Chapter 2

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I head straight for my locker once I get into the school. My best friend Ciara walks towards me with a devilish smirk. Oh no, I know that look. She's in shipping mode. I turn away from her, knowing exactly what she wanted. "So who was the guy?" She asked, poking me in the rib. "He's just a family friend." I sigh, hoping to avoid this conversation. "Family friend, my ass! I saw him pinning you to his car," she says fan girling. I slam my locker and walk away. "Please, he's a jerk! I don't even know his name nor plan too." Ciara is walking next to me as we enter the classroom. "Girl he's eye candy. I would do anything to get into a car with that hunk." She says sitting down.

I roll my eyes and sit next to her. He may be the sexiest being I've ever seen, but he's terrible. I just met him and he already has a problem with me. We know anything about each other and yet he has the audacity to call me a spoiled rich girl. Just thinking about him makes me want to gag.

The teacher walks in looking exhausted. If I was in her position, I'd tired too. I mean, she has to not only wake up early but deal with these children every day.


After all my classes were over I walked the halls with Ciara. While walking I spotted Daniel my crush since the fifth grade. Unlike most of the guys at my school, Daniel was different. He wasn't popular because he acted like everyone else. He was a nerd and a Jock. He loved to read books and he was a straight-A student. He also loved to play sports, which made him popular with the guys and the girls. He didn't care about status. He hung out with people for who they really were.

Daniel has blonde hair and beautiful light blue eyes. He was the definition of handsome. He had a six-pack that you could almost see through his shirt and no tattoos, unlike that guy. His hair is long enough to reach his eyes and it's curly. He was a lot taller than me. We only talk if it's about schoolwork. "I see you eye raping your eight-year crush." she giggles. "Oh shut up," I say walking away from her. I wasn't paying attention and bumped into Daniel.

My books fell onto the floor and he smirked at me. "I-I'm so sorry," I say reaching to pick them up but he had already started grabbing them. "Are you always this clumsy Ms. Powel?" he asks "No, I just didn't see you." I stuttered.

"Well, here are your books." he chuckles lightly "Do you have a ride home?" he asks. I open my mouth to answer before Ciara does for me. "No, she doesn't," she says winking at me. I roll my eyes at her. I would say no, but I guess her saying it was better. "Good, do you think I can take you home?" he asks biting his lip. "Sure," I say avoiding eye contact. He told me he had a car out front so I said goodbye to Ciara. I followed him out of the school happily. I was so happy he asked to give me a ride. I never thought luck would be on my side.

I looked up out of my thoughts to see my so-called bodyguard. He rolled his eyes as we made eye contact. He walks over to Daniel and I. "Are you ready?" he asks me. "It's fine Daniel is taking me home," I say walking away, but he grabs my hand. "Don't make me have to repeat the events from earlier." He says angrily. I hate this guy! Why can't he just leave me alone?

"I'm sorry Daniel can I take a rain check?" I asked nervously. "Yeah, I could always take you home another day." He whispers in my ear before walking away. I'm always so nervous when he comes around me. I snapped out of my embarrassment when I saw the guy staring at me. I roll my eyes and get into the car.

He gets into the driver's side and then drives off. I'm glad he didn't pull out a cigarette this time. My parents probably caught him smoking and put some sense into his head."So can I ask you a few questions?" I asked. He looks at me through the mirror for a second before answering. "Oh great, the brat has questions," he says.

"I'm not a brat."

"Yeah, that's why you throw tantrums every second," he says sarcastically.

"Can you just answer my questions?" I asked

"Shoot," he says

"How Old Are You?"

"I'm 24"

I knew he was older than me, but not that much older than me. He looks so young it would make sense that I thought he was only 20. I bite my lip, thinking of what to ask next.

"What's your name?"

"Luca," he announced

Perfect body and cute name. Could this guy get any better? I want to know more, but I'm so scared to ask. What if I get answers I'm not satisfied with? I asked just one more question for now. "So why did you agree to be my bodyguard?" He sighs, examining me for a second before turning back to the road. "My father owed your family a favor," he says

"So you're my family's favor." I laughed.

"What's so funny?" he raised his brow as he asked.

"I mean you're just a regular person, What can you do that any other guy can't?" I asked, soon regretting it.

He smirks before pulling the car over to the side of the road. His windows are tinted so people didn't bother to look inside. He unbuckles his seatbelt with a cold stare. Oh shit, is he about to kidnap me? He slowly scans my body from top to bottom. They stop on my neck, making me bite my bottom lip. Luca takes hold of my wrists. His strong yet soft-grip sending jolts through my entire body.

He swiftly unbuckles my seatbelt then pulls me on top of him. My heart beats faster and I feel my face flush. It scared me, he could feel it If I got any closer. I can smell the faint scent of his dark, musky cologne. I bite my lip again and it didn't go unnoticed. He licked his bottom lip slowly, admiring my body on top of his. "W-what are you doing?" I asked.

"Showing you something other guys can't," he says staring at my neck again. He moves his lips close to my neck and I was nervous. Not only was I having an intimate moment with a guy older than me, but it's in a car where everyone can see. He makes little bite marks down my neck, making me jolt up from the pleasure. Shivers ran through my body as his hands slid up my shirt. He rubbed up along my upper thigh, positioning me above the swollen bulge in his pants. "Luca, what if someone?" I moan.

"It's fine little Amor." He growled against my neck. Luca leans over and brings his lips against my ear to whisper, "Tell me has any other guy made you feel like this?" he asks. I didn't want to tell him I've been with one other guy before, so I just left that part out. "No." I moaned against his chest. It wasn't a complete lie. The guy I was with wasn't able to satisfy me just from being this close.

I feel his Bulge in between my legs and am careful how I move. Suddenly someone knocks on the window. "Hey, you're blocking our way!" They screamed. He stops and bites his lip. "This should teach you not to underestimate me," he smirks, putting me back into my seat.

I take deep breaths as I put my seatbelt back on. How did that just happen? I mean we just met and I'm already moaning his name. He pulls off and I stay silent, scared to say another word. Why did he have that effect on me? I didn't even tell him to stop. I wanted him to keep going.

I look out the window silently for the rest of the car ride.

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