Chapter 12

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Delaney walked up the stairs just as Luca came out of the bathroom. He was fully dressed thank god but his hair is wet indicating he just got out of the shower. She was nervous for some reason. She was tired of feeling these kinds of feelings for a guy she just met several weeks ago. He had such a powerful effect over her and she hated it.

He looked at her with a look she couldn't quite explain. She felt uncomfortable under his gaze and he started to walk towards her. "I see you're finally back." He said to her. "Yeah," she said in a low voice.

He gets so close to her that she backed up onto the wall. Catching her off guard he grabs her by the shoulders shoving her against his body. All she can hear is her rapid breathing making her yearn for him. His hands run up her back and she blushes a scarlet red.

Holy shit was all she could think of right now. He tipped her chin back then put his mouth on hers, tasting and coursing heat throughout her body. She let out a sexy sound that made Luca's cock twitch in his pants. He plants a wet kiss on her neck, his eyes glowing with lust making her insides liquefy. "I can't hold back anymore," he whispers and she gasps at his words.

She was thrilled that Luca wanted her but she was also nervous that this would complicate things. He had already lifted her up though heading into the room. "Luca my parents," she says knowing that they are only a couple of doors away from Luca.

"Don't worry." was all he said as he closed the door behind them. He sets her down in the bathroom with a large mirror that he must have put here. "Turn the shower on I'll be right back." He says walking out of the bathroom. She did just as he said and turned on the shower. Delaney was so excited to see what he was going to do to her.

Maybe this one-time sex thing will get him off her mind. Delaney can't wait to feel him inside her. She was getting wet just thinking about it.

"Okay I'm back," he says pulling his shirt off from over his head. Delaney stares at his nice six-packed chest. Oh She can't wait to run her hands over it. "Take off your clothes," he commands, and she looks at him speechless. She wanted him to pull them off her. She wanted to feel his fingertips as he stripped her naked.

Delaney unbuttons her button-up shirt slowly and he watches her with a smirk. Once she gets her shirt unbuttoned she teased him a bit. She bites her lip and runs her fingers down her own chest. He wasn't looking at her chest though. He was staring at her lips. Gosh she loved the effect biting her lip had on him. Fuck! When did she start caring about how he feels about things like this.

Luca was hard and getting impatient waiting for her to take off her pants. He planned on bending his little kitten over and pounding into her pussy. He knows he shouldn't but he wanted to. Nothing was about to stop him from taking her.

He moves towards her and pulls her pants down himself. She looks satisfied. I guess she wanted him to take them off himself. He quickly pulls off his pants as she stands there biting her lip. Every time she bit her lip he thought about thrusting inside her mouth. God that would feel so good he thought. One thing is for certain that's the first thing he's going to do one they get in there.

I cup her breasts through her bra and she gasps in surprise. "I hope your ready Del," he says before turning her around and ripping off her bra. He kisses her back and she lets out a very faint moan.

He throws off his underwear before slowly pulling of Delaney's. "Get in the shower," he commanded and she listened. She slowly stepped into the shower with Luca following after her. They stare at each other in the eye for a second before Luca says something. "Get down on your knees and take me inside that naughty mouth of yours," he says.

"C-can you show me how to do it?" Delaney asked flushed. "Yeah," he growled. She got on her knees and Luca showed her just want to do. She took him in her mouth. "Mmm." he groaned gripping a fistful of her hair and pushing her deep into him. He could feel her tongue swirling around slowly. "Fuck little kitten, I can't wait until I can put my Dick in all your other holes." Luca groans.

He stops her before he accidentally comes into her mouth. "Come back up." Luca breathed. Once she was back up he crashed his lips into hers. She feels a delicious tingling shoot through her. Once he pulls away from her she whimpers as his mouth leaves hers. His lips twitch in response to her desperation.

He can do whatever he wants to her at this moment and he knows it. He traces his wet finger down her arm his eyes never leaving her lips. "Luca please put it in." She begged with lustful eyes. She wanted him, even if they weren't supposed to be doing this she still wanted him. "Please. I'm going to lose my mind if you don't put it in." She pleaded.

He loved how she was begging for him. He wanted it to go on a lot longer but she has school tomorrow and he can't keep her up late. He had so many things he wanted to do but with so little time.

"Turn around and bend over." He said with a devilish look. She obeyed and bent over for him. "Keep your voice down little kitten," he says as he eases into her. "MMH" She moans quietly. "I'm going to be rough so prepare," he says as he moves slowly so she can get used to him. He presses his lips along the line of her spine as he starts to pick up the paste.

Delaney's whole body is moving with each thrust and stroke. He's going so fast and hard she can barely keep up. She covers her mouth to hide her moans but it doesn't work. She's still very much loud. There bodies both sweaty as his body makes clapping noises against her.

"Yes Oh Yes! ah!" Delaney moaned. Luca slaps her ass and she gasps with surprise. Oh god! He didn't stop there. He kept spanking her so hard. "I might have to punish you every time you go out with that guy," he says thrusting harder. She felt herself clench around him as she felt close. He bites her and she shivered under his touch. "Yess!" she moaned as he thrust one last time before she felt his hot cum inside of her.

Delaney POV

It was then that I realized how loud I was because my parents were calling my phone. I decided to ignore it since its late at night. Luca hadn't taken his Dick out of me yet so I stayed there. I liked this dominant side of Luca. He finally took himself out and stepped out of the shower wrapping himself around in a towel. I did the same and left out of the hot bathroom.

"Do you want me to leave?" I ask

He grabs me and throws me onto the bed. "Who said I was done with you?" He asks standing over the bed with a smirk. Oh god!

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