behind.

For half an hour she continues talking to the crowds and me to the teachers. That's when I saw it though. My girl struggling to get free from Daniels's arms as he drags her out of the auditorium. I try to catch up with them immediately.

Damn, where is my security? I call my security as I chase Daniel. I watch him hit Delaney in the head with something and stuff her in the car. Then his driver goes off. Not before I throw a brick at the window though. It cracks but not enough.

I take a picture of the car and demand for my security to get out here now. Fuck I'm firing all of them.


I wake up with a headache. My hands are tied behind my gown and there is blood on my gown. I see that there is blood running from my forehead. Where am I? Where is Luca?

Daniel walks in with a smile on his face. "Well well well. I finally caught you." he does an evil laugh. "His guards were easily tricked thinking my sister in a costume is you being dragged behind the school by one of my guards."

Tears threaten to fall as I think about how I'm in the hands of someone crazy. I can't let him kick my stomach or my baby might die.

Luca, please hurry. "I'm not gonna kill you yet. I'm gonna make you suffer by taking everything from you. Including that boyfriend of yours.

I decide not to make it worse by talking. "You're a quiet one aren't you." he pinches my chin but I move my head away from him. How could I have ever liked someone like him?

He snaps a picture of me. "Proof to your precious boy toy that you are still alive. Don't worry though I'm just getting started."

He calls in a girl who has grills on her wrists. She looks to be about 8 months pregnant. She walks over to me and I feel the most painful blow to the face. My mouth is bleeding and I glare at her. That many is going to have a terrible mother. She continue to him me until I see only blood in my eyes.

The world gets dizzy and the only thought on my mind is protect my unborn child. It may not be anything yet but this is my first child and I plan to take good care of it.

I can't let Daniel take that away from me.

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